Philip Parker Search Results

News: Paul Thomas Anderson | the v.I.D.a.D.I.F.H. Show

The buzz at TIFF surrounding The Master, starring Joaquin Phoenix and Philip Seymour Hoffman was near-deafening... film fans all across this great city were clamouring to see director Paul Thomas Anderson's follow-up to his 2007 masterpiece There Will Be Blood. Matthew Price of MAMO takes this opportunity mid-hype to give us a brief overview of the young auteur's relatively short but extremely potent career and explore exactly what makes him a Very Important Dude in Film History. Paul Thomas ...

News: Paul Thomas Anderson | the v.I.D.a.D.I.F.H. Show

Last week at TIFF the buzz surrounding The Master, starring Joaquin Phoenix and Philip Seymour Hoffman was near-deafening... film fans all across this great city were clamouring to see director Paul Thomas Anderson's follow-up to his 2007 masterpiece There Will Be Blood. Matthew Price of MAMO takes this opportunity mid-hype to give us a brief overview of the young auteur's relatively short but extremely potent career and explore exactly what makes him a Very Important Dude in Film History. Pa...

How To: Damn, This Dude Knows How To Fold Paper

I've seen lots of amazing origami, but seriously, Benjamin Parker can fold. His intricate origami tessellations are incredible. Parker has been folding since the age of six, and has exhibited in galleries in the U.S. and Europe. To view all of his work, visit his flickr stream.

How To: Play the tapping technique on the acoustic guitar

In this video we are going to build upon hammer on and pull off skills. We are going to introduce tapping, which can be used to further enhance your soloing. I'll go over some basic tapping tips to get you started, and walk you through a classical riff. Then I'll introduce our first guest guitar teacher, Parker Fly. I'll turn over the controls to Parker and he will take it from there. Parker will demonstrate the riff. First he will play it slow, then he is going to open up and really smoke it...

News: The Cosmic Connection

The recent report of the ubiquity of extrasolar planets coupled with the fact that it bodes well for searches for life friendly Earth twins, brought me back to my reading of Carl Sagan's 1966 Intelligent Life In The Universe and later article in Sky & Telescope where he came up with a remarkable number in favor of such.

News: Get Inspired! 20 Nostalgic Photos Taken with Cell Phones

Taking some time to reminisce on fond memories is always pleasant to do every now and then. Since the year is winding down, why not take this moment to get a little nostalgic? In this week's Phone Snap Challenge, we'd love to see what makes you nostalgic. Post your image to the corkboard by Monday, December 19th at 11:59 pm PST for a chance to win the JOYSTICK-IT Arcade Stick for your touchscreen phone or tablet.

News: Iconic Movie Posters Recreated in Neon

Pop Art by Mr Whaite is a cool tumblr featuring a series of neon film posters for popular movies. The artist says: "I love neon signs—they’re hypnotic, sexy, sleazy and tacky all at the same time—and I’ve always thought it would be cool if cinemas used them to advertise films. So with that in mind, I thought I’d have a go at designing some animated Movie Neon. My first attempt is Ghostbusters—an obvious choice really, particularly as neon featured heavily in the video for Ray Parker Jr’s sing...

News: Train the cat to poop in the toilet

How to train a cat to use a toilet - really. I could not invent this stuff. When I first saw this video, I knew my life would never be quite the same. This ranks up there with the invention of electricity or the discovery or DNA. Now, I don't need to smell that litter. I don't have to change it. I don't have to buy it in the store anymore.

News: Train cat to poop in the toilet

This clip is a WonderHowTo classic and now the 2008 Oddball Award winner! Nancy Parker loves her cat, Millennium Y 2 Kitty. Yes, the cat's name may be dated, but toilet training a cat is the future. She proves obsessive-compulsive behavior can be a major virtue, and rather than a drawback.

News: 3 Long Awaited Indie Games at PAX That Should Be Released Already!

The small size of most indie game development teams is a strength, but also a weakness. It allows them to take risks and explore revolutionary ideas that a larger company could never justify to its shareholders, but also means they must navigate the game development labyrinth with minimal help, taking much longer than those with big development teams. Some of the most exciting indie games currently in development have been so for years, or look like they will be.

News: Canon's 5D Mark II Invades Hollywood

Since its release three years ago, Canon's EOS 5D Mark II has been the most sought out digital SLR for photographers everywhere. But it's also becoming a favorite amongst cinematographers, thanks to its compact size and high-def video recording mode, seeing action in everything from independent features to Hollywood blockbusters and even big network TV shows.

SUBMIT: A Photo with a Nostalgic Theme by December 19th. WIN: JOYSTICK-IT Arcade Stick

It is always a bittersweet moment to find yourself looking back on the fond memories that seem to have taken place in the distant past. When your favorite song from 10 years ago comes onto the radio, or when a sudden scent reminds you of the summers you spent as a child—these types of moments tend to trigger the fondest of memories. For this week's challenge, we'd like to see a photo that captures a nostalgic feeling, whether it be your favorite childhood food, meaningful memorabilia you've s...

Meeting the Dungeon Defenders: An Interview with Trendy Entertainment

I've been unreasonably excited about Dungeon Defenders (NOT DUNGEON DEFENDER!) for almost a year. Playing it at PAX did nothing to damper that enthusiasm. I had a chance this week to speak with co-founder/development director Jeremy Stieglitz and marketing diretor Philip Asher from Gainesville, Florida based developer Trendy Entertainment to find out a little more about the game, and how it came together.

How To: Update your little black dress

We’ve sung the praises of the classic little black dress before, but spring is the season for shaking things up a bit, the old standbys included Ali Larter and Madonna have the look down, and Eva Longoria Parker knows how to rock black-and-white separates for the trend. Watch this how to video for tips on wearing this fashionable two-toned look. Update your little black dress.

Eyeliner For Dummies: All the FYI You'll Ever Need

Ah, the art of applying eyeliner. Bad habit of going just a weee bit too heavy? Having a hard time keeping your line nice and steady? Is it really supposed to go INSIDE the outer edge of your eye? Jezebel received a flood of woes such as these, and therefore asked their readers to send in all of their best eyeliner tips.

News: BioShock's Libertarian 'Rapture' of the Deep Evolves into Real-Life Seastead Cities

BioShock is one of the best games of all time. It combines FPS gameplay with RPG storytelling and supports multiple systems better than any other game, that much is for sure. And the setting of its amazing story is a place called Rapture, a high-tech libertarian colony at the bottom of the Atlantic built by Andrew Ryan, a greying industrialist clearly inspired by John Galt and his creator Ayn Rand, the mother of Objectivism and modern American libertarianism in general. Ryan is a Soviet exile...

News: SCRABBLE Is Everywhere... Movies, Books & Other Media

In our media-enriched world, past and present, SCRABBLE has made a name for itself, whether deliberately, subconsciously, or influentially. You may have a read a book that had the popular word game within a chapter, watched a movie that showed your favorite characters bringing out the SCRABBLE board, or even listened to a rap about this word or that word. SCRABBLE is everywhere, even if you don't realize it.

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