People Gratify Search Results

News: Despite Effective Vaccine, Measles Still Threaten Worldwide

Nineteen days ago, several hundred people could have been exposed by a traveler with measles in Nova Scotia, Canada. The next day, someone flying from Minnesota to Nebraska may have spread the measles to other passengers. A couple weeks ago, it's possible that a man and his six-month old child spread the measles in several Seattle-based locations. Authorities are trying to locate persons who may have been in contact with these people. None of the persons with measles were vaccinated. Why?

News: Google's New Group Messaging App Is Like Pinterest & Hangouts in One

Google is launching a new app called Spaces that lets you share things from the web with small groups of people. The aim of Spaces appears to be granting you a forum with like-minded people to help cut down on off-topic comments that can steer a conversation off the rails. Spaces comes with Google Search, Chrome, and YouTube built in, so you won't need to switch apps to go hunting for interesting content to share. You can invite people to your groups—or "spaces" as they're called in the app—b...

How To: See Who Has Viewed Your LinkedIn Profile Without Paying

When LinkedIn first arrived on the scene, I thought it was a great resource for staying connected and getting in touch with those people in your desired career path. Keyword: Thought. Like most businesses, money and shareholders seem to have taken over the driver's seat, pushing the company towards a business-first, users-second approach.

News: Brain Hacking and Thought-Controlled Quadcopters: The Good and Bad Future of Mind-Reading Devices

Until recently, brainwave-reading devices have pretty much only existed in science fiction. Sure, electroencephalography (EEG), the technology that powers these devices, has been used in medicine and psychiatry since the late 1800s, but diagnosing people's brains and reading their minds are two totally different things. The first EEG headsets available to the public were used mostly in gaming and even in fashion, but in the last few years, they've gotten a little more sophisticated.

How To: Cut a cigar the best way

Many people ruin a good cigar by a badly placed cut. YouTube user Cigaraficionadovideo is here to help. First in order to understand the cutting mistakes you must first know how a cigar is put together. A hand made cigar is held together a the tip by, what is called, a cap. When cutting this cap you want to do it above the shoulder. Be carful here because a bad cut a little lower could result in the wrapper falling it apart can lead to a mouth full of tobacco which will pretty much ruin your ...

How To: Invite all your friends to an event on Facebook

Do you have tons of friends on Facebook? Would you like to invite everyone you know to an event you are hosting or to try a product you are marketing? Normally to do this, you would need to select friends one at a time, reach Facebook's max invitee limit and then go in and do it again, and keep doing so until you get through your whole list. But what if you have hundreds of friends? This could take forever! Check out this tutorial and learn how to bypass Facebook's regulations and invite mass...

How To: Extend the life of your carpet

This video shooting taken at Pacific Home Furnishings explains the way to extend the life of your carpet. The lady presenting the video explains us the ways that can help extend your carpet's life. She says that when you go shopping for the carpet, after thinking about your budget, the next important thing to consider is the underlayment. She presents us with some samples of underlayment ranging in quality and pricing. First she about the least expensive one which she calls the after thought ...

How To: Stop procrastinating by altering your daily routine

This video shows us how to stop procrastinating by altering your normal routine. One way – to start with – is to understand why you procrastinate at all. Some people think that what they do is going to be judged on who they are. Some people think that they have to do everything perfectly. One of the most important things that you can do is make a schedule and then stick to it. Also you can practice the ‘good enough’ principle – realizing that you don't have to do it perfectly and that you are...

How To: Deal with a needy neighbor

You're a nice person, and you want to be friendly with your neighbors. But some people will use that niceness to take advantage of you. Find that fine line between being firm and being rude to deal with your neighborly nuisance.

How To: Protect your online reputation

With social networking systems, YouTube comments chains, chat rooms, bulletins boards, Twitter updates... It seems as if almost everyone has at one time publicly stated an opinion on the Internet. Nearly half of all prospective employers research job applicants online. Make sure that what you’re posting today doesn’t cost you a dream job tomorrow!

How To: Create perspective text with a drop shadow in Adobe Photoshop

Even people who are new to using Photoshop will be able to understand this simple tutorial. Take a piece of text (a single word, a heading or even a whole line) and then apply a series of effects to the text to give a perspective look. Then apply the drop shadow effect for a little greater depth. This is a great look for a logo or any piece of text you want to draw attention to!