People Daydream Search Results

How To: Start Developing Websites

How To Start To start developing website is a hard way to tell people depending on what they are best at. I'd like to describe a few of 'em. I will call them a few names depending on what effect comes out of 'em. And I will describe what developing languages there are out there and are most widely used. Let's start with that for now.

News: mannequin dool & Shot contest

1.dress like mannequin in stor in a loaded street and when people will stare sudenly washed by water hose that will operate by someone from behind!! it will bbbee soo two poles with elastic ropes, on lake or sea shore and compete by throwing people.

News: ideas for prank

1.dress like mannequin in stor in a loaded street and when people will stare we suddenly be washed right into the window by water hose that will operated by saomone behind!!it will be soooo fffuuunnnyy2place two poles with elastic ropes, on lake or sea shore and compete by throw people. pleeeaaasss you have to choose me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

News: The Chase!!!

What we do is get a bunch of extras who can run fairly well. What happens is we have them all standing casually in a public place (park/mall) and have the victim walking around. As he gets to a certain point one of the extras starts to follow him. Slowly at first but then gets faster until the vicitm is running. The other extras join in as the victim passes them, creating a huge stampede of people. In other words a fun way to freak the shit out of somebody.

News: Frisky Father

Throw Knoxville in a makeup chair and age him to make him look older, put him in a Catholic priest outfit and send him out on the streets. Have hidden cameras follow him as he goes into porn shops, porn theaters, strip clubs, buys tickets to kids movies, goes to gay bars, reads a Playgirl in public places (bus stops, parks, book stores, coffee shops, etc.) walks around mens rooms and locker rooms, goes to playgrounds, takes pictures and video tapes men at Muscle Beach, etc, etc.


Get lots of fake blood, put it in little packets that can be broken easily. Strap someone up with rollerblades and knee pads helmet etc. Put the fake blood pouches on your body, tape them ore something, then go to a area where there's stairs and lots of people and attempt to jump them or roll down them. You fall on purpose and make sure you pop all the fake blood packs (have some in your mouth and helmet). act like your in serious pain and get up all dazed and confused. Quickly stumble or bla...

News: The Poisionous Snake

this idea you would be pranking someone on the crew, we can set up another stunt that has to do with a snake that is non poisionous so whoever is getting pranked will be biten by it and they can think that hey might die.....manny the expert can be there telling everyone that it is actually poisionous and they need to be rushed to the hospital as fast as possible....then to spice up the prank you can just get sic and twisted with it and pretend the car breaks down and they have to start runnin...

News: The Exploding House

Buid a facke house on some property (make it look real nice from the outside)Have fake pictures of the inside and make it a real cheap price so some guy buys it, When he' at the houe tell him an inspection is happening on the house so he can't go in at the moment (have some people look like there working on the house from a distance) at a certain point have someone radio in that there's a problem and everyone needs to get out and away from the house, when everyone is past the safe point blow ...

News: Motel Room Renovation

first you have two people rent out two rooms right on top of each other using fake names. then you wait until like 1 o clock in the morning and cut a hole in the floor of the room.once that is complete you go to the front desk and tell the manager that you cant sleep because of the noise and that there is a problem with your room. when the manager comes in to the room and sees what happened wait till he or she threatens to call the police then run away as fast as you can!

News: The Rooftop Coffin Prank

Tell Ehren that he is going to do a prank by coming out of a coffin in pubic. When he is in the coffin take him to the top of a building. Tell him that the people who he was going to prank are going to be there in a few miniutes. Then leave, and about five min later tell him leave the coffin via walky-talky. When he gets out he will be surprised to see that he is on top of a building. Not only that but there will be some random dude up there too, and the dude will act as if nothing weird is g...

News: The Stupid Orchestra

How can an orchestra be stupid, one may ask? Well, when musically measuring a toaster next to a cello, one device certainly comes across as inherently… dumber. Think 200 vintage vacuum cleaners, blenders and washing machines assembled into a whirling, ringing, humming cacophony of daily function. It's not exactly music to the ears, but a kind of robotic harmony is formed.

How To: Get Rid Of Crabs Or Pubic Lice

How to Get Rid of Crabs Knowing how to get rid of crabs is very simple. The crabs talked about here are not the ones you find in the sea, but they are the crabs people get from sex. The technical name for these troublesome creatures is pubic lice. Below, you will see how to get rid of them.

News: the slimy ass shoot out

ok jackasses this is the ultimate prank.. ok what you have to do is when someone is sleeping suprise them with an airhorn, then with a bucket of all sorts of bugs, snakes, shit , and piss. then when they jump up and are like what the hell butter the floor and put marbles everywhere so they slip really bad. and then when there on the ground you put peanut butter all over them and put a but load of rats and mice in the room and shut the door then lock it so they cant get out. After you hear the...

News: Designated Decoy

This will be a prank on cops. You've heard of a designated driver, right? Well this is the designated decoy.Have. a bunch of guys at a bar or club, somewhere that has cops outside looking for drunks. Have a group of people walk out of the bar and have one of the guys look completely drunk, stumbling and slurring. Make sure the cops see him walk up to his car. He'll be trying over and over trying to put his keys in the car to unlock it. He'll drop them, scratch his car and shit. He'll finally ...

