Pearls Care Search Results

News: Keysmash Your Way to Convincing Hacker Code, Just Like in the Movies

Hacking can't be that hard, can it? At least, that's what it seems like thanks to movies like Hackers, The Net and that last Die Hard flick. Even the Jurassic Park girl's got some game. They all look like they're typing 20wpm, yet can generate a screen full of code in the blink of an eye. Amazing. As long as they're some isolated computer nerd who's glued to their PC all day long (which is pretty much all of us these days, thanks Internet), they're a bona fide hacker.

News: Automated Bonuses And Gifts Are Finally Here!

Eureka! I ve seen the future, and it is Friendly Game SimplifierFriendly Gaming Simplifier is an add-on to the Foxfire or Chrome browsers. You can download a version for either one here: You don’t have to play FrontierVille through Firefox or Chrome to use it; it shows up as a tab on your Facebook wall.It will also accept the sort of gifts that usually go straight to your FrontierVille Utilities. You’ll still have to accept Game Requests, but Botoholic’s Gift Bo...

News: Make a Spoon Disappear

If you're willing to shell out for a mind-blowing party trick, here's another great one to add to your repertoire. Unfortunately this isn't a dirt cheap junk drawer DIY—you'll need a $40-$60 gallium kit (which doesn't include the spoon mold). What is gallium, you may ask? An amazing, man-made metal which melts at the low temperature of 86 degrees Fahrenheit. Plunk your trick spoon into a cup of hot water, and amaze. According to the Department of Energy, it's safe to handle as long as you don...

News: Dead Island Game Resurrected in Gruesome New Trailer

For the longest time, Dead Island seemed to be... well, dead. The intriguing zombie game was first revealed back in 2007 by its developer, Techland, with a subpar teaser trailer that compared it to already shelved games in the Resident Evil series and the upcoming Left 4 Dead. But since then, it's been a ghost, thought to be abandoned—until now.

News: Review of Sativa 45's 'Problem?'

This is definitely a song that will grow on you. As I write this review, I'm actually going back and rewriting things I previously thought about this song because it keeps getting better the more I listen to it. So, I suggest going to his SoundCloud and downloading the mp3 to put on repeat. 'Problem?' starts off very heavy on the snare and dub-type stabs, like most dubstep songs.

News: Sign up for a FREE Dragon pet!

Many of you wizards out there still don't know what this Wizard101 is. Technically, I shouldn't call you wizards, but oh well, you will soon become one.So you read the overview of Wizard101 and are very interested in it. You head over to the Wizard101 website and click Play, sign up, and have a new Wizard101 account.But wait!Along that way, you are not reminded of anything about getting a free dragon or free Crowns. But now, there's a way.On the Links box on this page (or any other one), you ...

News: SNOW White Disney Princess Make up

HI everyone, its time for HALLOWEEN COSTUMES! This i my second tutorial and I am so excited about this once because I get to dress up as my FAVORITE Dinsey Princess. EVERYONE MUST LOVE Disney characters, and halloween is a prefect time to dress up as your favorites. I am so excited to see your comments about this video. Snow White is so dear to me, because beyone her pefrect skin and physical beauty she has a stron inner character and a perfect most humble princess ever. She is so feminine, e...

News: Attendance woes make FIFA take notice.

This article aggregates a lot of things that have been said about the World Cup experience this year (South Africa's infrastructure, low scoring games, uninteresting first round match-ups, etc). I've noticed in a few broadcasts that upper seating areas are not filled to capacity and maybe the vuvuzelas make up for this. I think this will change once the Knock-out stages begin, but Nick Webster has a point:

News: 48 HRs to Stop Monsanto! It takes 1 minute. Start Here!

Hi OLers. Take one minute out of your day and tell your congressman to get to work for you and Food Democracy NOW! Your congrassman has until the end of this week (48 hours) to sign the letter to ask Secretary Tom Vilsack to MAINTAIN the ban on Monsanto's genetically-modified (GMO) Roundup Ready™ alfalfa. You have the power to make the change, make your voice and theirs heard now. Send them this letter today asking them to do what they can to protect organics, farmers and the environment from...

