Planning Officer Search Results

How To: Get out of a speeding ticket with Officer Brian

If you do get stopped pull over to the right and make sure you are off the road. If it is at night turn your interior lights on. Keep your hands on top of the steering wheel until the officer tells you what to do. If he asks you do you know why I stopped you always answer no. He will then ask for your drivers license, registration, and insurance. If it is in your glove box or your wallet tell him what you are going to do. This shows respect for the officer. Before he goes back to his car make...

How To: Get permanent residency in Canada through CEC

The CEC, Canada Experience Class, is a new program to help a person who has held residency in Canada gain permanent residency status. The program realizes that, by going to school or living in Canada while working, many people have the skills necessary to make the transition to live in Canada permanently. To qualify for CEC, you must be a temporary worker living in Canada for at least two years with two years of skilled working experience. A second way you can qualify is by being a foreign gr...

How To: Choose, plan and install a wooden or vinyl fence with Lowe's

When it comes to fence-building, nobody knows better than Lowe's. And if you're thinking about fencing an area of your home, either for privacy, decoration or busywork, this video series will inform you on everything you need to know. Learn how to choose and plan out your fence, whether it be wood, aluminum or vinyl, then see how to start laying it out and digging the posts. Then move on to the actual installation.

How To: Draw the character, Salvation Army Officer Bob Swanson

In this how-to video, you will learn how to draw Salvation Army Officer Bob Swanson from the cartoon strip Mustard Seeds. First, you will need a pen and paper. Now, start off by drawing the hat of the figure. From there, move on to the glasses, nose, hair, and mouth. Fill in the hair with the sharpie. Next, move on to the jacket and tie. You can add the arms, hands, notebook, and legs from here. Make sure to add the folds on the pants. The feet are next. Fill in the jacket and hat with the sh...

How To: Write your own business plan

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to write their own business plan. This video provides several options for viewers to decide from to write a business plan. Users may choose to purchase a business plan software for $50-$65, take a business plan course for $75-$500 or hire a consultant for $1000,-$5000. Business course plans are usually located at college campuses. It is not recommended to hire a consultant as it is very expensive and you will ne the one giving the consultant the infor...

How To: Play Lil Wayne's "Ms. Officer" on acoustic guitar

Want to know how to play "Ms. Officer" by Lil' Wayne on the guitar? Learn how with this free video guitar lesson. While this tutorial is best suited for intermediate players, guitarists of all skill levels can play along given a little sticktoitiveness. For more information, and to get started playing this song on your own guitar, watch this how-to!

How To: Start a business

In a bad economy, starting your own business is hard, even if you know everything about a business plan. And lots of people have ideas to start a business, but starting a successful business takes more than a good idea, it takes planning.

How To: Beat a speeding ticket

This video is meant to teach you how to beat a speeding ticket. First you must try and not get a ticket. This video lists several things that will help you avoid paying a ticket. After you try that your best bet is to try and talk your way out of it right then when you get it. Be polite and careful with any quick moments. Try and convince the police officer that they are wrong and be confident. Imagine the police officer holding a baby. Do not try and plead with them. Don't kiss his ass. Don'...

How To: Design, plan & install a waterwise landscape with Lowe's

In this tutorial, we learn how to design, plan & install a water-wise landscape w/Lowe's. Traditional landscape can require a lot of time but there are a lot of ways to make it more simple. A water wise landscape is easy to do and will look great. This simply means using your landscape simply to achieve great results. First, you need to plan and design and call utility companies to see what areas to avoid electrical and gas lines. Draw out a plan of your property and then draw how you want yo...

How To: Create a bloody fang vampire nail look for Halloween

Halloween is only a few weeks away, fellow goblinesses, which means it's time to begin planning for your costume, makeup, and nail look. If you're planning to dress up as a vampire this Halloween or simply want a mischevious nail look that screams "Halloween" and "Twihard" all at once, check out this nail tutorial for creating a bloody fang vampire nail look.

How To: Layout and plan your drywall

In this tutorial, we learn how to lay out and plan your drywall with Myron Ferguson. First, check the wall to make sure there is proper access inside to see what layout you're dealing with. Next, plan out what kind of materials you are going to have to deal with. Measure the ceiling and windows that are in the building and do the math to figure out how much drywall you need. Next, check for possible problems with the wall, so you can make sure your drywall will attach correctly and not pop ou...

