Phenomenal Association Search Results

How To: Change a "file association" on PC

This video tutorial from butterscotch presents how to change file associations on your computer.File association is a link between a certain type of file (.doc, .gif, .txt) with a particular program.For example text files are by default associated with Notepad application.So if you double-click text file it will be automatically opened in this program.In case you want to open this file in a different type of program, you need to change the file association.To do that, right click the file, th...

How To: Change the default program sssociations

This video shows you how to easily change the default program associations of any file type. The movie shows you how to change the default program association of a JPEG file, but you can use it with any of the known file types. The first thing you have to do is right-click the desired file, hover your mouse to Open With and wait until a sub-menu appears. There, click Choose Default Program. Then, choose any other program that you want to open that specific file extension by clicking the Brows...

How To: Play adapted wheelchair softball

The United Spinal Association presents this instructional video on how to play wheelchair softball. This is live from Shea Stadium in New York. This is an adapted sport for with adaptations for 16 slow pitch softball. Classification is similar to wheelchair basketball. One quadrapelegic must be in the line up at all times. You usually play in a vacant parking lot.

How To: Tie a two handed surgical square knot

Are you in medical school an planning to be a surgeon? Then here is a how-to video with various different surgical knot tips. The UT Huston Student Surgical Association (SSA) has put together this surgical knot tying online tutorial. Watch as Dr. John R. Potts, MD. demonstrates the two handed square knot. Practice the two handed square knot surgical suture before going into your surgical rotation.

How To: Master your table tennis (ping pong) serve

This series of ping pong / table tennis videos demonstrate how to master the table tennis serve. Jim Clegg, a Level 4 Coach with the English Table Tennis Association and Head Coach of the Preston Table Tennis Association, explains and demonstrates how to do a table tennis serve correctly. Serving today is an extremely complicated topic. These are 9 in depth thought processes for a table tennis serve.

How To: Become a flight medic

Are you interested in flight medicine? Taking care and transporting critical care patients to and from the sight of their injury to the hospital? In this video, learn from the President of the National Flight Medic Association, Jason Hums MPH what it takes to become a flight medic: what to do after schooling to prep, how to compiete for the job in this highly competitive field, and what wesbites to ceck out for more information.

How To: Cite sources in the APA format

In this video, , peakDavid, demonstrates how to use and understand the APA (American Psychological Association) format for citing sources for references in papers, essays, and theses. You will learn the different types of citations used in APA format, and learn to understand how they are used to reference the works you used in your paper. Also, you will learn why you should use the APA format to cite your research, to avoid confusion by the reader, as well as any claims of plagiarism.

How To: Remember a list of random words

In this video, US Memory Champion Chester Santos teaches you how to expand and improve your memory by using a few simple techniques. Word visualizing allows you to create associations which help to remember individual words. Memory can be increased in a fun and easy way by taking advantage of Santos' cool and unique method of associative thinking. You will hopefully never forget your shopping list again!

How To: Clicker train rabbits

These rabbit tricks are from the Santa Barbara Bunnies Urgently Needing Shelter Association. is training the bunnies to respond to a clicker using principles of Pavlov's dog. She shows his tricks and when you must click and give a treat to reinforce the trained behavior.

How To: Identify gang graffiti

During a Laneway Revitalization project some gang graffiti was encountered and replaced with vibrant art work. The event organizer is a Toronto Police Officer who volunteers for the not for profit organization-The Ontario Gang Investigators Association. In this video an explanation of gang graffiti is offered. The organization is comprised of sworn members of all areas of law enforcement who network regularly in the mandate of the prevention, intervention and suppression of crim...

How To: Boffer sword fight with the Knights of Gray

Check out this video from the Knight of Gray. If you are a LARPer, and are art of a LARPing association, then you must check with your league to see if you can even use these boffer fighting techniques. The Knights of Gray do not teach for live action role-playing, they teach for combat. You must be aware of this.

How To: Fit a helmet for horseback riding

Christy Lendwehr and Julie Goodnight from the Certified Horsemanship Association explain how to know when you have a fitting and correctly adjusted horse riding helmet. First and foremost, you should wear your helmet every time you ride and you should be sure that is a ASTM SEI helmet approved for equestrian riding, as they also make helmets for sports and those should not be used while riding a horse. When putting on a helmet you should be able to push it and only the wearer's eyebrows shoul...

How To: Teach your toddler the days of the week

In this video from modernmom, Nancy Stone, a parenting coach teaches how to teach your toddler the days of the week. There's a few simple and easy tips to do this. Music and songs are some favorites. Also rhyming things with the days of the week is a great idea. Or make a calendar and have them trace the letters. Another example is to speak to them and say things like on Saturday we don't go to school and Sundays we go to church. Another thing to say is when they wake up work in the day of th...

