Playing Universe Search Results

How To: Create an image out of text in Photoshop

Photoshop Universe presents a step-by-step tutorial on how to mask images over text. First and foremost you'll need to have a poem or some other block of text in mind to use. Once you've selected your text you'll use methods such as copying and pasting, using clipping masks, and mild typeface editing. By the end of this tutorial you will have the abilities you need in Photoshop to make your very own text based image!

How To: Cheat to find the Hologram Tool in Spore

Here it final is. The video of the hologram tool people have been asking about. The search for the answer to weather or not you can get out of your space ship is over. It's yes and no, depending on what you interpret as getting out. The hologram allows you project yourself onto the planet. You're free to look around and move a little bit, but you cannot interact or do anything.

How To: Learn palm reading secrets

Do you want to learn what your hands can tell you about your personality with the ancient art of palmistry? Take a look inside palm reading with Per Hogseth the acclaimed psychic palm reader from Norway as he explains how to explore the universe residing within your own hands.

How To: Disable Facebook Places on your Facebook page to preserve your privacy

Facebook Places is a new location-based sharing tool that Facebook unveiled not too long ago. It works like Foursquare, in that you can check yourself into locations. Not only that, you can check other people in, and other people on your Friends list can also check you into other locations as well. So if you don't want to broadcast your every move to the universe, you'll have to go into Facebook and update your privacy settings. Again. Better to be safe than let your boss know by accident tha...

Beat Carmilla in Castlevania: Lords of Shadow

Carmilla is a reoccuring character in the Castlevania universe, for those who have been following the series, although seeing as Lords of Shadow is a reboot, her strategies in battle are...different. She can't even really be harmed in the first half of the fight! In this video you will get a walkthrough on how to defeat Carmilla in Castlevania: Lords of Shadow!

How To: Do a battery replacement on a 1st Gen iPod Touch

Is the battery life on your Ipod diminishing? Watch this video as the folks at Repairs Universe show you how to replace the battery on your 1st generation Ipod. First you need some tools to pry open your Ipod. Flathead screwdrivers and razors work well. Take the razor and slowly inch your way around the opening to pry it open. Then take off the back cover. The battery is black and has a serial number and the Apple symbol on it. Don't confuse this with your hard drive. Watch the video for the ...

How To: Batch automate in Photoshop

This how-to video produced by Photoshop Universe gives step-by-step instructions on how to batch automate a process in Adobe Photoshop. With this tutorial you'll be able to learn to correct white balance, enhance colors, resize, and save for the web whole folders' worth of images in one go. The first step to doing this is to open up one of the images in your folder and correct the white balance, enhance the colors, resize the photo and save. The next thing you want to do is to record all of t...

How To: Simulate a ray of light in Photoshop

Photoshop Universe shows you how to add a simulated ray of light to your photos. They give you advice on how to use levels, the radial blur filter, and the lighten color blend mode. You can give your pictures a nice added touch by learning this simple and easy to understand technique. A great tutorial for beginners, and a useful tutorial for even more advanced users, these are easy to learn and extremely useful tips and tricks that all Photoshop users should know.

How To: Reduce beard stubble in Photoshop

This video, produced by Photoshop Universe, teaches how to reduce beard stubble or 5 o'clock shadows from male pictures. We are shown how to use the dust and scratches filter, layer mask, as well as the advanced layer style command "blend if" on the underlying layer helps us to make this possible. The first step is to duplicate the layer and then select filter, noise, and dust and scratches. The second step is to apply some dust and scratches to the beard selection. Finally we blur the layer ...

How To: Remove noise from a photo in Photoshop

In this video by Photoshop Universe we learn how to reduce noise in a photo in Adobe Photoshop. First we learn that there are two types of noise in a photo, luminance and color noise. Next we learn that reducing noise is balancing act, as we take away noise we also lose some detail of the image. Finally the author goes over the 3 steps it takes to reduce the color noise that can be present in photos. Using these methods we learn that we can quickly clean up images that have noise in them in P...

How To: Take apart the BlackBerry Storm 2 and replace the LCD

Repairs Universe demonstrates how to take apart the BlackBerry Storm 2 to replace the LCD. First, flip the phone over and take out the battery, SIM card and memory card. Then, use a safe pry tool to pry off the top and bottom covers which are held on by adhesive and clips. Next, use a T-6 screwdriver, remove the size screws on the front of the device. Flip the phone over and remove two more screws. Use the pry tool to release the clips and remove the outer casing. Flip the phone over and usin...

How To: Replace the battery on the Microsoft Zune HD

Repairs Universe demonstrates how to replace the battery on a Microsoft Zune HD. First, use a tri-ring screwdriver to remove the four screws on the back of the Zune. Then, remove the back cover. Next, remove the bottom cover by using your fingers to gently push it off. Then, use a T-5 screwdriver to remove the four screws on the back of the Zune. Release three ribbon cables from their pop connections with a safe pry tool. Use the pry tool to also release the battery from the Zune. Lift the mo...

How To: Tie the Celtic tree of life decorative knot

TyingItAllTogether presents this interesting video that shows you how to tie the Celtic tree of life decorative knot. To do this, you make a series of intertwining loops, until they form a circle. This wordless video is very easy to follow along. Watch, and master the art of knot-making with this great video. For more great videos on decorative knot-making, search on WonderHowTo.

How To: Draw Jean Grey (Phoenix) from Marvel's X-Men

X-Men is one of the oldest and still coolest comics from the Marvel universe. So many likable characters and story lines that it's a blast to read. Many fans of the comic book have their favorite characters, but one of the most popular is that of Jean Grey or Phoenix. She has an interesting story and great mutant powers. So in this sped-up tutorial, you'll see how to draw Jean Grey in your X-Men outfit. So good luck, pay attention, and enjoy!