Person Tax Search Results

How To: Fig Rig & Compact Lighting Packages - an Intro! | Gear Guide

The Toronto International Film Festival is but a distant memory, though we are still getting compliments on all the awesome footage we shot, both for our Midnight Madness coverage and interviews with directors like Don Coscarelli and Rob Stewart. But here's the thing - we had big, large help. Even though we've been at it for 5 years, shooting an event like TIFF is never easy! It's hectic and unpredictable and as a result, getting good looking footage can be difficult if you don't have the rig...

News: The Hitchhiker

Set-up Get a bunch of the guys in a decent size van and travel somewhere to go film a stunt or a prank, or so you say. Have one or two guys not know about the actual prank you'll be playing on them during the trip, thus making them the victims. While you're driving, have an actor play a hitchhiker on the side of the road, kind of in the middle of nowhere.

News: Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office

Los Angeles County Attorney's Office:This website shows pamphlets in English and Spanish; however, not all the pamphlets are available in Spanish. The great thing is that there is a lot of information available in order for victims or any person to understand the proces of: child abuse, domestic violence, crime victims, elder abuse, families surviving criminal homicides, hate crime, Marsy's Law and much more. It is important to be informed at all times for the unexpected. Works Cited "LADA Co...

News: TSA Brags About Confiscating Can Of Chicken Soup

Anyone who follows the TSA blog, run by “Bob”, will know that from time to time the agency attempts to offset the ballooning negative public opinion directed towards it, and the openly criminal behaviour of its employees, by bragging about “dangerous” items that it has discovered and confiscated from the luggage and persons of those traveling through the nation’s airports.

News: Entire Castlevania NES Game Recreated in Minecraft!

Back in the days of NES and 8-bit gaming, I used to be a huge Castlevania fan. And it looks like I wasn't the only one. However, unlike me, gamer Nick "Nario" Hagman just couldn't let go of his Simon Belmont fascination that easy. Nario recently spent over 100 hours in Minecraft over 37 consecutive days recreating the original Castlevania game—in its entirety!

Weekend Homework: How to Become a Null Byte Contributor (2/17/2012)

Grab your thinking caps and get your hack on. Null Byte is officially seeking contributors on a weekly basis who are willing to take the time to educate the Null Byte community on anything, from hardware hacks to life hacks. Contributors that write tutorials will be featured on the Null Byte blog, as well as the front page of WonderHowTo (providing it's up to par, of course).

Know Your Rights: How to Escape Unlawful Stops and Police Searches with Social Engineering

Law enforcement can make a lot of folks cringe. Too often do we hear on the news, and even experience in our own lives, the unjust way that an unacceptable portion of law enforcement treat the very citizens they are supposed to protect. People's rights are violate each and every day by law enforcement, simply because they are timid and uneducated with the laws of society. This dirty trickery shouldn't be played on harmless citizens under any circumstances.

How To: Fix Your Notification Settings in Google+ Pages

Yesterday, I started receiving emails from Google+ that looked like this: I was really confused. I was confident that I had already gone through my personal Google+ account notification settings, and turned off all email notifications. I noticed that there was a link at the bottom of the email, that said I could change what email Google+ sends you. When I clicked on it, it took me to my newly created Google+ page's settings: +Yum!

How To: Get Married in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

It may not be the most epic of quests in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, but it's one that's worth taking up. Getting married not only gets you 20G on Xbox 360 or a bronze trophy on PlayStation 3, but you also get some cool in-game bonuses. Your wife (or husband, depending on gender or sexual orientation) will cook you a hot meal every day that restores your health fully, and she or he will even give you gifts sometimes!

How To: Make Brownies in a Mug

For the next time you have a severe chocolate craving but a) don't want to go through the trouble of going through an elaborate recipe and b) don't want to go through the trouble of going to the supermarket, make yourself a microwave brownie in a mug. All you need to do is six very simple ingredients plus water, mix them up in a microwave-safe mug, nuke everything for one minute, and enjoy.

How To: 13 Handy Cooking and Baking Substitutions for Missing Ingredients

What do you do when you're right in the middle of your cooking or baking groove and realize that you're missing an extremely vital ingredient? Rather than delaying your next meal or one-person cake-eating party with a last minute trip to the supermarket, get around your missing ingredient by substituting another common ingredient. Below are 13 handy cooking and baking substitutions that just might save you time or money for your next cooking and baking adventure.

News: +Tyler Neylon Creates 50 Models with 50 Legos

+Tyler Neylon, a programmer and mathematician currently specializing in iOS app development, recently posted a fun project to his Google+ profile: 50 designs with 50 LEGO pieces, a set of 51 photos. Given a small 50-piece Lego set this past Christmas (well, Tyler admits: "...58 [pieces], actually, but many of them are very small, as you can see"), he craftily stretched his imagination to create 50 different models, though the kit included instructions for only 3.

News: Enter The World of Catherine

Stuck in a relationship that is going nowhere? Do you wake up and it's nine years later and nothing has changed? Do you also dream of sheep? You know, in the non erotic sense? Well welcome to Catherine, a puzzle game of non-commitment and text messaging.

News: Augmented Reality Cinema App Takes You to the Movies—in Real World Locations

The yet-to-be released Augmented Reality Cinema app is sure to make avid movie fans across the world drool. The concept is genius and appears to be quite seamless as well: Simply install the app on your iPhone, take a stroll through your city (supported cities have not yet been released, but the video below shows London), and aim your phone at various locations to view movie scenes that have been previously shot there.

