Plane Travel Search Results

The Anachronist: A Crowd-Funded Steampunk Film About Time Travel

I guess it's steampunk film night, because there's another film out there in the works, though this one is trying to raise money via Kickstarter. The promotional animation that they have up on their kickstarter page is pretty awesome, and from what the director had to say, it sounds like it would be a really cool film. Go over there and check it out, and if you like to contribute to the indie scene, give them some money!

How To: Calculate the Cost of Driving

With gas prices soaring in the US and around the globe, the cost to drive to a vacation destination is becoming a much larger expense item in the overall travel budget. Although it's easy to see that gas prices have risen dramatically in the past several months, it's not nearly as easy to figured out how it will impact that upcoming car trip, so here are the items you need to take into consideration to calculate how much it will cost to drive to a destination.

How To: Create a Super Speed Track in Minecraft

Welcome to Minecraft World! Check out our advanced tutorials and come play on our free server. There are many ways to get around in Minecraft, from boats to mine carts, but did you know that you can travel even faster on foot? That's right, by creating a running track, players can run at super speeds! Not only is it the single fastest way to travel, it's easy to build as well. No redstone wires required.

News: Traveling with Augmented Reality

Searching for some new new in Augmented Reality Apps I came across Augmented GeoTravel. I would have loved to have this app when I went to Europe. Being able to travel and hold up the camera & get more information on cool places I was seeing would have been awesome. It is like an ultimate travel guide and so much more. Check out some of the things it can do below.

News: I hope this prank isnt going too far, but I have more.

Ok, so my friend Nathan and I play pranks a lot and a lot of them on his cousin Justin and we think Jackass might be able to help us pull the ultimate prank on him. He'll cry, piss, and shit his pants for sure if you help us do this. I hope this idea isnt going too far. This is a must read though. Read it all!Ok, so it will start off by us telling him that we have some movie part in California(he'll fall for that) and that they're flying us out there and they want him to come too. You guys wi...

News: Parachute

Ask someone to come on a plane to film or something so that when other people are jumping, he won't be jumping, so he will not have a parachute on, so what you do is you push him out of the plane without a parachute and then do like Travis Pastrana and go rescue him in mid air. :)

News: Why is ACL Injury More Common in Female Athletes?

The sudden deceleration, shifting in the knee, popping sound and screaming from the intense pain that immediately follows is becoming increasingly common among our young athletes. Those who have witnessed or suffered a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) are familiar with the pain, surgery and intense 6 to 8 month rehabilitation that accompanies the injury, not to mention the disappointment of ending a season. Nationwide, this will occur more than 500,000 times this year, and female athlete...

How To: Sterilize a Toothbrush to Remove Germs

Did you know germs can travel pretty far? If you store your toothbrush in the bathroom like almost everyone does, you may need to give it a good wash now and again. In this tutorial, learn how to remove germs from your toothbrush, and stay healthier. This video will show you how to use common, natural household items to clean your brush instead of harmful chemicals.

How To: Pickpocket-Proof Yourself from Thieving Hands

When you are in Rome, do as the Romans do... avoid carrying your wallet in the back pocket of your jeans. But no matter what city or country you are in, there are several easy precautions you can take to keep yourself as pickpocket-proof as possible so that your amazing travel memories won't be sullied by the experience of having your camera or passport stolen.

News: Artist to Schlep Mammoth Chunk of Ice from Greenland to NYC

It's an ambitious How-To project to say the least, or more specifically, an over-the-top political art installation by San Francisco artist Brian Goggin. You may have previously heard of Goggin for his "Defenestration" project—an installation of "frozen" furniture, being tossed mid-air from a San Francisco apartment building. But Goggin's latest project sounds significantly more challenging to execute, considering the elaborate game plan involved:

How to Play Stupid Zombies: 3 Stars on Levels 1-60 in Chapter 1, Stage 1

Looking for another Angry Birds fix? Well, drop the lame birds and pick up the zombies—Stupid Zombies, that is. You'd think that killing "stupid" undead beings would be easier than knocking off a few "angry" vertebrates, but it's actually more challenging—and more fun! Who wouldn't enjoy killing zombies with a shotgun blast and watching their heads roll? Armed with a shotgun and a strategic mind, your goal is to take out all the living dead with as few bullets as possible, trying to achieve t...

How To: "Hack" Sarah Palin's Yahoo! Mail account

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to exploit weak security questions to take control of a given Yahoo! Mail account in much the same way Sarah Palin's Yahoo! account was recently "hacked." (To access Sarah Palin's account you will need, in addition to the tutorial, some manner of time travel device.) For a detailed, step-by-step reenactment of the "hack" (scare quotes very much intended), take a look. "Hack" Sarah Palin's Yahoo! Mail account.

How To: Create a voyage tracking animation in After Effects

This After Effects tutorial shows you how to create a voyage tracking animation. This is the same thing you see when you're on an airplane and the screen shows you how far you've come and how far you have left to go. It's also a popular techinique used in movies to show where characters are travelling and the pasage of time. This is a very simple tutorial that's great for After Effects beginners. Create a voyage tracking animation in After Effects.