Pet Dog's Search Results

News: Dogs Could Be Spreading Antibiotic-Resistant Infections to Their Owners

Our canine best friends could spread our bacterial worst nightmare, according to a recent study. The problem with drug-resistant bacteria is well known. Overused, poorly used, and naturally adaptive bacteria clearly have us outnumbered. As science drives hard to find alternative drugs, therapies, and options to treat increasingly resistant infections, humans are treading water, hoping our drugs of last resort work until we figure out better strategies.

How To: Train a dog to walk on a leash

Train your dog to walk politely at your side. Choke chains and other forms of negative reinforcement might make the dog associate being by your side as a bad thing, but positive reinforcement techniques will keep both the dog and pet owner happy. Watch this video pet training tutorial and learn how to teach a dog to walk on a leash.

How To: Make a belt into a pet collar

Here is a fun afternoon project that will add a little fare to your dogs wardrobe. Instead of buying your next dog collar, try making one out of an old belt. Some say dogs look like their owners and now they can dress like them too.

How To: Stop your dog's excessive barking

In this how-to video, you will learn how to stop your dog from barking excessively. Dog's bark naturally. It becomes a problem when your dog barks too much. First, determine the reason why your dog is barking in the first place. From this, you can determine the next step. If your dog looks like he or she is barking at nothing, the dog is definitely barking at something because of heightened sense of hearing and smell. You must communicate to your dog what is acceptable behavior. Never reward ...

CES 2015: Monitor Your Dog's Activity All Day Long with FitBark, a Wearable Health Tracker

Animal lovers, especially dog owners, know that pets are a part of the family, but it's often incredibly frustrating to know if and when something just isn't right with our furry companions. If you're out and about most of the day, your dog will be so happy to see you when you come home that you may have no idea they were tired and listless all day long, which can be a sign of health problems for your pup. This is where FitBark comes in.

How To: Teach your dog loose leash walking

In this two part video Tab and his German Shepherd "Solea", show exactly what you need to do to stop your dog from pulling on his lead. Eventually, your dog will be walking on a loose leash where they'll feel safe, satisfied, and help keep your dog healthy. While there are many dogs that pull on walks, any dog can learn to walk calmly on a loose leash if we create a positive learning environment and teach them in the way that their minds understand. Find out how using positive reinforcement y...

How To: Communicate with your dog

Check out this lesson on how to understand your dog and train her to listen. This video will show you how to use a clicker to communicate with your dog. It will also show you how to teach your dog the "Leave It" command. This is a helpful video for training puppies and older dogs.

How To: Train a dog to "stay"

Arguably, "Stay" is the most important command you can teach your dog. When you train your dog to stay, be low to the ground and eye-to-eye level with them. Zak George show how to use a clicker and food treats to demonstrate how to teach a dog to stay. Also learn how to correct your dog when it breaks the stay command.

How To: Identify your pet with a micro-chip

With millions of lost and stolen pets each year it is very important to have an identification system for your do. To protect your pets, learn about micro-chip identification. Watch this how to video to learn more about microchips and how they are inserted underneath your pet's skin.

How To: Brush and clean your cat's teeth

Usually people associate pet tooth-brushing with dogs. Cats eat a lot of gross stuff too and can easily get bad breath. Watch this video to learn how to successfully brush your cat's little teeth without making it plunge them or their claws into you.

How To: Get rid of fleas the natural way

To get rid of fleas start by giving your pet a bath every other week. Another good thing to do every other week is to wash all your pet's bedding in hot water. Vacuum all of your carpets once a week to get rid of any flea eggs, baby fleas, and adult fleas that are in the carpet. Flea collars are a problem because they leave a residue on your pets. When you pet your pet you get that residue on your hands and if you put your hands in your mouth you will ingest those chemicals. Natural methods a...

How To: Teach a dog the stay command

Learn how to train your dog to "Stay" with this quick dog training video will teach your how to train your dog to "Stay." Positive reinforcement training works as well with training a dog to stay as with anything else. Learn how to teach a dog the stay command by watching this video pet training tutorial.

How To: Teach a dog to roll over and play dead

This video pet training tutorial shows how to teach a dog how to roll over and play dead. This method relies on lure training, which means the dog will be rewarded with a treat when the dog has performed the trick. It takes time, patience, and consistency, but over time any dog can pick up these tricks. Learn how to teach a dog to roll over and play dead by watching this instructional video.

How To: Teach your dog the perfect "STAY"

This is the most important thing that a dog should know. In this video will learn the fundamentals of how to begin to teach this. It is by no means entirely conclusive to the training that is involved in teaching stay. Tab with his German Shepherd "Solea" demonstrate the do's and don't when training your dog to "stay". You'll also learn the importance of this command for the dogs safety.

How To: Stop a dog from pulling while walking on a leash

When a dog pulls on the leash, the first temptation would be to jerk back. Even if you win the power struggle, the negative reinforcement creates a bad association with you which should be avoided when training your pet dog. Dog trainer Eric Letendre shows how to do an easy technique that will stop a dog from pulling while walking on the leash.

How To: Train your dog to leash walk

From Dogmantics, dog trainer Emily Larlham shows how to train your dog to walk calmly on a leash. "I would advise against using any forms of positive punishment when teaching any behavior, but especially leash walking, as startling or hurting a dog actually increases their stress hormones in their body causing the dog to be more hyperactive and more likely to become aroused and reactive towards other dogs and people (whether they want to greet them or not)." (Dogmantics)

How To: Teach your dog the rebound trick

This is a basic trick for little dogs like this Miniature Pincher, Daisy. The dog jumps off a human's leg and does a half turn (180). LIke any dog training be patient, go over each step multiple times in order to help the dog learn. The treats should be broken up so you don't spoil the dog or make him stuffed with sweets.

How To: Wash your dog

Mike The How-to guy shows you how to wash your dog. This is not an easy thing to just jump in to. Get towels, dog shampoo and a low nozzle so you can spray the dog close to his fur. This can be enjoyable for a dog or really stressful. Make sure you have everything prepared before you bring the dog into the bathroom.

How To: Put a cone or medical collar on your pet safely

If your pet has recently had surgery or been ill, they may need to wear a medical collar. A medical e-collar or a cone will prevent your pet from chewing or licking an area of their body that they shouldn't be touching. In this video from Dr. Lauren, you will learn where to get an e-collar and how to secure it to their head so that they stay safe and happy.

How To: Train your dog to be calm around new objects

This video explains how to keep a dog calm and to be less reactive to objects that it is not used to including baby strollers, hats, canes, and a few other items. Starting with a few tips on how to get a dog used to the item in question such as keeping a leash on the dog and far enough away from a person the dog trusts and loves so that the dog will associate the object with a person. There are many aspects when training a dog in this way and each method can be tried if one does not work. Aft...

How To: Use the Premack principle for dog training

Dog Training with the Premack Principle also known as Grandma's Law is a great dog training principle that can help you train your dog when they are distracted. The Premack priniciple keeps a dog from doing they want to do but the owner doesn't. Watch this video pet training tutorial to learn how to apply this training technique on your dog.