Plant's Leaves Search Results

How To: Identify common tree problems

For new landscapes people tend to generally plant the new 'purple leaf plum' trees in a square shaped small plots. They also plant some small plants around it to make it look good. However when the tree grows older it needs to spread its roots. At that time these plants may try to hinder the trees roots growth. Therefore it is advisable remove them once the tree starts growing bigger. Then you can also add water to the roots by spreading it around the area of the tree.Whenever there is proble...

How To: Draw bean sprout leaves

This task can be completed by following the instructor's ideas. The task is to draw bean sprout leaves. The instructor is a professional graphic designer. He begins by tracing the outline of the plant before beginning. You must then follow the outline with a darker ink to bring the image to life. To give the plant more life like detail you must draw in all the life veins as shown by the instructor. This instructor shows you how to draw a animated bean sprout plant.

How To: Prune tall hedges

We next discuss trimming regular hedges. Most people just want a hedge that's tidy and neat, one that performs a function of blocking a view. We discuss some newly planted Boxwoods. Glenn planted these several months ago and wants to keep these low growing, about the height of the wall behind them. When the new growth starts to come up and the plant has reached its desired height, he prunes them. Glenn leaves an open space between the plant and the wall, this allows for good air circulation, ...

How To: Pick and care for poinsettias

Learn how to choose and care for poinsettias with Southwest Yard and Garden's John White. You will be taken through the typical height and specifications for poinsettias, as well as what to look for in the leaves and flowers. One of the most important parts of growing poinsettias is keeping to a specific schedule. Measuring the plants is also important as plants that are too tall or too short are undesirable. Remember to frequently water the plants, but be careful not to overwater. Also, keep...

How To: Propagate iceplants and african violets

to transfer ice plants, take a Styrofoam cup with holes in bottom and sides for drainage. fill cup with potting soil. place cuttings of ice plants into pot, about 2-3 cuttings per cup. keep moist. for African violets, snap off an entire leaf including the stem. fill a Styrofoam cup with water. cover with saran wrap with a rubber band around the edge to keep it tight. cover completely with aluminum foil to keep inside of cup dark. place hole in center of plastic/aluminum foil with a pencil. pl...

How To: Choose cool weather veggies & flowers for your garden

The presenter, John White, explains how to choose and transplant cold weather vegetables and flowers in this video. The first vegetable he identifies is spinach. He suggests ensuring that the plant has been "hardened off" when buying transplants from the nursery. Next John presents leaf lettuce, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and Swiss chard as some additional vegetables. He does remind the watcher to consult the plant labels for all the spacing information they may need. Moving on to flowers, J...

How To: Identify problems with poinsettia, ligustrum & pecans

Some of the new poinsettia plants will continue to "bloom" year round, but others need a little encouragement. The blooming is actually leaves of the plant itself. One way of forcing it to change color is to withhold fertilizer and/or light for a time, then put it back into a sunny location and it will begin to bloom. The video also addresses spots on Ligustrum plants. It has to do with cold weather in the winter and lack of nitrogen. There's not much you can do about winter damage, but ferti...

How To: Identify aphids or whiteflies on your ash tree

County expert John White determines how to solve some pesky plant problems for the area. The first problem - cutter bees on Crepe Myrtle - is an obvious one, with the deep curved "bites" showing on most of the leaves. He suggests using an insecticide but then points out the signs of a second problem - beetle damage. Crepe Myrtle is prone to beetle infestations and he advises to get out a flashlight and look for them at night when they are at their worst. A problem with heat scorching on Euony...

How To: Start an urban living indoor garden during the winter

In this tutorial, we learn how to start an urban living indoor garden during the winter. You can easily place a shelving unit over the side of a window sill. This will also need a fastener attached to it to give it extra support. After this, you will need to install florescent tubes at the top of the shelving to help your indoor garden grow. Use small plastic bins to plant your seedlings in. These are perfect for a small greenhouse that you can place on the shelves and leave to grow with just...

