People Remained Search Results

News: Port-O-Dominoes

Here is prank that's fun for the whole family! Each Jackass guy except for Wee Man gets their own Port-O-Potty, completely filled with all kinds of poo and filth. Wee Man gets one of those Human Hamster Balls that you get into, also filled with poo and whatnot. All of the shitters are lined up one after another, like a row of dominoes . . . but they are not on the ground, they are all on platforms that are 6 or 7 feet high (just so when it tips over, it REALLY tips over). Now, back to Wee Man...

News: Electric Suit

get Chris Pontius in a fake interview, but have him (unknowing) wear an electric suit. Every once in a while, press the button to shock the hell out of him. In public it would work best, seeing as how he couldn't escape the suit in front of a crowd of people.

How To: Fast Food? How about Slow Food.

Johnny Knoxville working in fast-food as the elderly man character he does so well. He works slow, he drops food, picks it up, serves it to customer while customer witnesses. He falls asleep while in the middle of cleaning tables. He takes drive-through orders and can’t get it right. He eats the food off of customer orders. Basically, the premise is to anger the customers. And/or Chris Pontius works in a sub-way style restaurant where people move down a line adding items to their order. His c...

News: Public Diaper Use

Do you ever go to a baseball game, football game or even the movies and always get up to take a poo or a piss. Well now you don't. How about Knoxville dressing up in old man and wearing a diaper to a game and letting it all out. Meaning taking a s**t and seeing how long people get grossed out by the smell. BETTER YET go into a movie theater were there is no ventilation and see how bad it gets. Or the same time walk into a room smelling like you are or in line and see the reaction by the peopl...

News: Coke Bombs

built a removable roof either a room or a car preferably in the back of a truck when a bunch of people are sleeping in a room, open the roof very quietly. have atleast 50-100 bottles of coke and mentos ready and throw at those people sleeping.

News: Poo pranks

You get somebody to dress up ( could be a devil ) and go round the city playing pranks on people with poo. For example you could hang outside a public toilet and when somebody comes out follow them with a sign that says something like " Just sh*t). Or you could wait for a car to come out of a car wash and then throw a bucket of a liquidy poo like substance all over the windscreen. Or you could put loads of poo across a sidewalk so people cant past, or get Dave England to poo in different plac...

News: Working Bugatti Veyron Built with 10,000 Empty Cigarette Packs

Cobbled together from thousands of empty cigarette packs, this electric-powered vehicle puts the "car" in carcinogen. Looking suspiciously like something the China National Tobacco Corporation would commission as part of an advertising campaign, the Bugatti Veyron-style auto is actually meant to discourage smoking. The English-language version of the People's Daily offers the following explanation:

News: Microsoft Ribbon Hero

Microsoft Ribbon hero is an application that turns the office into game. It is designed to boost skill and knowledge in Microsoft Office’s latest version. It is released with office 2007 as a social game for increases productivity in office applications. It is compatible with Microsoft Excel 2007, Microsoft Word 2007, and Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 as well as those three programs in Microsoft Office 2010, available as a beta download.

News: Crochet Break Coming To End

I've been on the inside of my box reflecting to what is on the outside. I live my life outside the box but occassionally have to get back intot the box to see what's going on... I have been on a 4 - 5 week non creative mode... Through this time frame... great people on Mikeyssmail have been still continuing to exercise their creativity... I'm so pleased to see that! Though many ideas come daily on what I could do next... I'm not motivated by just a simple request... I've allowed this same tim...

How To: Use ConnectNow to share your Dreamweaver CS4 screen

Very rarely are you working in a vacuum, especially when designing websites for clients, coworkers, or people other than yourself. If you develop websites using Dreamweaver, this tutorial will show you how to use some new collaboration tools in Dreamweaver CS4. See how to use ConnectNow to share your screen online, directly from the Dreamweaver CS4 interface. Use ConnectNow to share your Dreamweaver CS4 screen.

How To: Create interactive PDF forms in Acrobat Pro

Dave Cross developed an interactive PDF for people planning to attend Photoshop World in Las Vegas this September. In this tutorial, he breaks down how he used Acrobat Pro tools, like combo box, to create the form. You can take the Photoshop World example and apply it to your own interactive form creations in Acrobat. Create interactive PDF forms in Acrobat Pro.

News: FBI Shuts Down One of the Biggest Hacking Forums

FBI has taken down a notorious hacking forum called "darkode" where cyber criminals bought, sold and traded hacked databases, stolen bank accounts, and malicious software that steal information from other computer systems and helped each other to infiltrate other computers. The FBI called the site one of the most serious threats to data security in the world. criminal charges has been filed against 12 individuals who were associated with the forum and the investigation is still ongoing, more ...

News: Clone a Willy

The entire Jackass crew should make clones of their junk with Clone a Willy kits, and hijinks can run wild. We can have contests where people have to feel everyone's junk, then identify their "clone". Or even try to guess the clone prior to feeling. Or we can just smack people with them. And at the end of the prank, we can auction the dildos for charity, or to pay for more beer. PS, I got 20 bucks saying Wee-Man isn't the smallest

News: Save Me!

Dress yourself and friends as unique super heros and some evil villans. Go around saving random people from everyday things such as shoping bags and ice cream cones. also fight off you evil villan friends. It would be hilarious to watch

News: Phone Number Tats

The idea behind this prank is two of the guys will go head to head trying to get one girls number and one guys number, both just random people on the street. Sounds simple right? No, they must tattoo the number on themselves right there in the street to make it count. The first one to win gets to smash a cake shaped like a penis in the the losers face.

News: Public Bathroom Fiasco

Any random public bathroom in anytown USA. Release bugs or mice or any other critter, real or fake, and see what happens as people are using the john or urinal when the critter (s) runs past their feet! No one should really get hurt with this prank other than maybe making a massive mess or a random heart attack Idont have a picture of this actually happening so I present you my doggie. He says "WUZ UP"