People Remained Search Results

How To: Work out smaller muscle groups

When working out or lifting weights, many people focus on large muscle groups like biceps, legs, shoulders and chest and forget to work out smaller muscle groups like the forearms and abs. Stan McQuay shows you how to do some great exercises for those "forgotten muscles". Work out smaller muscle groups.

News: Bilderberg News

If you haven't heard already (the mainstream media doesn't cover this), the 2012 Bilderberg meeting in the US is under way. What is this meeting? We don't really know. It's when the top politicians and some of the most powerful people in the planet meet in a location and bar all access to it, thereby keeping their motives a secret.

How To: How I Do It

People often ask me how I am able to draw so well. I wish I could say I always used to draw like this, but then I would just be lying. I've always loved to draw, but was never really the best. But that didn't stop me. There's an old saying that 'practice makes perfect'. I'm not saying I'm perfect (because I'm definately not), but practice definately made me the artist I am today. So when people ask me what my secret is, my response is always the same: PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE.

News: Maintenance of car sun-roof

These days the trend of luxury cars is increasing in India. People are more concerned nowadays about the comforts and features in their luxury roadsters. Apart from features like ABS, Cruise Control, Parking Sensors, Climate Control, Height adjustable seats, the feature of sun-roof is the most demanding one these days. People purchase cars with sun-roof but lack of proper maintenance makes the sun-roof ugly or hampers it sliding. Here are some easy steps that you can follow to maintain your c...

News: Kim Dotcom Lashes Out Against “Corrupt” US Government

The US judge handling the Megaupload case noted today that it may never be tried due to a procedural error, a comment that has sparked the anger of Megaupload’s founder. Kim Dotcom is furious with the US Government for destroying his businesses and rendering hundreds of people unemployed. According to Dotcom the case is the result of “corruption on the highest political level, serving the interests of the copyright extremists in Hollywood.”

How To: Read Your Own Palm Lines

Palmistry is the art of characterizing or foretelling the future through the reading of palm lines. Though there are certainly many variations and techniques when it comes to interpreting the meaning of palm lines, you can brush up on Palmistry 101 by getting acquainted with your four major palm lines: the heart line, head line, life line, and fate line.

News: Mind Your Manners!

If you live in an urban environment, chances are that you've seen this: It's a program started by the FBI to prevent terrorism and general thievery in peaceful and innocent communities all around America. I myself have seen a lot of these, and my previous apartment community was part of this 'program'.

How To: Use Content For Promoting Websites

This article is all about creating content. This is a very important concept to grasp because the content that you create for a website is going to be the basis for how you will advertise and promote that website. Content, meaning articles, videos, and even podcasts is now really the new advertising. Instead of traditional types of advertising and instead of the traditional separation between editorial content and advertising, that has gone the way of the dinosaur.

News: Don't Be An Idiot! Five Quick Tips to Avoid Looking Like a Fool.

1.) If you do not know something, keep our mouth shut.* No-one, I repeat no-one, is interested in your uneducated guesses about why something is the way it is, or why someone did something a certain way. At best, you will trick them into temporarily thinking you know what you’re talking about. At worst, you will convince them that you are speaking the truth and they will perpetuate your bullsh*t to others. Do not contribute to making the world a more foolish place just because you had to say ...

The White House: Home of the President

This link will take you to the executive branch or the President. The President is only in term for 4 years, but can be reelected once. The President does not work by himself; he has skilled people who help him make decisions. This website will allow you to learn about the people who help Obama. It also provides information on President Obama’s latest actions as president.

News: Make your own Handmade Parade with giant puppets

My goal here is to eventually show every single thing that people have come up with using PVC pipe so that we can be truly innovative here. What I'm starting to notice is that the cutting edge is in constant motion. We, as human beings, continue to improve on yesterday's ideas. While this page in particular is not extremely remarkable, it continues to show the versatility of this material. Sooner or later though, this coarkboard should have a nice rundown of everything that people are doing. ...

News: Kaplan University's Visionary Voices–A Collection of Ideas on Continuing Educa

Kaplan University presents Visionary Voices, a series of interviews that chronicle our goals in regards to adult education and continuing education throughout your life. Kaplan University offers online degree programs designed to expand the way you think and help you develop both personally and professionally. Students turn to us to develop their critical thinking skills, to challenge and prepare them for successful careers.*

Google+ Pro Tips Round Up: Week 8

It's been an eventful week for Google+. Facebook decided to up its game and start rolling out several major updates intended to address privacy concerns. We got a glimpse into the future of Google+ via an insightful discussion between +Bradley Horowitz and +Tim O'Reilly. And Google decided to integrate the +1 button more fully with Google+ by allowing users to share directly from the +1 button. That's not all, though—scroll down for more news & updates that occurred in the past week.

