Rasas Book Lecture Extract 7 of 22 : By fasting from anger for some time, we learn to control anger in our lives. It teaches us to better manage our expectations, because anger comes when our expectations are not fulfilled. Part of a Yoga class on Rasa Sadhana, the Tantric practice of emotional fasting. See also www.rasas.info.
To work with out emotions in Rasa Sadhana, we must be aware of the relationship between our emotions and the food we eat. There is the direct effect of the taste, the second effect during digestion and the third after digestion. Taste addiction and food addiction can be solved through Rasa Sadhana, the Tantric practice of emotional fasting.
To learn how stop worrying involves regular fasting from fear, learning to plan without worrying and to accept the future as it comes. Part of a Yoga class on Rasa Sadhana, the Tantric practice of emotional fasting.
In Yoga Psychology, consciousness consists of body, mind, ego, intellect and self (the koshas). Rasas (emotional essences) are primarily a game of mind, but only become strong if the Ego identifies with them. Part of a Yoga class on Rasa Sadhana, the Tantric practice of emotional fasting.