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News: Camping = Cuddling

Camping means cuddling. Let's be real, it's chilly at night the only source of warmth is the smoky campfire and the people sitting next to you. If you're an avid cuddler, and let's face it, who isn't..... then I would definitely recommend a two person bag!

News: 8-Bit Your Desk

Well, you might need to take a few lessons in animation first. Another cool 8-Bit animation (previously, Evil Pixels Demolish New York City). This one is short and sweet. And especially beautiful.

How To: Make a delicious shrimp casserole

This casserole will definitely make you the most popular person at the potluck. It's deceptively easy - all you need is butter, two pounds of deveined shrimp, onion, crushed Ritz crackers, garlic salt, salt and pepper. Then just layer in your casserole dish and bake! Make a delicious shrimp casserole.

How To: Earn An Income By Writing Auto Repair Estimates

Collision Repair Related Careers When you think of a career in collision repair you probably think of a body repair or paint technician. However, there are a lot of related careers that collision repair can lead to. For Example, you can work in auto parts stores, dealerships, insurance companies, paint representatives, trainers, etc. In this article we are going to examine a career as an auto estimator.

News: Super Collider

A simple Idea. Two Catapults are set up with a person in each of them. There should be quite a distance between both of them. Water filled with piranhas/alligators/sharks (somthing bad) seperate the two people. They are launched and collide...Someone laughs, pukes or s**ts in retaliation

How To: Remember where you misplaced things

Are you the type of person who constantly loses things? Do you spend hours searching for objects that are vital to an important task? This video will lead you through 10 steps that will help you to find those missing objects. Remember where you misplaced things.

News: Be the laziest person in the office

Hello New Year. Guess what? Vacation is almost over, and I don’t feel like going to work. The Puritans were so … 17th century. That was then. I am now. So, here is my resolution: I want to help usher in a new stage in American industry: enlightened entitlement. No more feeling guilty. I won’t sneak around. I just won’t work terribly hard. I am liberating the slacker within. To help ring in the New Year, join me in watching this inspirational video: How to be the laziest person in the office. ...

How To: Dump your boyfriend

Have you decided to end your relationship? You'll need a plan of action to dump the other person. In this how-to breaking up video Tracey Cox discusses the best way to break up with someone. Learn what should you expect and how can you make the situation as comfortable as possible for your soon to be ex boyfriend or girlfriend. Dump your boyfriend.

How To: Recover from a bad first impression

Learn how to recover from actions which lead others to have a bad first impression of you. This narrated video with step-by-step subtitles goes over possible causes of a bad first impression, and potential remedies. Suggested actions include: giving the offended person space, changing topics quickly, and direct apology. Recover from a bad first impression.

News: The Amazing PVC Pipe Music of Kent Jenkins (aka Snubby J)

There's a ton of videos on the web of musicians playing homemade PVC instruments, but I just recently stumbled upon the impressive work of PVC pipe player Kent Jenkins, aka Snubby J. His most recent video features a duet with his faux-twin, playing "Wizards in Winter" by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. Turns out, he's been a PVC maestro for awhile now and even auditioned for his inspiration, the Blue Man Group, at the age of seventeen. Though he wasn't picked, they saw potential in him and aske...

How To: Make a Self-Watering Greenhouse

I've been hell-bent on complete self sufficiency for a long time now. There was a point where I was living in a self-sustaining community in the mountains in Colorado, and we had a very large greenhouse there. Dragging the hose around to water plants was a real pain, and that stuck in the back of my mind even after I left the place. It would have been much easier to integrate watering into the frame at construction time than doing that hose dance every day.

Squeal: iPad App Plays the Human Face Like a Theremin

Just as Smule's ocarina app yields the gentle sounds of a woodwind instrument by simply blowing into an iPhone, Squeal promises to emit theremin-esque noises from the iPad with easy fingerplay. Developed as a collaboration between Hong Kong musician/producer/composer Gaybird Leung and interactive designer Henry Chu, the musical app is a work-in-progress for Henry's ongoing experimental music project Digital Hug.

News: Watch this Baby (Cake) Get Mutilated

While some parents prefer to preserve an element of surprise upon delivery of their baby, most choose to learn the sex from their doctor as soon as they can. More recently, some are even opting for a more "festive" route: announcement in the form of a "gender party", where the boy-or-girl status is revealed in cake form for the first time—not only to the guests, but also to the parents.

The Joy of Destruction: Smashing, Guillotining, Igniting & More

Why is it so satisfying to squash, snap, squeeze and splatter? You know, squashing a juicy grape, snapping a twig, squeezing ketchup out of a packet—perhaps with your fist—or splattering mud across a sidewalk. But all of these actions are child's play next to animators Laura Junger and Xaver Xylophon's Joy of Destruction. The real joy of destruction is illustrated below—we're talking sawing ladies in half, exploding corn into popcorn with dynamite, burning cities, and rolling over statues wit...

News: What if Super Mario Was a First Person Shooter?

The classic Super Mario Bros is perhaps the most beloved video game on Earth. Almost daily, homages to Mario pop up on the web over and over and over again. Everybody loves the charming 2D world of Mario. But what would Mario look like in 3D… and moreover, what would Super Mario feel like as a First Person Shooter game?

News: Laza Morgan - This Girl

The hot tracks just keep coming for the “Step Up 3D” soundtrack. In the newest, Laza Morgan, Jamaican hip-hop up-and-comer, unleashes the video for “This Girl.” In the sexy new video, the Gedion Music stud braves a storm, metaphorically and figuratively,to get his lucky lady.

News: Control a Video Game by Swapping Spit

Once there was Spin the Bottle. Then there was the embarrassing adult version of Spin the Bottle—on Wii. And then there was artist Hye Yeon Nam, who decided to skip all pretenses and go straight for the spit-swapping, no foreplay necessary. Hye Yeon Nam devised a method for controlling a bowling video game by French kissing. It works like this: "One person has a magnet on his/her tongue and the other person wears the headset. While they kiss, the person who has the magnet on his/her tongue, c...