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News: Meet the Nokia 8 — The First Android Flagship from the Iconic Brand

Long before Apple and Android became household names, Nokia dominated the mobile industry. The Finnish company was one of the first to develop smartphones, and their classic N95 with 2G "high-speed" internet connectivity was declared the "best smartphone ever" by some in 2007. Outside of the US, before the iPhone became all the rage, owning a Nokia phone was a status symbol akin to wearing a Rolex or Omega watch.

Video: PokéLens—A HoloLens Concept Game with Project Downloads

Ready to finally play some Pokémon on your HoloLens? Here is your chance! KennyWdev has released a video showing off his newest build of PokéLens, a Pokémon clone for the HoloLens similar to Pokémon GO. In the video, you get to see two Pokémon battle it out on what appears to be an office floor. Apparently, Pikachu is "super effective." This coincidentally appeared online the same day that another developer, Sky Zhou, showed off his Smash Brothers-style Pokémon game.

News: Leap Motion's Interaction Engine Brings Natural Gestures into Virtual Worlds

Leap Motion created gesture control for all sorts of things, including virtual reality, long ago, but developers must build in support for their tracking peripheral to use its full potential. As a result, they've created an "Interaction Engine" for Unity, the primary platform for developing virtual and mixed reality experiences, to try and take gesture interaction to the next level.

News: Google's Daydream May Materialize in Just Two Weeks

We've heard a bit about Google Daydream—the new smartphone-based virtual reality platform that is supposed to provide a markedly better experience than Cardboard—but don't really know what it'll look like. Engadget claims we could find out in just a couple of weeks, since Android Nougat is already out, a necessary component of Daydream.

News: Stimulant's HoloLens App Helps Navigate Inside Buildings

We've got Google Maps to help us out when we need to navigate outdoors, but Google can only map out so many indoor locations without getting creepy. And that's where Stimulant comes in. This "innovation studio" built a HoloLens app that lets you map out an area, define locations, and use the headset to get instant directions to any defined location.

News: Google's Camera App Is Getting a New Feature Photographers Will Love

Google Camera, the default shooting app on Nexus devices, is finally getting a feature we've been anticipating for years. As evidenced by a recent APK teardown done by Android Police, the beginnings of a new RAW capture mode have already been baked into the latest version of the app, which indicates that Google Camera will soon have the ability to store an unprocessed copy of the exact image your camera sensor captures.

How To: Turn Your Nails into Claws

I saw an amazing video with a great idea on how to create claws when you have longer nails. I want to go as a Vampire this year, but those claws that you buy look terrible on me, because my nails are long and you can see them under the fake claws. The video was in German, which kinda "spooked" me at first, but the girl added English subtitles (thank god). Here is the video and the instructions she gives:

How To: Snap & Resize Side-by-Side Windows in Windows 10

The Snap feature in Windows has been tweaked many times since it debuted alongside Windows 7, with productive additions like Snap Assist brought in along the way. It only makes sense that Microsoft would put so much effort into developing this feature when you consider how useful it is for multitasking with two or more windows side by side.

News: Jailbreaking iOS 9

As many of you may have heard, Apple's new iOS 9 is "rootless", which supposedly would make jailbreaking much more difficult. However, it has been shown to be possible. ih8sn0w posted a youtube video of his jailbroken iphone running iOS 9 and even gave some hints about it in the video description section. However, he also stated that he will NOT be releasing it to the public. So it would be quite the feat and adventure to take his hints and comments and use that to figure out how to jailbreak...

News: Airline Offers Frequent Flyer Miles to Hackers

One more business has decided that rewarding hackers to find flaws in their computer systems is a wise investment! As you know, a number of software companies offer bug bounties, and some of these can be quite lucrative. Google, for instance, offers a bounty of $150,000 for anyone who can hack their Chrome operating system, and many other companies are offering similar bounties, although, not quite as lucrative. Now, United Airlines has decided to offer frequent flyer miles to hackers who fin...