News: The Old Pervert

Alright guys, I'm Aaron from Texas. I want to prank my bestfriend James that moved away to California outside of Oakland a few years back. He is now a guitar teacher and I think at work would set him up for the best prank ever. The idea is to set up an appointment with him for guitar lessons as an old man, hence the old person make up you guys have done in the past, which would probably be best done in glasses and one of those "flasher"/pervert coats. I see it probably starting with a name fo...

News: Operation Dumbass.

Here's the wildest prank ever for Jackass! It's Operation Dumbass. Operation Dumbass is consist of a fast motorcycle, 50 ramp, big glass tank, & the several dangerous sharks. Operation Dumbass can be up to one or many people (if anybody has the guts to do it).

News: Shocking End

All the Jackass actors put on a dog collar that shocks. Everyone gets their own collar. Their are remotes that can control the dog collar. By pushing a button on the remote, it will give a shock to a specific collar.

News: Ice Cream Truck Abduction

Child abduction is not funny, but this will be. I've seen some sketchy ice cream truck drivers in the Cincinnati area and have always wondered which are for real and which are secretly out to steal unsuspecting children and their $2 in quarters. Heres what you do: Get a crappy looking ice cream truck. Get one of the creepier looking guys to drive it. Plant a child on a street corner/ busy area (similar to the child in the bad grandpa sketch). Truck pulls up innocently. Kid goes to get ice cre...

News: Blood Drive Donor

In a nutshell...go donate blood at a one of those buses that just drives around and parks at shopping malls etc...act confused about the ENTIRE process. I mean, like you have NO idea whats about to happen. All's you know is that you're gonna get some free cookies at the end....when they hook you up and your blood begins flowing into the bag for a while, pull out a real blood bag and tube, except its full of some type of fake edible blood. Put the tube connected to your fake blood bag in your ...

News: Old couple in dance club

Have an old couple go into a club that has a bunch of young people at it and have them drinkin then getting on the dance floor and have them grinding against eachother and stuff. Have the old lady dress slutty and you can see depends hanging out of her shorts. She can be using her walker to hold her up while she's grinding against the old guy. Maybe then another old guy can walk in and say he's her husband and starts to fight the other old guy.


a crew member will dress as a giant hot dog and drive to random places in a giant weiner car. while holding a hot dog and walking a weiner dog which is also dressed as a hot dog he will ask random people if they love weiners. the redundancy is hiarious!!! also the member dressed as a hot dog will have a hot dog sticking out of the weiner suit. thats a total OF 6 WEINERS

News: Irving goes fishing and drowns to death.

The idea is to find a popular fishing spot like a pier or riverbank or low bridge and have zisman bring his pole. After a minute conversation with a local talkin bout how people don't fish like they used to hell back in my day we caught em with our bare hands you youngters are a bunch a damn pussies and more comical improv leave that part to knox then fake a heart attack and fall in the water floating face up or down which ever way the old coot lands prolly up cuz we don't want the old fucker...

News: Fort Fight

Have the whole jackass gang dress-up like old men or women (their choice). Divide everyone into two teams and set-up two forts across the street from each other. Just have an all out war. Toss food or what ever you got and cuss like no tomorrow. Of course have permits so you don’t get arrested. When people ask what this is about give them different answers, for example say they stole your cane or they took the last cup of prune juice.

News: Snow Car

in a hot area have everyone dressed in snow cloths and pick a random car parked on the street and get a snow blower and start blowing snow all over it and around it and have everyone start playing in the snow in the middle of the streat and dont move for any cars passing on the streat and start building snow men in the street and having snow ball fights and making snow angels in the street and gerneraly just start fu**ing with people. and if and when they get pissed enough to drive through th...

News: "Cock Fight"

You have four guys portraying the typical chicken fight game which is usually played in a swimming pool (example image attached). Only, this fight isn't inside a pool of water, but a pool of sewage or animal waste. Two guys are attached to stilts. Two other guys are placed on top of their shoulders without shirts. They have rooster wings attached to their backs and rooster combs on their heads (for costume purposes of the skit). They rub each other down with baby oil to make themselves very s...

News: (Lost)(The Milkshake)(The Rollerblader)(The Shit)(PissFight)

- (Lost) Get lots of bright snow gear including a survival/ travel backpack with tins and cans and rope etc hanging from the back and have a seperate big bag kinda like a duffle bag attached to a rope attached to your waist and go to a very populated area like downtown L.A. or something and walk really slow on the sidewalk or street liek ur in a blizzard. Helps to have snowshoes, ice pics etc.

News: Tacks in the f'n shoes!

OK fellas; this may seem simple on the surface but it is anything but.....I'm from the school of thought that believes that all pranks should be mildly sadistic!Many years ago while serving in the Navy; I used to put a handfull of tacks in peoples flight-deck boots. Nothing was funnier than watching those jack ass squids ramming their respective feet into those boots in the morning and have them think that they were just bitten by a gaggle of god damned scorpions!!!So there you have it - simp...