How To: Develop action plans for your business goals

In this tutorial, we learn how to develop action plans for your business goals with Erica Olsen. First, you want to establish what your goal is and when you can achieve this by. After you do this, you need to develop an action plan for how you can make this happen. Think about all the steps you need to do, then plan out the steps in which you can and will do it. Also, make sure you assign these responsibilities to those who work for you, and give them a deadline so you can have a date you nee...

How To: Write an executive summary

An executive summary is one of the most important parts of your business career, because it's the first thing investors will look at. Placed at the beginning of a business plan, the executive summary is the hook that lures investors into wanting to learn more about your business. See how to write one in the best way possible.

How To: Finish a basement layout and planning

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to finish a basement by laying out and planning. Planning the lay-out and design of the basement is an important part of finishing or remodeling a basement. Learn how to get new ideas as you design and lay-out your basement floor plan. Viewers will learn how to finish the basement space with expert tips and advice on home improvement. Make sure the basement is empty. Make measurements and mark them on the wall or floor. For a bathroom, there should be...

How To: Draw up a VFR flight plan

When flying, having a well constructed flight plan is the key to flying safely and effectively. This video will teach you how to calculate the perfect flight plan, research flight paths, traffic, and calculating fuel flow and flight time. There's so much in this video it'll make your head spin!

How To: Pass the oral interview to become a police officer

In this tutorial, we learn how to pass the oral interview to become a police officer. Remember that the officers interviewing you want to see you succeed, so demonstrate your personality while you are being interviewed. When you are getting asked questions, ask for clarity, there is nothing wrong with this. The first type of interview you are going to have is a local focus interview, to know that you are committed to the area you live in. The next type of interview you will have is the behavi...

News: Charles Officer Talks About 100 Musicians | TIFF '12

The director of 100 Musicians and Nurse/Fighter/Boy talked with us about old school filmmaking Charles Officer has directed shorts, music videos for K’naan, and the features Nurse/Fighter/Boy and Mighty Jerome, a documentary about Canadian track star Harry Jerome. His new short 100 Musicians, which screens Monday as part of Short Cuts Canada, is a small ode to civic optimism, concerning itself with a lovers’ argument over who exactly misheard a radio DJ reporting the plans of Toronto’s much m...

How To: Conduct strategic planning retreats

In this video, we learn how to conduct strategic planning retreats. When planning these, you need to make sure you have your priorities planned for the next year. Make sure you choose the right time to go and there are no big changes happening during that time. Pick who is going to go by taking a survey around the company. After you get this figured out, you will need to figure out your agenda. Ask yourself to find out how you are going to get goals accomplished and where you want the company...

How To: Make a Star Trek Red Shirt costume for Halloween or a Star Trek event

No one in their right mind would ever volunteer to be one of the Red Shirts, the security officers from Star Trek who so often died during the crew's away missions. Well, it is a pretty easy-to-make and easy to recognize costume, so it might be a good choice for your next nerdy Halloween party or other get-together. This video wills show you how to make a Red Shirt shirt of a long-sleeve shirt and paint.

How To: Backpack and camp with healthy food

Just because you are not at home is no reason to abandon your healthy eating lifestyle. In this tutorial, you will learn all about planning healthy meals and snacks while you are on the go. Discover how to pack your backpack with the right, lightweight snacks and maintain proper nutrition when out and about. Of course, when planning caloric intake and healthy eating for a backpacking trip, it's important to create a backup plan in case something doesn't go according to plan. Learn about carry...

How To: Avoid Losing Your Unlimited Data Plan When Upgrading to the iPhone 5

The iPhone 5 will be here in no time. Pre-orders started at 12:01AM PST this morning and it's expected to start shipping in about two weeks. Verizon, AT&T, and Sprint are all handling unlimited data plans differently, so if you currently have an unlimited plan and are going to get the iPhone 5, you'll want to know what your carrier is doing before you upgrade so you don't end up with a very unpleasant surprise on your next phone bill. Verizon

How To: Plan for international travel

Betsy Sell and Tom Wilt of AAA Travel Services present this video to teach you how to plan for international travel. They teach you how to prepare the right documents, explain how to get a passport, and discuss travel insurance. They also discuss how to plan for emergencies and how to deal with different kinds of money such as travelers' checks. They also discuss how to pack, what to do when documents are lost, and safety tips. This video is the introduction in a series with this information ...

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