Planted Bombs Search Results

How To: Care for a garden in february during dormant season

John White, a Doña Ana County Extension Agent, highlights a new section on the show - a monthly checklist for the garden. This time, he talks about what to do in your garden in the month of February. The checklist includes planting dormant plants, pruning with a purpose and applying herbicides and pesticides. He shows us various types of dormant plants that can be purchased from nurseries in February for planting such as potted, bare-root or root-balled plants wrapped in burlap. As for prunin...

How To: Make dried flower arrangements

This is a how to video on making dried flower arrangements. It is presented by John white along with Virginia podmenik, Master Gardener from southwest yard and garden show. John white and Virginia podmenik, Master Gardener from the Dona Ana co. walk us through the various types of plants used for dried floral arrangements. Virginia podmenik shares her garden collections for the dried floral arrangements. Mexican sage is an excellent plant to choose for dried floral arrangements. These are pop...

How To: Identify problems with snails & slugs

Snails and slugs can really be a problem sometimes if you are a gardener. They feed on plants and can be considered pests, sometimes even getting inside your house. They are identified by their tell-tale slime trails. A bad infestation can be very hard to deal with. However, specialized cleaners or fertilizers can help your garden snail-free.

How To: Sprout a home terrarium

You can use either an open or a closed container for your terrarium. Because there is no drainage hole in the container it's really important to have a false drainage system. So you can add river gravel or rocks to the bottom of the terrarium as a drainage level. Put about one inch of rocks in the bottom of the terrarium. Add a layer of charcoal on top of the rocks and it will help to keep the whole terrarium fresh. The charcoal will help keep mold and bacteria from growing in the terrarium. ...

How To: Prune a young blueberry plant

If you plan on growing various fruits in your yard, know that each plant needs to be pruned at certain times of the year. Blueberry plants need to be pruned or burned over every two years so that any pests that may distrupt it can easily be taken care of. The result is a plant that will help produce beautiful fruit that is not only good for the body, but for the mind.

How To: Make an origami waterbomb or paper balloon

With this guide, you'll learn how to make a origami balloon that can double as a water bomb if you're feeling sinister. For more information, including a step-by-step overview of the folding process, as well as to get started making your own colorful folded-paper water balloons, watch this free origami lesson.

How To: Identify problems with a ground covering juniper

This video illustrate us how to identify problems with ground covering junipers .Here are the following steps .step 1: First of all look through the whole plant and see whether there is any browning or fall of leaf, if so then this may be due to water logging as these plants are good for soil with well seepage and lots of sun.Step 2: Look whether the leafs are free of all the bacterial and fungal infection.Step 3: Look whether there are any spider mites present, if so remove them.Step 4: Look...

How To: Cut & plant potatoes

This video describes how to cut and plant potatoes in your own garden. Potatoes are easy to grow almost anywhere and can be started early in the year since they are resistant to cold.

How To: Start growing seeds in eggshells

When you start planting something, you will need to nurture and grow a seed. You can plant a seed in a small pot and transfer it later, or you can save yourself the mess and trouble and try the tips in this video. In this tutorial, learn how to plant seeds in an eggshell! Eggshells make great little planters and the best part is - they're biodegradable so instead of repotting your seedling you can just plant the whole egg in the ground!

How To: Plant corn

The video demonstrates the process of planting corn in a small soil-patch in your garden. The lady presenting you the video uses a 75g packet of Corn Honey & Cream Bicolor seeds from Heritage Gardens. Be aware that the corn cross pollinates very easily and hence you have to separate the different types of corn by planting time or by distance. The video says that 150 feet distance between different corn types is recommended but in smaller gardens, spacing can be achieved by different planting ...

How To: Draw an agave plant

Michael Wiesner, a graphic designer, shows you how to draw an agave plant using paper and a writing utensil. He starts by showing you a pencil outline of the drawing and then shows you how to fill it in with a Sharpie ink pen. Each step is detailed on the best way that you would fill in the plant so that it comes out to it's best. If you follow this video through you can create a great looking agave plant on paper.

