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News: News Update 2/27/2012

Here's today's morning news: Rising Gas prices: The United States has seen a big inflation in gas prices throughout the nation. Many stations in New York have hit $4 per gallon, while Hawaii sells at $4.247. Experts predict another increase before memorial day. When will you reach your gas limit? Seen any outrageous gas prices?

News: Obama supports drone attacks

In a recent address, Obama supports drone attacks against people 'on the list'. He talks about the people on the list being known of 'going to attack Americans', and who have a 'track record of terrorism'. Let me tell you, targeted strikes will, 90% of the time, have civilian casualties. There is no such thing as a clean strike. But I'll let you decide.

News: Stop Internet Censorship

If the SOPA bill passes, people won't even be able to do things like cover a song on YouTube. Don't let this bill pass. If your ISP is blocking the petition (most are) then, please, tunnel your traffic through another country and continue to sign up. This affects all users of the internet in a negative way. This bill will pass unless it is stopped by the people.

How To: Make a Human Blockade Lockbox

I'll admit it, yes, I support protesting. It doesn't matter what my opinions are about any individual protest—overall, it is a human right and the only way to avoid tyranny. We can't deify Ghandi and demonize American protesters. That shows a silly shortsightedness that we can't afford to dabble in.


WOO! These people take beautiful design to ridiculous extremes, taking PVC pipe, sheet and cloth to previously unexplored heights. This is a must-see for people who are in the PVC and design worlds.

News: Google+ Pro Tips Weekly Round Up: Refining Sharing

One of the primary goals of a social network is for you to share what you find interesting with your followers and friends, but on Google+, sharing has so many layers that it can be confusing for most people to really take advantage of it properly. Some of the tools in place that enable you do deal with spam and manage your privacy aren't very clear, so this week's round up is all about how you can share what you want with who you want on Google+.

How To: Manage Your Google+ Circles Without Going Crazy

Circles. They are both the best thing and worst thing about Google+. They're great because they allow you to fine-tune who you're following and who you want to keep in touch with, making it easy to keep your family and friends separate from each other. On the other hand, they can be a pain to maintain, and you can easily become overwhelmed from the "noise" of popular posts, which make it hard to concentrate on some of the people you want to focus on. But if you invest a little bit of time in ...

News: The Top 32 Authors to Follow on Google+

Google+ isn't filled with just Google workers and tech-obsessed nerds. Many creative people are part of the community, and they're using Google+ to connect with their fans. Authors, especially, love talking to people about their work. We've rounded up the best published authors for you to follow on Google+. We've listed their best known works so that you can get an idea of the topics they write about.

Drawing 101: How to Sketch Your First Caricature (Portrait)

If you've ever been to an amusement park or carnival, or even just been on a stroll down the boardwalk or promenade, then you probably know exactly what a caricature drawing is—those cartoony depictions of people or things with extremely exaggerated or oversimplified features that create a comedic effect. Caricatures aren't just for street artists, though—they also work great for political satire and entertainment purposes.

Neuro-Fashion: Wiggling Cat Ears with Brainwaves

While most people go to great lengths to conceal their emotions, Japanese company Neurowear is offering a product that would reveal states of tension, excitement and relaxation—all by the up-and-down motion of a pair of cartoony cat ears. Necomimi is a "new communication tool that augments human’s body and ability." The device reads your brain waves and communicates your emotions before you even open your mouth:

Old Magic: A Rant

Running this World has prompted me to think about MTG on a deeper level than I ever have before. In attempts to contextualize it, explain it, research it, and understand the parts of it that I don't yet understand, I have come to an unexpected conclusion: I'm old.

News: Screw Car

alright this might be dangerous but fun. it would involve going some place where people get really offended. everyone has a car and some else gets to paint it how every they want. the goal is to get people from the street to attack the car. it would be like going to the south and writing NASCAR is for F**S on the other guys car. but in order to win this game who every can pull over and get the most amount of people to give you directions wins.

News: Crazy Old Poo Men

Basically what you do is go around the street as old people (again) and throw poo at people. but make it look like you just shat yourself and pull it out your pants and just lob it. totally awesome! the stunt involves all the jackass crew and i doesn't have to be real shit but you can if you want. hope to see you guys in hollywood.

How To: Prepare For And Travel Safely

Traveling. It can be anything from going to the Grocery store, to driving down the street, or flying to different places. Traveling is done by everyone, everyday. But there are some dangers to it as many people know by now. But here are some tips to help you stay on track.

How To: Write a Treatment

The following is a how to piece about writing a treatment and the skills involved. As a noobie writer, I find these things very helpful, but at the same time I am careful not to take everything said as cut and dry. That is a tactic used by modern day intellectuals (not a god thing to be in most people's eyes). Read some of this and decide for yourself if it is or is not useful to you.

Cyrus: The Puffy Chair meets Money and Famous People

Cyrus comes out tomorrow, having wowed people at Sundance and at SXSW where the directors, the Duplass brothers, had earlier success with their mumblecore feature The Puffy Chair. It's very funny, and very well made and it should be of particular interest to lo/no-budg filmmaking dudes and dudettes because it is literally the model of what can be done with talent and hard work.

News: The Fingers Intro Part 2

Hello again ! This is the second part to Fingers from a Hand Analysis perspective.Where as the first Video just covers basic introductions to the Fingers, this part two Video takes things a little bit further and examines ......Finger Shape ;- Length suggesting mental speed, Methodical or Speedy thinker ?Finger Width ;- Suggesting which level a persons interests may lay, Mental or Practical realms ?Finger Prints ;- Amazingly interesting area to explore , Fingerprints do not change.. They star...

News: Diseased Pariah News

Diseased Pariah News is a zine for and about people with HIV. It is "a patently offensive publication of, by, and for people with HIV disease (and their friends and loved ones). We are a forum for infected people to share their thoughts, feelings, art, writing and brownie recipes in an atmosphere free of teddy bears, magic rocks, and seronegative guilt." Started in the 1990s, it's up to 11 issues, 8 of which are viewable and downloadable online. It's marked by its trademark dark humor and hon...

How To: How would you design a school garden?

GOOD, a Los Angeles-based magazine focused on doing good in the world, along with LAUSD, The USDA People’s Garden Initiative, The Environmental Media Association, The National Gardening Association, The Urban & Environmental Policy Institute, The California School Garden Network, and Mia Lehrer & Associates, is sponsoring a contest for people to help design a garden for a LAUSD school. GOOD will help build the winning garden design, and they'd like your participation, too. 

News: The Buddha With 1,000 Hands

Incredible dance production, Thousand-Hand Guan Yin, performed by China's Disabled People's Performance Art Troupe. All of the performers are deaf, which makes the choreography quite an amazing accomplishment. 

How To: Treat dandruff

Dandruff is a common problem for many people and people can be embarrassed by their itchy, flaky scalp. This video has put together this guide to treat and prevent dandruff. Treat dandruff.

News: My Life in China

I have lived in china for 9 years now. I have lived in Shanghai and Hongkong. To me, I think Shanghai and Hong Kong are both very diverse places. Shanghai and Hong Kong have definitely modernized over the years and they are filled with people. Shanghai has been rapidly modernizing as a while back when I came to Shanghai, it wasn't as modern and there weren't as many people. When I came back, it was packed with people. Many young people here go to the clubs and shop along the road sides. The s...