News: Learning (and Teaching) The Use of BCC in Emails

A few years back, I wrote an article, in fact mostly to my family and friends, titled "The Evil Power of To:". I was referring to all the folks sending emails out willy-nilly to all their friends with no regard for whether or not you or I would want our email addresses boldly displayed on the "To:" line of an email. This article very pointedly explains what BCC: is and WHY you should always use it when sending out emails to more than one person. Check it out!

News: seat belt death trap

hi i'm sam hinson and i have another idea for u guys. it's called seat belt death trape and well you put super glue in the buckle and have hem drive down a big hill and set the breaks up o that it seems as though it is broken. o the person is now traped in the car but at the last min one of the guys uses a controler to make he brakes work. this idea ame from sam hinson and richard barnum we hope to one day work with the jackass guys and get paid to come up with awsome ass stunts and funny ass...

News: Creating Social Structures in Minecraft

Minecraft is the most basic and barren open sandbox building game. There are a limited number of materials and recipes to craft. But with these few building blocks, people have been able to creatively build some amazing structures and cities. There is a physical limitation, but the beauty of the game is turning that limitation into a strength.

News: Are You a Mac Yuppie or a PC Nerd? Find Out if You Fit the Stereotype

With over 60 commercials, chances are you've seen one of the Get a Mac spots run by Apple, which brands Mac as intuitive and hip, compared to their boring and clunky PC counterpart. You also probably saw Microsoft's response in their I'm a PC campaign. But who are Mac and PC users really? Do jeans and hoodie-wearing yuppies really use Macs? Are the suit-and-tie types strictly operating PCs?

How To: 5 Simple Ways to Cure Stinky Breath

For general purposes, and in case of unexpected make-out sessions with that person you've been crushing on forever, it always helps to make sure that breath of yours is minty fresh as often as possible. And no, you don't need be yakking on breath mints 24/7 or swigging a bottle of mouthwash hidden under a paper bag. Below are 5 super easy DIY tips and tricks for curing bad breath and keeping it fresh.

News: StreetRally

Play the most exciting street racing game on Facebook! Choose a car, upgrade and pimp it up, beat the clock on tons of different tracks to unlock hidden bonuses, challenge your friends to one-on-one duels, drift around on thrilling tracks and build your reputation. Move up in the high score tables to stack your garage with trophys and awards and brag about your accomplishments to make everyone envious.

Eyes Officially Popped: The Future of Gaming Looks Awesome

Tune in! Below, an attendee of the Game Developers Conference 2011 captures footage of the new eye-popping visual effects in Epic Games' latest upgrade of their Unreal Engine 3, a "toolset used in blockbuster video games, 3D visualizations, digital films and more." If this is what the graphics looks like captured from an audience cell phone, well, one can only imagine what it would look like on your widescreen... The demo, titled "Samaritan", ran on a custom-built PC system in real-time compu...

Dressing Without Undressing: Tips & Tricks for a Family-friendly Summer Wardrobe

People get excited when summer comes around: it gets warmer, there’s sunshine, and the seasonal affected disorder that persists through those long, dark, grey winters starts to lift. This is pretty exciting, especially in my part of the world, where winter is VERY long and cold. Since we have such a long winter, people don’t have very large summer wardrobes, or much practice dressing for the heat. It’s important, even when it’s really hot outside, to look like a person in clothes, and not a p...

News: Hacked Kinect Captures 3D Video in Real Time

That Kinect you bought for your Xbox 360? More than just a game controller, it's a bonafide hologram generator! In the clip below, UC Davis researcher Dr. Oliver Kreylos demos the process. The fun stuff begins at the :44 mark. Kreylos explains, "By combining the color and the depth image captured by the Microsoft Kinect, one can project the color image back out into space and create a 'holographic' representation of the persons or objects that were captured."

News: The Poisionous Snake

For this prank you will be pranking someone on the crew, well set up a fake prank with a nonpoisionous snake that the person who is being pranked must be bitten by....manny the expert can be there fake panicing say that the certain snake was hightly poisionness and that he needed to be rushed to the hospital because they didnt have the right antivenom....if you REALLy wanna get twisted with the prank you can have the car "breakdown" and make him start running, then down the road you can set u...

News: Drop Through Floor

Subject enters a typical office where someone familiar is sitting behind a desk across from the door. Everything in the room is fixed to the floor or walls and the person behind the desk is secretly strapped into the desk chair. As the subject approaches the desk to sit down in a chair he will eventually come to the center of the room at this time the floor of the entire room will flap open (either 4 triangular flaps or one major flap) and subject will fall 20 feet onto a air bag below

News: fake amber alert

get a local news station to film a fake amber alert with the subject of the prank being the one who stole the kid. hijack the persons cable and play the breaking new so they can see it and get freaked out no this might be the hard part. get the cops or even swat to show up at the house asking him release the hostage. when he gives him self up thinking he has done nothing wrong have a cop go in to the house and walk out with the child that was on the amber alert. now just arrest him and wait t...

News: Screwed Awakening

I'm sure you've seen in The Parent Trap (or most likely on YouTube) a sleeping person set afloat so they wake up in the middle of a lake. I wanted to add a little more excitement to that concept. It would take a lot more preparation and skill, but ultimately we replace the lake with air. Pick your least favorite friend, wait until he's asleep, get him in a plane, strap him with a parachute, and film him as he opens his eyes to the earth thousands of feet below.