How To: Make indoor garden basket & container arrangements

Take a common indoor hanging basket plant and use it to make a great water plant. You take a stem of tradescantia with the roots attached. Wash off all the soil. Put the stem into a vase with rocks and water in it. Anchor the plant stem down in the rocks. Add some charcoal pebbles to inhibit bacteria growth in the vase. The tradescantia will grow roots in the water. To keep it healthy also add some hydroculture fertilizer to the plant about once a month. Also you may want to change the water ...

How To: Multiply succulent Kalanchoe cuttings

Succulent Kalanchoe plants are very easy to multiply. The first thing that you need is a healthy mother plant. Take a small leaf section from the base of the plant. Clean the dirt up on the leaf. Set the leaf out to dry in a nice warm area where you don't get direct sunlight because you don't want the leaf to dry out. The area around the stem of the leaf will get calloused over. Once it is calloused over you are ready to plant the leaf. You need some well draining soil such as seed starting m...

How To: Plant lingonberry in a container garden

Lingonberries are really popular in Sweden. One fact about Lingonberries that people don't know is that they are high in vitamin C. Lingonberry plants produce berries once in the summer and once in the fall, so you get two harvests from this crop which is a really nice. The Lingonberry bushes grow to be one and a half feet wide and one and a half feet tall. So they don't get too large. Take the plants out of the containers very gently. Place the plant in a pot and add some potting soil to fil...

How To: Plant banana trees

This video shows you how to plant banana trees. There is a kind of banana tree that is winter hardy. It's called an Orinoco Banana Tree. Use a pitchfork to loosen the soil where the banana tree is going to be planted. Just poke the dirt with the pitchfork until the area that the tree will be planted in is loose. It should be about 2 times the size of the pot the tree is in. Take a shovel and shovel the dirt out of the hole. Take the tree out of the pot and put it in the hole. Center the tree ...

How To: Prune tall hedges

We next discuss trimming regular hedges. Most people just want a hedge that's tidy and neat, one that performs a function of blocking a view. We discuss some newly planted Boxwoods. Glenn planted these several months ago and wants to keep these low growing, about the height of the wall behind them. When the new growth starts to come up and the plant has reached its desired height, he prunes them. Glenn leaves an open space between the plant and the wall, this allows for good air circulation, ...

How To: Choose the plants best suited to your home garden

So you want to start a home garden in your backyard? Make sure you pick the best plants and flowers for your garden by considering climate, soil composition and growing seasons for what you want to cultivate. Know the difference between annuals and perennials, and master home gardening techniques so your garden can thrive beautifully!

How To: Extract DNA from wheat germ

This science video tutorial includes step-by-step instructions for extracting DNA from wheat germ, the embryonic plant attached to the wheat seed. Individual wheat seeds, or kernels, separate readily from the plant. This kernels have a tough outer coating called bran. If you want to know more, just watch this science experiment.

How To: Troubleshoot plant problems

There are a lot of things that can cause decline in plants. Some are caused by insects or diseases and some are caused by environmental conditions, known as abiotic factors. Consequently, it can be hard to diagnose which, or what combination, of the above factors are resposnible for the poor health of your plant. In this green video tutorial, you'll learn how to troubleshoot plant problems. To learn what it takes, take a look.

How To: Protect plants from frost

Frost is in the air. If you have tender plants like basil, pepper or impatients when that cold weather comes it will zap those plants. Often, if you can get through those first couple frosts, an Indian summer, that can last weeks and weeks, will follow. If you can protect your plants during this time you can have blooms for much longer. There are several ways to protect your plants. You can use a traditional device like a glass cloche. The nice thing about them is they are decorative and will...

How To: Plant and care for little bamboo

The addition of plants can add warmth and beauty to any room in the home. Unfortunately, not all of us were born with a green thumb. This video shows you how to plant and care for one of the most beautiful and low-maintenance members of the plant family, the little bamboo. Supplies Needed to Plant Bamboo are a vase or plant pot without a hole in the bottom, river rocks, wire ties, room temperature water and 6 to 8 sticks of bamboo that are approximately 4 to 8 inches in length. To maintain yo...