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News: Twitter (Sorta) Buys a Lock Screen

Earlier this morning, Twitter announced (through a tweet, naturally) that it has acquired Cover, roughly a minute after Cover made the same announcement. Cover Lock Screen, a lockscreen replacement app, has been vastly popular during its first year. The app places relevant shortcuts on your lockscreen that adapt to your habits, so whether you're at home, work, or in the car, you'll find the apps you use the most in these situations readily available for you. For more information on Cover, inc...

How To: The Trick to Hearing Your Friends Better at Loud Clubs & Concerts (And Having Them Hear You)

You may not notice it when you're intoxicated and banging your head to the music, but when you're at a club or concert, your ears are getting seriously damaged. The noise level is usually above most people's pain threshold for sound, which begins around 120 to 140 decibels. At that level, it only takes a few minutes to damage your hearing. For me, there's something even worse than long-term hearing loss in a loud environment—not being able to hear or talk to your friends.

How To: Prevent Cats from Peeing Outside Your House

A lot of people have problems with their cats urinating inside the house, leaving behind the retched odor of cat pee. Others get frustrated when feral or stray cats pee on their porch, patio, or anywhere else outside of their house, as it's not the most welcoming odor when guests arrive.

How To: Track the Super Storm Hurricane Sandy Live

As Hurricane Sandy barrels towards the East Coast, 50 million people are expected to be affected in the nation's most populated corridor. The behemoth super storm is a cause for concern, evident by the massive evacuations. The picture above is an eerie snap of the mostly crowded Times Square subway station in New York. Government officials have warned over half a million people to evacuate their homes and head to higher grounds. To help prepare for this storm, the internet has provided severa...

How To: Stay as Anonymous as Possible Online

There are lots of people who want to stay anonymous online, and lots of reasons they want to do this. Staying anonymous on the internet isn't easy, and it's probably possible to trace almost anyone with enough time and resources. A lot of people think that they're completely secure with just one method of cover. For example, a lot of people thought anyone using the Tor network was nearly untraceable, but then things like this often cast doubt on just how secure these networks are. Unless you ...

How To: Make a beautiful clear crystal resin gem

There are two kinds of people who will find this video tutorial useful: Jewelers/jewelry making aficionados and cosplay fans. That's because this crystal clear, shiny resin gemstone can be used just as equally for a beautiful pendant or a paperweight as it can be for cosplay costume accessories like shoulder pads and helms.

How To: Perform a cool water heat conduction experiment

This is a cool science experiment to show what a great heat conductor water is. You'll need some balloons, a candle and some water. Check it out and be amazed! Common sense tells you that it's impossible to boil water in a paper bag, but this classic parlor trick was a favorite of the Victorian magician. The real difficultly in performing this effect is making it look harder than it is! As you might imagine, the secret lies in yet another amazing property of water - it's ability to conduct he...

How To: Walk on cornstarch with this non-Newtonian fluid trick

Walk on water? Impossible. Walk on cornstarch? You bet! Check out this video to see what happens when you mix up a tub of cornstarch and water. It's goopy cool fun. Mix cornstarch and water in this classic experiment to form a gooey liquid and solid material that behaves like quicksand. Some people refer to this as the Oobleck recipe, others call it a Non-Newtonian fluid. After watching these video segments, you'll call it a great science lesson as your students learn about the amazing proper...

How To: Complete a three minute ab workout for tight, sculpted abs

Many people go about spot fat removal wrong. First of all, there is no such thing as spot fat removal. It's impossible to get rid of fat in just one area, so if you want to make your abs flat and toned but there's too much flab covering it at the moment, you need to do lots of cardio to burn off the fat and strength training so that once your fat slides off your muscles are visible.

How To: Find the family tree achievements in Godfather II

In this video, we learn how to find the family tree achievements in Godfather II. All of these involve you manipulating the family tree. For the right hand man, you have to promote one of your soldiers and give them a different ability. The second in command achievements will be done by promoting one of your capos an under boss. Basically, these achievements will be done by you promoting different people and giving them different types of abilities. Once you do this, you will continue to unlo...

How To: Do Andres Iniesta's signature soccer move La Croqueta

In this video, we learn how to do Andres Iniesta's signature soccer move La Croqueta. First, while you are on the field and have the ball, you need to turn and control it. Pay attention to those around you and move around them. Move the ball from left to right around the people coming towards you. Attack the open space to free yourself up and get away from crowds of the opponents. Once you do this, you will be close to the goal. Finish off the shot by kicking the ball into the goal. From here...

How To: Eat Sushi the Way the Japanese Do

The last time you ate sushi, how exactly did you eat it? Did you hold the piece of sushi between your chopsticks and then dip it in a concoction of soy sauce and wasabi? We know lots of Americanized Japanese restaurants serve their sushi this way these days, but all of this is wrong.

How To: Find the Indiana Jones and Star Wars Easter Eggs in Fallout: New Vegas

Thanks to the fact that Obsidian is filled with a ton of geeks and nerds (the right kind of people mind you!) there's all sorts of movie references scattered about the Mojave Wasteland in Fallout New Vegas just waiting for you to find them! In this video you will get the locations of a couple of obscurer Easter Eggs hidden around the Mojave Wasteland. The first is a Suave Gambler Hat sitting inside a blown apart refrigerator, which is obviously from the Indiana Jones movie that we will not di...

How To: Do yoga arm binds in standing yoga poses

Yoga arm binds are part of what make seasoned yogis look like walking pretzels. Arm binds add difficulty to any yoga pose, testing your flexibility and balance. For this reason, many people find it hard to hold a standing pose with an arm bind, let alone get to an arm bind position.

How To: Complete a short energizing yoga routine with Tara Stiles

People who have never done yoga before often mistakingly think that yoga is simply stretching, and that there's only one kind of yoga. But yoga is so much more than making your body all Gumby-like. There are many different disciplines of yoga, each designed with a different goal in mind (vinyasa, or power yoga, is about working up a sweat through fast yoga flow, while hatha yoga is about meditation).

How To: Pronounce the Japanese "R" sound

In this video we learn how to pronounce the Japanese "R" sound. About 90% of people learning this language have problems saying this. The "R" sound is a combination of different sounds, not just the "R" sound like it is in English. There are five different ways to say the "R" pronunciation. You will combine all of these sounds together in one sound, unlike English. To help say these more correctly, start out by making out normal English words, pushing your tongue against the top of your mouth...

How To: Find the "Reach Racer" hidden easter egg in Halo: Reach on the Xbox 360

Bungie has put all sorts of different Easter Eggs into their final hurrah in the Halo series, Halo: Reach. One cool easter egg on Oni Sword Base is Reach Racer (yes, like Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidge RACER!!! *cue Kaz Hirai and the laughing that ensues*). It will require at least two people to find, although if you get four players it gets more interesting! In this video you will learn how to active the easter egg and get a preview of the racing in the easter egg.