Pictures Search Results

Filter Photography Challenge: Los Angeles and Portland Shots

Ok. My Cell Phone isn't cool like everyone else's. I still wanted to post up some images though. These are my attempts to make something look like it was taken using a filter app for a smart phone. These were inspired by the picture Swell of the Frank Gehry concert hall in downtown LA that was in the post on 50 amazing shots taken using instagram. I had some pictures of it that I thought were pretty cool. So there's two of them here and then a another downtown artsy pictures of Los Angeles, a...

Insect Photography Challenge: Luna Moth

I have a few pictures, but the first is my entry. I thought the sweat fly was pretty cool. I don't understand why they named it such an ugly name for such a beautiful bug (not that the Luna Moth isn't). The pictures are more zoomed out progressively so I can see how close I can get to the moth before it flies off. Actually, it didn't fly off. I got to put my hand next to it- it had a 6 inch wingspan!

Bird's Eye View Challenge: Celebrity... Maybe

We were at the El Capitan on Sunday and while waiting for friends to show up we walked over to the massive Cirque du soleil Hollywood premiere for a few minutes. Around the time we were there celebrities were arriving so we just started taking pictures. I don't know a lot of celebrity names, some I only recognized by face (oh it's that dude from Swingers!), but this is the best shot I took above the crowd.

News: Photographer Brings Google+ to the Real World with Photowalk

In a gesture to bring the social qualities of Google+ into the real world, photographer +Trey Ratcliff invited his Google+ followers to join him on a photowalk this past Thursday, held on the Stanford University campus. Over 150 people showed up to take pictures with fellow Googlers and Google+ users, and to socialize in "real life". This group photo was taken by professional photographer +Peter Adams.

Photoshop Project: How to Use Layers Creatively

Difficulty Level: Moderate Photoshop Skills Photoshop isn't just for zapping zits and adding freaky colors to sunset pictures! You can use it for fun, altered-reality pictures, too. If you have a tripod and some friends, you can combine many exposures as separate layers and using layer masks, make one super cool image from many slightly cool images.

News: People Who Can't Afford Food

These pictures was taken on the bus during my ride going home from work. My heart reaches out to them, Street children who cannot afford to buy food. Who resort to sniffing solvent fumes just to forget hunger and the harsh reality of life.I just wish I could something for them. I saw them on the sidewalk near SM Makati under MRT Ayala Station.

News: What's your angle???

The angle in which you shoot your subject can change everything. Sometimes when you take a picture at eye level looking straight at the object, things can appear flat and not as interesting. But instead of just snapping a picture, try getting down to the subjects level. For example, if you're taking a picture of a flower, get down close to the flower, and maybe angle your lense up, looking up at the flower, instead of looking down. Or angle your lense as if you're looking at the flower sidewa...

News: Mafia 2 PC/360/PS3 Comparisons

Mafia 2 is coming August 24th to the PC, PS3, and 360. From early reports it looks like the only version worth getting is on the PC. Between consoles, the 360 version is less 'crappy'. Besides the video, look at the pictures below to determine the picture quality:

News: Do Cats & Boobs Belong on Google+?

While using Google+, it's been apparent that there are two types of posters. There are the people who post thoughtful, serious posts about everything from tech to dealing with cancer. And then there are the meme propagators, the people who decide to rick roll others (ahem, +Bryan Crow), and constantly put up animated gifs. Sometimes they are the same people, and this is where it gets a little controversial.

News: San Francisco Sunset from Treasure Island

This is the last one I'll post up for this contest. I've already eliminated myself by posting up twice...and now thrice... I'm sorry I can't resist. I'm seeing such amazing pictures and they are reminding me of other pictures I've taken... so thanks everyone. About the picture: This is across the bay from San Francisco on Treasure island which is the island in the middle of the bay bridge. You can see all of downtown San Francisco as well half of the bay bridge to the right and golden gate br...

News: Open Your Chakras with Deepak Chopra's Leela for Wii and Xbox 360

Deepak Chopra is one of the last people you'd think to be associated with video games. He's a new age spiritual icon who's built an empire on self-help books and speaking tours, one of which my Marin County liberal parents deigned to drag me to in middle school. Recently, a new outlet for his teachings was announced—a video game project three years in the making, simply called Leela.

News: Holy Pac-Man! DIY Light Painting Saber Is Pure Awesome

A few months ago, we showed you a pretty awesome light painting project that visually captured invisible Wi-Fi signals around town using a Wi-Fi detecting rod filled with 80 LEDs. With some long exposure photography, the results were pretty amazing. This project was inspired by those crazy Norwegians, but this build lets you do something even more amazing—capture pictures of colorful written text and drawn images, frozen in midair.

How To: Make Torus Knots from Soft Metals

Torus knots are beautiful knots formed by wrapping a line around a torus and tying the ends together to form a loop. The resulting knot has a star-like appearance when viewed from above. The 36 examples with the least number of crossings can be seen at the Knot Atlas's page on torus knots.

How To: Make Knot Sculptures from Soft Metals

In mathematics, a knot is a closed circle in a three-dimensional space that crosses itself multiple times. Since it is closed, it has no ends to tie, meaning you can't actually create such a knot. However, if you tie the ends together after you create a knot in the standard way, you will have something that is close to the mathematical description. In this post, we will explore the creation of mathematical knot sculputures using copper tubing and solid solder wire.

Contest: Potassium Nitrate Crystals

Recreating one of Will's mad science experiments, I made some potassium nitrate crystals. This was definitely the most fun part of my DIY smoke mix. I can't win the contest, but I'm just putting it up here for fun, since I liked the pictures so much.

News: Time-Lapse Video of Sunday's Annular Solar Eclipse

The annular solar eclipse was amazing. It was so much fun watching the sun transform from a thin crescent to a ring and then to a thin crescent going the other direction. I'll be posting up the pictures used to make this video in various resolutions on my photography website over the next few days, all of the way up to the full 16 megapixel ultra-detailed images.

Self Portrait Challenge: Purple Haze

This is my self portrait near my Bedroom wall covered with magazine pictures. It took me forever to choose the right one! I used Snapseed to brighten my eyes, Then I used Camera+ Diana Filter. After that I used Phototoaster Purple Haze filter.

Toy Challenge: Bookosaurus

One of the many things my boyfriend and I discovered we had in common when we started dating was that we each owned a toy dinosaur, which we like to take pictures of on various adventures. The one in the foreground is mine. I call him Henry.

News: Great Discussion on Finishing PVC

This forum has a discussion about painting PVC that has some opinions from very accomplished people, including Volpin Props. They go over primers, adhesion promoters, sanding and more, and if you see these people's work, they are the go-to guys for informed ideas on this subject.

Pet Portrait Challenge: Link Hat

My dog Elvis hates having his picture taken so I don't have any artistic pictures of him. Here's a funny one though. I had just finished making a full scale wearable Link (from Zelda) hat for a present for a cousin. I think Elvis looks good in it.