How To: The Hidden Gesture for Switching Between Apps on Home Button iPhones

I love my iPhone 8 Plus, but the allure of modern iPhone gestures is sometimes more tempting than I care to admit. I imagine many of you with a home button iPhone feel the same. What if I told you, however, that your iPhone is capable of iPhone X-like gestures? In fact, you can use a gesture to switch between apps. Welcome to the future.

How To: Trick Your Twitter Followers into Thinking You're Somewhere Besides Where You Really Are

There are plenty of reasons not to use location information when you tweet, whether you're trying to stay safe or just don't want your crazy ex showing up while you're in line at the grocery store. But a new website called 'Please Don't Stalk Me' could actually make broadcasting your location work to your advantage—it lets you tag your tweets with any location you choose, anywhere in the world. Playing hooky? Send a tweet from 'home' to take care of any suspicion from your boss and coworkers....

News: Obsessively Crafted Sculptures Made of Salt

Japanese artist Motoi Yamamoto's medium of choice is none other than your simple household table salt, fragile and completely ephemeral. Yamamoto creates beautiful installations with the medium, salt being a strong symbol in Japanese death culture (as well as several other cultures around the world:  Hinduism, Catholicism, Egyptian and Aztec mythology).

How To: Find Cheap Airfare

How to Find Cheap Airfare In a world with a troubled economy and where travel costs climb daily, getting the cheapest ticket for your flight home can be a scary task. Before you buy, check out this guide to help you find the best deal.

How To: Restore and Sharpen Rusted Scissors

Leaving scissors wet or forgetting them outside can cause them to rust. Rusty scissors, if you can even open them, will leave brown marks on everything you attempt to cut through. Attempt is the truth—rust dulls the blades of the scissors making it virtually impossible to cut through any type of material, ranging from paper to fabric. But don't toss the scissors in the trash just yet. You can restore rusted scissors to a usable condition provided they are not completely covered and have rust ...

How To: Remove A Very Tight Lid

How to... Remove A Very Tight Lid? Use Items You Have Around The House! Step 1Want to remove a very tight lid? Do you have a weak grip or arthritic pain in your hands? Have you already tried tapping the lid with a spoon? Thumping the bottom of the jar with the palm of your hand, and it still won‘t come off? An easy, quick way to remove a very tight lid is to put on rubber gloves! Yes. Ordinary household rubber gloves. Hold the jar in one hand, then use the other hand to twist the lid off. Thi...

How To: Troubleshoot common dishwasher problems

Watch this video tutorial for troubleshooting dishwasher problems. Check the following: are you over loading on detergent causing soapy residues? Have you stacked your dishes badly? Is the seal around the door old and worn? Do you have a dodgy pipe connection? Worst case scenerio is not good though, old machines corrode at the bottom and if this is your case then I guess it's time for a new one.

How To: Suprême a citrus

When you suprême a citrus fruit, you cut away all the skin, pith, and membranes, leaving the sections of the fruit intact. It's not suprêmely difficult, but it takes some care. Suprême a citrus.

News: Book Review - Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs

Have you ever found a photograph - a photograph of complete strangers? Maybe in a used book or at a flea market? Not a photograph of anyone you know or anybody famous or of a place you’ve ever heard of. Just somebody else's ordinary, precious personal photo. Working at a used bookstore I found a number of photos tucked into books over the years. There's one on my fridge. There used to be one tucked into the edge of my mirror. There’s one that I brought home and put in a frame.

News: Need Of Detoxification

Taking good care of our colon should be one of our capital concerns. Do you know that like the air we breathe, the colon additionally becomes polluted with toxins? Toxin accretion will appear for as continued as you continuously eat. These toxins become the account of a abatement in activity and added problems like constipation, gas, bloating, etc. So now, imagine how acceptable activity could be after these toxins!

News: A Last Resort Method to Fix the Xbox 360 E74 Error (The Red Ring of Death)

I've come across a few very stubborn Xbox consoles in my day. A previous Null Byte demonstrated how to fix the Xbox with just eight pennies and some electrical tape. But if you've got one of those hell-born boxes that just refuses to be fixed in any way, shape, or form, there is always one last ditch approach. I'm talking about the infamous "towel trick". It works over 90% of the time, from my personal experience. Though, please note: This is only a temporary fix.