How To: Control snails & aphids

In this video, Extension Horticulturalist Curtis Smith talks with Master Gardener Marsha groves about controlling harmful pests that are damaging to plants throughout the year in both outdoor garden and greenhouse environments. The first part of the video covers the issue of plant eating snails, and how they might best be dealt with. Smith explains that there are a number of non-toxic methods which one can use to rid a plant of snails. The process of introducing predatory creatures such as tu...

How To: Care for venus flytrap, gloxinia and bromeliad

To care for:Venus Flytrap: It is a great project for children, however, there are a few things to remember to look after this plant. Firstly it is best to use cover to protect the plant, as they have a tendency to dry out quickly. Also be careful not to overfeed the plant insects.Gloxinia: Many people buy this beautiful plant in bloom, however, after bloom they throw away the plant as they think they have killed it by over watering. All you do is stop watering it so it lies dormant, and then ...

How To: Care for a garden in february during dormant season

John White, a Doña Ana County Extension Agent, highlights a new section on the show - a monthly checklist for the garden. This time, he talks about what to do in your garden in the month of February. The checklist includes planting dormant plants, pruning with a purpose and applying herbicides and pesticides. He shows us various types of dormant plants that can be purchased from nurseries in February for planting such as potted, bare-root or root-balled plants wrapped in burlap. As for prunin...

How To: Identify problems with snails & slugs

Snails and slugs can really be a problem sometimes if you are a gardener. They feed on plants and can be considered pests, sometimes even getting inside your house. They are identified by their tell-tale slime trails. A bad infestation can be very hard to deal with. However, specialized cleaners or fertilizers can help your garden snail-free.

How To: Make natural rope from Douglas Iris leaves

This video demonstrates how to make natural fiber rope using Douglas iris, a plant which is found along the Pacific coast from Santa Barbara from to Oregon. Before beginning, you should know that Douglas iris is poisonous when eaten, but it should be safe when you are handling it. The plant blooms every spring and dies every winter and has a brighter green color on top and a duller green towards the stalk, with a dark purple tint near the roots. You should collect plants which have died from ...

How To: Plant strawberries as ground cover

GardenGirltv shows viewers how to plant strawberries as a ground cover! With a strawberry patch or field you will have to always continually plant strawberries! The plants will last a few years and every year you should add new plants to your areas for each year. First, you need to get a bundle of strawberry plants you need to rake the area you are planting them in. Make sure you put each plant 18 inches apart. First, you should take your strawberry plant dig a trench, lay it flat and cover i...

How To: Graft eggplant and tomato plants together

Grafting plants together is the oldest and thus far most important kind of genetic engineering practiced in the world. This video features a farmer demonstrating how to graft plants together, using a tomato and a eggplant as an example. He aims to create an eggplant that will yield for longer by grafting the tomato plant into it. Learning these skills will allow you to expand the world of your gardening by creating your own plants!

How To: Cut & plant potatoes

This video describes how to cut and plant potatoes in your own garden. Potatoes are easy to grow almost anywhere and can be started early in the year since they are resistant to cold.

How To: Prune tomato plants

Pruning tomatoes is one of the easiest and most beneficial things you can do to increase fruit size and help lessen the chances of disease. The basic method of pruning is to remove the suckers from the leaf axils of the tomato plant. If you remove the suckers you will have larger, sweeter, and healthier tomatoes. If you leave them you will get more tomatoes, but the plant is more susceptible to disease and other health issues. This how to video gives you pruning tips and tricks so you can hav...

How To: Prepare a raised bed garden for planting

In this video, we learn how to prepare a raised bed garden for planting. First, clear some of the debris that was left from last year. Then, take a pitchfork and loosen the soil all around the bed. Bring the soil from the bottom up to the top to make it stay loose throughout the bed. Then, start shoveling the soil around the bed and then add in some manure to the bed and mix together with the shovel. Worms in the compost will give you a lot of nutrients and help break down the manure. When fi...

