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News: ***Minnie Mobber App***

***Minnie Mobber App Down-load it today you can play M2 or go on your facebook anywhere on this adjustable floating screen while your surfing the web check it out and download today By All about The Mobbing xXXEXXx ***click here**

How To: install a favicon on wordpress This video will show you how to install a favicon on wordpress using the easy method of uploading a plugin. Dont worry if your not use to finding and using wordpress plugins as ive included every step you need to achieve setting up your favicon from start to finish.

News: The N7 Rifle from Mass Effect 3 Replicated in Extreme Detail

There's still about eight months before the final chapter in the Mass Effect series comes out, but some trigger happy fans are already building replica costumes and prop weapons to celebrate the upcoming release. BioWare themselves recently commissioned some of these projects, which were shown at their booth at Comic-Con 2011 a couple weeks ago in San Diego. One of these projects was the armor that turian Garrus Vakarian sports in Mass Effect 3, by Kommissar Props. But even more impressive wa...

News: Should You Change Your Password? Find Out If You've Been Hacked or Not

Six months ago, 1.3 million registered users of Gawker Media had their passwords compromised when the site was hacked by Gnosis. The passwords were encrypted, but 188,279 of them were decoded and made publicly available for all to see. Just three weeks ago, Sony Pictures was hacked by LulzSec, with 1 million passwords taken and 40,000 made publicly available. Comparing the two data sets, Troy Hunt found 88 accounts on both sites that used the same email address, and of those accounts, 67% use...

News: Revolutionary "Light Field Camera" Lets You Focus After the Picture Is Taken

Focusing has always been a problem with photographers, and even with today's digital cameras it's not easy. The most obvious problem is trying to accurately focus on the subject before exposure. Next, you have to choose the correct aperture size in relation to the depth of field, and make sure you're using the correct exposure. Then there's lens aberrations, where a certain ray of light does not converge to a single focal point in the desired image, resulting in some light leaking away from t...

News: Q & A DAY

Hi everyone im Leon Dodds and im presnting to you a new thing that struck me before and i thought hey why not so it thought i will put together a day called Q & A DAY it will be the day where you ask me any question via facebook, blogger of wonder how to worlds and you can ask me any questions you like just dont be silly becuase i will not anwser them so this will activate on saturdays but anytime so keep checking on saturdays so thats all from me and asually keep creating and happy siming

News: Custom Made MAME Arcade Cabinet

JeremyThroopityThroop posted this awesome hand built MAME arcade cabinet to the WonderHowTo Company Blog. Check out the stats here, and if you're interested in building your own, fellow WonderHowTo user Walter Teruya has also contributed a two-part tutorial, which can be found here and here.