Physical Activity Search Results

How To: Linux Basics for the Aspiring Hacker: Managing Hard Drives

Managing hard drives in Linux is crucial to understanding your system and its operation as well as understanding the system you are exploiting or conducting a forensic analysis on. Linux has numerous commands that can provide us with information, control, and management of hard drives, and in this tutorial, we will examine a number of the most important ones.

How To: Clear Your Web Browsing History in a Hurry

If you've been visiting websites of ill repute, or if you've been Christmas shopping and don't want to spoil the surprise, it would be a disastrous situation if anyone were to come across your browsing history. Visited sites, cookies, and cache can paint a very clear picture of your recent internet activity, and depending on the situation, you may only have a few seconds to delete your history before someone else barges in.

Botnets and RATs : Precautionary Measures and Detection (Part 2)

Hola my fellow hackers! I promised you the tutorials on setting up RAT's and Botnets, but before jumping into those, i want you to know about the precautionary measures and detection of RATs which might be on the system without your prior knowledge. Of course the Anti-virus do most of the job but there are some RATs which slips past the Anti-viruses (This is where Hacker's skill come into play).

How To: The 15-Minute Trick to Boosting Your Memory & Being More Productive

From day to day, it can be difficult to remember everything that's required of you. I tend to forget exactly where it is I'm supposed to be during my busiest moments, and it's even easier to delete each day's events out of your brain when there's so much else that dominates your mind. Yet taking the time to remember exactly what it is that happens during each of our days can be a vital part of our memory—and with nothing more than 15 minutes, we can strengthen our brains and remember more tha...

How To: The Easiest, Best Way to Keep Soft Herbs Fresh for Months

There are a lot of reasons for wanting to make sure your herbs last a long time. Maybe you know that your grocery store won't have decent parsley in the winter. Maybe you're taking a last-minute trip and don't want to throw away your perfect batch of basil. Or perhaps you're simply like me, and buy a dozen different herbs at the farmer's market, only to remember that you can't make it through all of them before they go bad.

How To: Use Your Phone's Camera to Split Bills More Easily with Friends

When going out to eat with friends, it's inevitable that one person takes charge at the end of the meal to split the bill. They whip out a pen and begin asking everyone what they ordered, carefully dividing, adding, and subtracting on the back of the receipt for everyone to use. Unfortunately, that never seems to work as intended. One person will end up paying a little more, while another will pay less.

Herb Slapping: You've Gotta Get Physical for More Flavor

Fresh herbs can be delicate, and it's not always easy to figure out how to cut, crush, or muddle them to make the most of their flavors. Get too rough, and you have a bunch of bruised and muddy-tasting herbs, which is due to too much chlorophyll being released. Don't do enough prep, and the herbs don't release the essential oils and volatile molecules that are the foundation of their flavor.

How To: Get Full-Screen "Immersive Mode" on Android Without Rooting

Rooting is a great way to unleash your device's full potential, but not everyone's comfortable with it. Rooting can void a warranty, cause issues with certain apps, and the process itself can be tricky for older devices. Alas, most of the great apps or mods out there require root access, like the ability to utilize a built-in KitKat feature known as Immersive Mode.

How To: Quickly Track & Free Up Space in Your Cloud Storage

It seems like every cloud service out there is offering tons of upgrade options and free promotions to give people as much space as they need to store their files online. I personally have over 100GB of Google Drive space which is shared between multiple computers, phones, and tablets, so keeping track of everything can be a huge pain in the ass.

How To: Reply to Texts, Trash Emails, Snooze Reminders, & More with Interactive Notifications in iOS 8

Notification banners and alerts aren't new to iOS, but the ability to expand and interact with them is. Apple's new iOS 8 has ushered in some small, yet convenient features to the banner and alert notifications that make them truly interactive. The new additions, as you will see, makes it easy to complete simple tasks without leaving the current screen you're in.

How To: Enable Kids Mode on Your Galaxy S5

Parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and even older siblings have all likely dealt with handing their smartphones over to young children. No matter if they want to play games or watch cartoons or record funny noises, you're handing over a very personal device to those who can mess up what they don't know.