How To: Plant tulip bulbs in a container in winter

Phyllis Stevens gives us some tips on planting Tulips in the winter. We start by taking a container filled with Potting Soil, then we Plant the Tulip Bulbs. You should fit up to 3 bulbs per pot. Putting some Crocus on the top of the soil doesn't hurt. Bury the bulbs in the garden, covering with Leaves and pine-needles. In the Spring (February-March) we will take the pots out from the soil and Sink them down into the Planter Soil. Once they are finished blooming take them out from soil and put...

How To: Grow potatoes in a 5 gallon bucket

In this video you will learn how to get your potato plant growing using a 5 gallon bucket. Start by taking your 5 gallon bucket and drilling a series of small holes at the bottom for draining. Next line the bottom of your bucket with about 2 inches of rocks to help with drainage and top with a layer of weed block and a couple inches of soil. Now your bucket is ready to add a budded potato. To make your potatoes bud out simply leave them in a bag and place them in the dark for about a month un...

How To: Prune tomato plants to increase production

One way to increase production in tomato plants is pruning. Pruning your tomato plants will decrease the amount of energy needed for leaf production and increase the amount of energy that goes into your tomato, which provides a a larger and better tasting tomato. Trimming off branches that are not used and are not in direct sunlight achieves more efficiency by directing sugars into the fruit and not into the other branches. Watch this time lapse how-to video, follow along with the tips, and s...

How To: Make your garden interesting throughout the year

If looking for a way to make your garden interesting throughout the year don't just concentrate on the flowers, look at other parts of the plant. An example is a Rose bush. After the Roses are finished many have beautiful leaves. One plant has beautiful hips, large seeds pods. They add interest during the summer, then in the fall they'll turn a ruby red creating interest throughout the entire season. Consider the whole plant and its' characteristics during different seasons.

How To: Use chromatography to study plants

This video is a tutorial on how to use chromatography correctly to study plants. The tools needed to complete the task are a plant, jar or bottle, rubbing alcohol, paper coffee filter and a plastic spoon. The first step is to chop the plant up and place it into a jar followed by filling the jar with rubbing alcohol. The jar must then be placed into a pan of warm water for five full minutes. You must stir the plant matter in the alcohol until the plant causes the alcohol to change color. The l...

How To: Protect plants from frost

Frost is in the air. If you have tender plants like basil, pepper or impatients when that cold weather comes it will zap those plants. Often, if you can get through those first couple frosts, an Indian summer, that can last weeks and weeks, will follow. If you can protect your plants during this time you can have blooms for much longer. There are several ways to protect your plants. You can use a traditional device like a glass cloche. The nice thing about them is they are decorative and will...

How To: Select the best mums for your garden

Chrysanthemums are a beautiful flower to have in your garden for color and for picking to take into the house. There are two very important factors with planting mums. One is that you must have the right kind of chrysanthemum and two you must plant it at the proper time. There are two types of mum plants. One is the garden center plant and the other is the mail order plant. Scott, on the video, recommends the mail order plant. The garden center plant will only last one season where the mail o...

How To: Soften the look of a stone walkway with creeping thyme

Stone walks can look a bit intimidating. But by planting small plants you can make a stone walk both welcoming and beautiful. You want to plant something that is hardy and still attractive. You shouldn't plant on a heavily traveled area, but this technique is perfect for a lightly traveled path. When planting in between stones, dig a small hole for the plant and place it gently between the stones. As with all plantings, you will want to immediately water after you put the plant into the soil....

How To: Plant a hardy mum

Spring Hill Nurseries shows viewers how to plant Chrysanthemums, or hardy mums, in this video. The mums should be planted in early spring. First, choose a place to plant. You should choose an area that has a lot of direct sunlight. You should also plant in an area that has good soil for growing plants. If this is impossible, mix some compost with the soil in the spot you wish to plant in. If you are planting more than one mum, make sure you have enough room to space them two feet apart.