How To: Subscribe to Google+ Users with Google Reader

If you're like me, you don't do a lot of web browsing anymore. I subscribe to my favorite blogs' feeds and read them via Google Reader. It's one of my favorite Google products, for a lot of reasons. I can keep up with most of my web activities in one tab, and follow along with my favorite blogs, Flickr photos, and Twitter. I can share instantly with people who follow me, and see what other people have shared with me. I hope that Google+ will integrate well with Google Reader, because it alrea...

Google+ Pro Tips Round Up: Week 4

Last week, I demonstrated how to go a little deeper into your Google+ profiles, photos, and introduced cross-posting. This week, I'm highlighting a bunch of different unofficial resources that have sprung up that will help improve your Google+ experience, and give you the latest updates on Google+ Photos.

News: Police Use iPhones to ID Suspects via Face, Iris and Fingerprint Scans

Some cops already have the ability to extract data from your cell phone using handheld forensic devices, but soon police officers will have a new mobile data collection toy to play with—an Apple iPhone. Actually, it's an iPhone-based device that connects directly to the back of an iPhone, which is designed to give law enforcement an accurate and immediate identification of a suspect based on their facial features, fingerprints and even their eyes.

News: Should Google+ Require You to Use Your Real Name?

Google started culling Google+ accounts. There are two main targets: businesses and those who are using pseudonyms. For businesses, Google is promising to provide their own version of Facebook Pages, which will be released later this year. For those who use pseudonyms, they aren't so lucky. According to Google+'s community standards, users must "use the name your friends, family, or co-workers usually call you". The purpose of this rule is ostensibly to discourage spammers and people from set...

News: Is Google+ More of a Threat to Twitter than Facebook?

Much of the press around the launch of Google+ has pitted it squarely against Facebook. This was highlighted painfully for Facebook with their (misguidedly dubbed) "awesome" announcements yesterday. Their launch of a new design, video calling, and group chat might have been exciting, had not Google announced its Hangout feature for Google+ a week earlier (and by the way, introduced their own 1-on-1 video calling inside of Gmail way back in 2008). Hangouts took video calling a step further and...

News: Creating Social Structures in Minecraft

Minecraft is the most basic and barren open sandbox building game. There are a limited number of materials and recipes to craft. But with these few building blocks, people have been able to creatively build some amazing structures and cities. There is a physical limitation, but the beauty of the game is turning that limitation into a strength.

News: Is Open Source Really Insecure?

To go Open Source or go proprietary? There is a common conception that open-source is unsafe and insecure and therefore companies should rather go for proprietary solutions. They think that because software is termed "open-source", that the world can see the vulnerabilities of the software and might exploit it, and less informed people tend to think that open-source software can be modified while it is running.

News: 6 Hours of Sleep Not Enough Say Scientists

Scientists have good and bad news for hard-driving people who boast they need only six hours of sleep a night. The good news is a few may be right: Researchers at the University of California-San Francisco have identified a family with a genetic mutation that causes members to require only six hours sleep a night. The bad news? The gene is vanishingly rare in humans, found in less than 3% of people.

News: Does "Contemporary Art" Mean "Now Art"??

The has been writing articles for a while now on the deceptive practice among the leading auction houses, of staging a "contemporary art" auction. What they do is, put a few Warhols up, then a bunch of unknown artists, since they are all part of the same auction, people think they are buying something valuable.

How To: Have a Successful Garage Sale

Junk, junk, junk or so you might think. Remember the saying, your junk can be someone else's treasure! This article is going to guide you through a successful garage sale. With the economy the way it is, more and more people are going to garage sales. They are fun to have and you can earn some extra money.

News: Travel full-time for less than $14,000 per year

Brilliant article with many useful links. May be out of some peoples comfort zone. Ask anyone what they wish they could do more of, and the answer is literally always the same: “I wish I could travel more.” Yet when you remove all the excuses, few people actually do. I don’t have enough vacation days! It’s too expensive. My friends don’t want to go with me.....

News: Skype Hits 25 Million!

Skype has been used to do many stuff from dual commentary videos to calling and finding out what your friends have been up to, and now skype has hit 25, 000, 000. Which is truly amazing. Who would have thought a man making a free calling and video chatting service would get over 25 million people to sign up.

News: Education

In my Country, education plays a major role in our life, it's the base to have an easier life and also to expand the knowledge further and further, however, the majority of people who are involved in the education system don't understand the real benefits behind real education.