Played Funny Search Results

News: Being a YouTuber On-the-Go Just Got Easier

The beauty gurus, gamers, and daily vloggers of the world are getting a great gift from YouTube very soon. No, it's not exclusive swag or diamond awards. Instead, it's an update to the YouTube mobile app that will support all video formats and let you send in-app messages.

News: Experiments in Stock Market 3D Data Visualization on the HoloLens

HoloLens developer Michael Peters of In-Vizible has released quite a few videos since receiving his HoloLens last year. Many of his experiments are odd and funny, but some include serious potential approaches to data visualization. In the videos embedded below, you'll specifically see stock market information beautifully rendered in different ways to help understand the data.

How To: Protect Yourself from Someone Trying to Hack into Your Mac

If you read my previous post, "How to Hack into a Mac Without the Password", you know that it is very easy to break into someone's Mac if you have physical access to the computer. Now the question that lies is, how do we protect ourselves from this happening to us? Well, here is a way that guarantees that no one will be able to change your password through OS X Recovery.

How To: Check if Your iPhone 6S or 6S Plus Is a Victim of 'Chipgate'

At this point, it'd be surprising if an iPhone release wasn't coupled with some sort of new scandal or controversy; it's gradually becoming Apple's new modus operandi. First, there was antennagate with the iPhone 4. Then it was scuffgate with the iPhone 5. Last year, it was bendgate with the iPhone 6 models. This year, it's chipgate with the iPhone 6S models, which affects something important to all on us—battery life.

How To: Toggle Auto-Correct On/Off Right from Your Galaxy S4's Keyboard

Auto-correction is a double-edged sword if I ever saw one. It's great because I'd have an abundance of typos without it, yet it's extremely frustrating (and embarrassing) when it doesn't actually work. Just take a look at the very recent example below from Breaking Bad star Aaron Paul. Funny for us, embarrassing for him. I have a particularly difficult time typing on small keyboards (i.e. fat-finger syndrome), so disabling auto-correction on my Samsung Galaxy S4 is a no-go. I'm willing to ris...

How To: Automatically Save Snapchats onto Your Samsung Galaxy Note 2

Snapchat's self-destructing nature is the perfect way to send funny and potentially embarrassing photos and videos (something Anthony Weiner wishes he knew about). That's why there are currently 150 million Snapchats sent each day. While it may be used for fun, many fail to recognize that there's a dark side to every good thing. While Snapchat claims that the pictures and videos on their application are completely obliterated—not only from the phone, but from the Snapchat server—there are oth...

How To: Donate to Charity by Just Surfing the Web as Usual with Tab for a Cause

When we surf the web, we tend to do it for selfish reasons. Whether it's on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, or Wikipedia—we're trying to connect with people, voice our opinions, watch funny videos, or do research for that 12-page paper due tomorrow. Whatever it is, it's usually to benefit ourselves. Well, what if you could not only benefit yourself while surfing the web, but benefit others in need, without even having to alter your habits?

News: Treat Yourself (Or Someone Else) to Some Steampunk Music This Holiday Season!

Steampunk music is an oft-debated genre, full of bands playing all sorts of different sounds. While this can make it difficult to generalize about the genre as a whole, it means that the average person is bound to like at least some Steampunk bands. That's why it's a great idea to support some independent Steampunk bands this holiday season by buying their music for yourself, or sharing it with someone else.

How To: Build a Piston-Train Tug-O-War Game in Minecraft 1.3.

Getting two sticky-pistons to pull eachother, a piston-train, isn't anything new but the pistons and their timing in 1.3 are and there has been alot of QQ-ing on the Minecraft-forums about how bad they are and that Jeb should bring back the old pistons we all know. I, for one, not only welcome out new 1.3-pistons but have also made a small mini-game out of them. A two-player tug-o-war. The players stand on the diamond or emerald area and press a button to make the piston-train take one step t...

How To: Catch a Hacker?

Hello! This post is not about craft, it's about cyber bullying. If you ever had such an experience, that an unknown hacker was bullying you for no reason at all, please follow my words. Thank you! Step 1: Let All the People You Know That Your Are Being Harassed.

How To: Win a game against the Eagles in Madden NFL 12

The Eagles may very well be the most played team in the Madden NFL 12, and for good reason--they're the strongest team in the game. Don't worry about forfeiting games when you see them on the other side, with this guide from EA Sports you'll learn how to slow down Michael Vick, use a Sugar Blitz for a strong defensive play, and take advantage of their weak lineback and safety.

How To: Use the CAGED system on the guitar

The CAGED system is the road map of your guitar, it teaches you how to play any shape for any chord on any point on the neck of the guitar. This system does require you to be able to at least be able to bar anywhere on the neck with your finger. In this video you will learn the entire CAGED system and how to apply it to your playing.

How To: Download & play web-based Flash games on your computer

There's a million web games spread throughout the internet now, and if you like to play them, you probably want to play them all the time. And if you play one flash game, you probably play another, maybe 10 or 20. But what if you don't have an internet connection one day? What if you can't play those web games anymore? Well, you can, and all you have to do is download them to your computer. Watch to see how to download and play web-based flash games on your computer without web access.