People's Lives Search Results

News: Groundhog 101

Beginners don't realize that they don't need to clobber every groundhog that shows up. The best strategy is to isolate the first one someplace out of the way and just leave him there indefinitely. Only one can be on your property at a time.

News: Haunted House

When bams parents are out get a crew to go in the house and rig it all up all over the house to make it seem like its haunted. later when bams parents get back, they get back to everyone pretending to do the ouiji board or something and get april to get all worked up about spirits and everthing. then when they go to bed after everone else leaves slowly activate one at a time the hauntings, like the door opening then voices or the tv turning on to the white static and have wee-man in some kind...

How To: Properly shift your bicycle's gears

With most of the bikes today, people tend to get confused on how exactly they should use their gears. Inexperienced or new bicycle riders can easily become confused with all the gears that are available. A bike that's being advertised as 21 speeds may be deceiving to some.

News: Intro to TV Writing

As a Screenwriting Student, I can never get enough basic tips on how to do something. Even something as simple as TV writing, which is what I learned first can be so tedious and difficult. I found this while surfin the web.

News: My China World

Tips China is called Zhong Guo to chinese people which means "Middle Country" or literally "Middle Kingdom" but nobody calls countries kingdoms anymore, not even the chinese.

HowTo: Make Kitty Crack

As a non-cat owner, catnip is a mystery to me. So, people essentially... drug... their cats? Weird. Google catnip, and you will find a whole slew of incredible images related to the topic...

News: A Pet Butterfly That Lives Forever

Everybody loves butterflies. What's not to love? They're beautiful. But extremely fragile. Touch a wing, and the butterfly is immediately weakened, if not rendered completely flightless (BTW, if you happen upon this situation, we have just the HowTo for you).

How To: How One Makes a Jonah Hex Wanted Poster

This blog process explains the thought process and research that went into creating this wanted poster for the new movie Jonah Hex, which stars Megan Fox and Josh Brolin. I really like the in-depth background, and the linocut he made. Admittedly it looks awful, but it's from the same people who made Crank, so maybe it's watchable.

News: Not another show review..

Instead of taking the standard approach of writing a show review about how amazing or horrible a band played, I thought I'd turn around and review the crowd for each show that I go to. I'm interested in the types of people and demographics each artist/band attracts. In the end, crowd response is pretty clutch.

News: Bossy ppl

Why do so many people tell us what to do when some of them dont even no us and the ppl that do no us just do it to be mean! Thats what i dont get at all and every1 knows what i mean so if ur feeling what im saying write ur reply!

E3 2010: XCOM Trailer!

W-O-W. This trailer looks amazing. From 2kGames (Bioshock), this game looks to be set in the 50's with stellar art direction. I don't know how well this sits with people who have played the previous XCOM games, but from a new player perspective I really loved the trailer.

News: Opening game in 3D. First impressions.

I've been curious to watch one of these famed '3D' games for a while now. Last April at NAB, I attended several 3D panels and folks from ESPN suggested that one of the strongest experiences that would bring 3D into the home would be live sports. I've missed opportunities to watch the PGA Masters broacasts, and NCAA games, but being a hardcore Soccer (Futbol) fan, I've been most excited about this possibility. It did not disappoint, but not without some concessions. I will be as detailed as po...

News: VIDADIFH - Harold Raimis

VERY IMPORTANT DUDES & DUDETTES IN FILM HISTORY Show: Harold Ramis. He's kinda been involved in one way or another with almost all of the funny things and people over the last 30 years, so maybe he counts as a Very Important Dude?

News: Play FarmVille on your iPhone!

It's official, people! Soon you'll be able to play FarmVille on your iPhone as an app. There's no release date yet, though they think it'll probably be around June 19. I wonder - could you connect your Facebook FarmVille to your iPhone FarmVille? Or would those be two totally separate things?

How To: Sprint HTC Evo 4G Impressions

Spent the weekend with Sprint's new phone, the HTC Evo G4. Specification wise, it's better than Verizon's Incredible and T-Mobile's HD2. Apple will be announcing the new version of their phone this week. If it's comparable to leaked phone shown over at Gizmodo, then to say which phone is better is debatable. The iphone might have a better battery life but the Evo has an unlimited data plan, unlike AT&T's new tier pricing structure.

News: The 2010 World Cup is upon us.

The 2010 World Cup is upon us and there isn't much that hasn't been said already. All the leagues around the world are finished and champions have been crowned. The media has covered every angle imaginable. Or have they? Or should they? Is this about the sport anymore? What will we remember about this World Cup? A great goal, a new venue, a great comeback, injured players who never made it, a bad call by a referee, a new star rising, overlooked players, 4-4-2, 3-4-1-2, 3-4-3, bad subs, FIFA 2...