How To: Do shoulder isolation exercises

Isolate shoulder muscles with specific weightlifting exercises. Learn tips and techniques for working out the chest, back, shoulders, and arms in this weightlifting video. Take action: targeting anterior & lateral deltoids, bring dumbbells to side with feet shoulder-width apart. Lance is certified personal trainer through American Fitness Association of America. He graduated from UNC with a biology degree and currently works for a gym. He specializes in weight training, circuit training, endu...

How To: Do shoulder compound exercises

Work out several muscle groups with compound exercises. Learn tips and techniques for working out the chest, back, shoulders, and arms in this weightlifting video. Take action: involve many muscles, work shoulders and triceps, have a spotter, and lift straight above head. Lance is certified personal trainer through American Fitness Association of America. He graduated from UNC with a biology degree and currently works for a gym. He specializes in weight training, circuit training, endurance t...

How To: Do shoulder exercises using cables

Use cable weight machines for shoulder exercises. Learn tips and techniques for working out the chest, back, shoulders, and arms in this weightlifting video. Take action: work anterior and lateral deltoids by pulling handle straight up to side, but don't lock elbows, raise arms straight out to the front. Lance is certified personal trainer through American Fitness Association of America. He graduated from UNC with a biology degree and currently works for a gym. He specializes in weight traini...

How To: Do back isolation exercises

Isolate muscles in the back with some simple exercise methods. Learn tips and techniques for working out the chest, back, shoulders, and arms in this weightlifting video. Take action: isolate back muscles with feet wider than shoulder-width, and bring weight down to hips but don't lock elbows. Lance, the instructor in this how-to video, is certified personal trainer through American Fitness Association of America. He graduated from UNC with a biology degree and currently works for a gym. He s...

How To: Do back compound exercises

Work out multiple back muscles with compound exercises. Learn tips and techniques for working out the chest, back, shoulders, and arms in this free weightlifting video. Take action: grip handles on the outsides, cross legs, bring chin to top of the bar, and return slowly, but don't swing legs. Lance, the instructor in this how-to video, is certified personal trainer through American Fitness Association of America. He graduated from UNC with a biology degree and currently works for a gym. He s...

How To: Execute an iso-lateral bench press for weight training

Have you tried working out with an isolated lateral bench press? Iso-lat bench presses are an essential part of lifting weights and strength training. This fitness how-to video tutorial demonstrates how to do an isolated bench press to strengthen the upper body. Learn tips and techniques for working out the chest, back, shoulders, and arms in this weightlifting video.

How To: Do a chest fly exercise on a weight machine

Have you tried a chest fly on a weight machine? Both a weight machines and a chest fly are an essential part of lifting weights and strength training. This fitness how-to video tutorial demonstrates strengthening the chest with flies on a machine. Learn tips and techniques for working out the chest, back, shoulders, and arms in this weightlifting video.

How To: Get started with MLA in Word

The video demonstrates how to get started with MLA (Modern Language Association documentation format) for an article. One of the first things that is important to understand is how to name your paper, and add a header format that will automatically paginate your paper so that you do not have to worry about it. The entries in your Works Cited need to be alphabetized and also need to be indented. Note that there is no extra space between the entries. You do not have to know how to manually form...

How To: Remove stains with strong solvents

In this video Wally Makowsky from Coin Laundry Association shows you how to remove stains with strong solvents. Drop off laundry services use various strong solvents for cleaning stains but Wally Makowsky gives two recommendations. One is Laundry Wetspo which is an excellent general solvent. It can remove lipstick, paint, shoe polish, inks and regular food stains. The other recommendation is yellow go laundry which removes similar stains. Out of the two recommended methods, Laundry Wetspo is ...

How To: Push for better CPR

Good Housekeeping Magazine has teamed with the American Heart Association to bring this life-saving video to you. In the event of a sudden cardiac arrest, call 911 and begin chest compressions immediately. Place your hands on the center of the chest and push hard and fast until help arrives. Compressions help deliver oxygenated blood to the brain and heart. This hands only approach to delivering CPR can greatly alleviate fear, and can double or quadruple a victim's chance of survival.

How To: Understand Forex trading strategies

Forex— what is it? Any investor could tell you a complicated description of what Forex is, but the basics of the FX currency markets is— an over-the-counter financial market for trading currencies. The foreign currency exchange market has no central exchanges like the stock market and little regulatory oversight. With this beginner’s guide, learn the trading basics.

How To: Use the bridge tool in modo 202

The Bridge tool in modo 202 is a phenomenal modeling tool for any workflow. This video will get you a quick ramp up to the full power of the Bridge tool in modo. The bridge tool allows seamless stitching between discontinuous areas of a mesh. See how to use it for any type of 3D modeling within modo.

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