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How To: Squeeze Out an Extra 5 Minutes of Battery Life in Critical Situations on a Galaxy Note 2 or 3

We've all been there. Rushing to find an outlet because your smartphone's battery is about to die and you're in the middle of uploading a picture on Instagram or something else of dire importance. Android's operating system shuts down automatically when ever there is 1% left in order to allow for a proper shut down, and so as not to mess with the calibration of the battery, extending its overall life.

Quick Tip: Use a Wired Headset as a Shutter Release Trigger for Your DSLR Camera

Whether you're trying to get an unconventional angle or just want to include yourself in the picture, there are plenty of times when a remote trigger can come in really handy. Of course, if you want to buy one, you have tons of options. But if you already have an Xbox 360 headset, all you have to do is plug it in. YouTube user Gurnarok accidentally found that by plugging his Xbox headset into his camera's remote port, the on/off toggle triggered the shutter release and flash.

How To: Do Beach Effect Nail Art Design

Beach Effect Nail Art Design Tutorial For Beginners!!!!! Sunset the palm trees and the birds..perfect for canvas. Well why not to try it out on nails. This perfect picture has been produce on the nails in a very simple and easy way. Just watch the tutorial to know about this !! Step 1: Apply Base Color

Cozy How To: Microsoft Office Ribbon Interface & Work Space

PowerPoint Tutorials for Microsoft PowerPoint presentation software. In this introduction tutorial we will be using PowerPoint 2010 and will focus on the interface workspace by reviewing the ribbon, slide pane and slide tabs. The ribbon is designed much like a website navigation menu bar and has multiple categories to separate all of the tools into an organized bar. By default the Home tab is selected and will include most of the tools that are commonly used when editing and creating a PowerP...

How To: Keep Tiny Dust Crumbs Out of the Last Bowl of Cereal for More Crunch, Less Mush

Cereal may be the most popular of breakfast choices, but one thing that has always bothered me about it is the crumbs. Just like a bag of potato chips, when you reach the last third of cereal in the bag, you're left with nothing but shattered remnants of what used to be. At least with a bag of chips, you have the choice to skip the tiny crumbs or not. It's a little harder with cereal, especially when it's mostly dust that flies right into your bowl.

How To: Float Any Widget Above an App on Your Samsung Galaxy Note 2

When it comes to multitasking, the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 is the master of all smartphones, thanks to its huge screen size and many features. The phablet's display compliments its multi-window mode, which lets you run two apps simultaneously side by side Another cool feature is floating apps, which makes multitasking even better. So, with all of these cool features, what else could possibly be added to the Note 2's arsenal that it doesn't already have?

How To: Dumping Your iPhone for a New Sony Xperia Z? Here's How You Seamlessly Transfer Your Data

With the Xperia Z release for most major U.S. carriers expected sometime very shortly, many are both excited and curious at Sony's new flagship device. Much of the hype surrounding the new smartphone has stemmed from several ads that Sony has released, touting their waterproof phone to be as innovative as their Trinitron, PlayStation, and Walkman brands. Your worries about dropping your phone in a tiny fishbowl are finally over.

How To: Memory Full? Optimize the Photos on Your Samsung Galaxy S3 to Free Up Storage Space

While the increasing superiority of smartphone cameras is great, they can be a double-edged sword. Sure, we get great images that are crystal clear, but at what price? Storage space on your devices ends up paying the price for this luxury, filling up quickly due to the high-quality images and their grotesquely large size. Not only that, but most photo editing applications only make it worse. Adding a few filters, changing the hue/saturation, or adding some text across the picture can all incr...

How To: Still Using Notes? Here Are 3 Better Word Processing Apps for Writing on Your iPhone

As someone who writes an extreme amount, it's a necessity for me to have an organized and multifunctional text editor. The stock iPhone Notes application is useful to an extent, but it sorely lacks in features and design. Writing and text editing applications are nothing new to the iPhone, but many of them are overloaded on features, making it even harder to keep organized. Here are just a few alternatives that I find helpful in my day-to-day writing.