Pleasant Perfume Search Results

How To: Design an exotic bride's bouquet for a wedding

TheFlowergod teaches you how to design an exotic bride's bouquet for a wedding. You will first need a stand for the flower bouquet, which you can make out of plastic or wood. Place the longer stem flowers inside so you have a working station. For this bouquet you will be working with a few ferns as the base and then flowers with similar colors, like red, yellow, purple. The whole bouquet should say warmth and pleasant weather. Once you are done with the designing, you simply extract the bouqu...

Manas: A Taste of India

The smell of hot curry pouring from room is inevitable. The mixture of spices filled up my nostril as I sat. The lighting of the room might not be pleasant but it is the way in which the restaurant owner set up his restaurant to stop excessive lighting, which is done with a huge decorative curtain. My attention was set on the glamorous uplifting Indian pop music, playing from the large high-definition televisions.

How To: Make homemade laundry detergent with 3 ingredients

This video shows how to make homemade laundry detergent with three ingredients. There are three ingredients required. The first is soap. The demonstrator recommends natural laundry soap which can be bought at a grocery store. The second ingredient is washing soda. Washing soda is not the same as baking soda, though some people have used baking soda successfully. Washing soda is recommended, however. The last ingredient is Borax, which can be found in most stores. To make the laundry soap mix ...

How To: Make a spiritual bath

In this video Krazyboy shares his method of creating a spiritual bath. Krazyboy suggests that while spiritual baths are often known to help cleanse the soul, you can also imbue it with an intent (such as love, luck, success). The idea behind a spiritual bath is cleansing and white. A nice feature of spiritual baths is being able to customize it, including ingredients that feel right to you. To begin, fill a large bowl about half way with holy water/new moon water/spring water. Next, add a cou...

How To: Keep areas clean for your dog

Your dog travels all around the house all day. Here are five places to remember to keep clean. Watch this how-to video as the Dog Channel offers five places your dog encounters that are important to clean regularly. Remember he always travels to his toys, crate and bed.

How To: Create a life sized cardboard cut out of a photo

Select the image whatever you want from anywhere. For example, choose Google search and type high res yoda and select IMAGES choose the picture and save in your computer. Enter into rasterbator software. From the dialog box select the language what you know. Select the image using 'BROWSE..' button and we have to select '3D-Yoda.jpg' and click open button, and then click the CONTINUE button. We have to choose the standard paper size. Next press the CONTINUE button. In this dialog box we have ...

How To: Design a Grecian urn with pink roses & other flowers

He says that he is soling to make some foliage, flowers and leaves draping out of the vase so that it gives you a feeling that you are in Greece when seen from the balconies of houses in the hillside or something. He first puts some lemon leaves to cover sides of the vase making them drape out, them he puts some comatose leaves on the sides along with the lemon leaves and asks you to make them hang outside from the sides of the vase so that it gives a real delicate look. He says that all thes...

How To: Build confidence on the phone and in voicemails

In this video Patricia Stark shows how to display voice mail confidence. Studies show that it takes only three seconds for somebody to size you up over the phone. You can know a lot about the person speaking on the other end of the phone and so you need to sound very confident while speaking to other persons. It is proved that when you smile when you are speaking on the phone it changes the whole delivery of your tone and if you are sitting there carelessly it will be reflected in your voice....

How To: Make Indian C yogurt chutney

This simple chutney (or Raita for some) is a dish that is packed with flavor, texture and color and and many more pleasant surprises along the way. A perfect compliment to tomato rice, khichadi, any pulao or for that matter any rice dish. Enjoy the crunch in your food! Watch this how to video to learn more about the C-chutney.

How To: Set Cross-Fade Animations in iOS 13 for Smoother Lateral Transitions in Menus & Apps

Beyond spotlight-grabbing features like Dark Mode and computer mice support that iOS 13 contains, Apple has also made its mobile platform more user-friendly for people that exhibit sensitivity to on-screen animations. If you've always found the transitional effects between app pages jarring, your iPhone now has a setting to help with that, preventing possible motion sickness and anxiety.

News: HoloTube Brings YouTube to the HoloLens, but It Needs to Be Way Better

HoloTube, a new unofficial YouTube app for the Microsoft HoloLens, brings a whole bunch of new content to the mixed reality headset. While it's nice to have, the experience feels focused on quantity, not quality. HoloTube has a simple interface most people will recognize. You get a page of video categories, and as you drill down through each option you're presented with videos to watch. You can view regular, flat videos on the wall (or wherever you like)—which has its merits.

How To: Keep Your Fingers Clean While Eating Cheetos, Chocolate, Chips, and More!

Cheetos fingers is defined as the unpleasant (but mostly pleasant), oddly-colored residue left on the thumb, index finger, and middle finger after ravenously eating through a bag of—you guessed it—Cheetos. It can usually be cleaned up by licking your fingers (my favorite) or washing your hands (boooooo). For the folks who enjoy the latter, Cheetos fingers are an annoyance. As someone who enjoys this idiosyncrasy, I've never quite understood the disgust in getting your fingers all cheesed up.

How To: Spend Less on Textbooks This Semester, More on Dorm Room Pranks

It's already August, which means school will be back in just a few short weeks. If you're getting ready to start or go back to college, that means you'll probably be dropping a few hundred bucks on textbooks. Here are some of the best places online to buy, sell and rent textbooks so that you can get back to more important things, like making your papers look longer than they really are and getting around your school's website blockers. Plus you can spend your money on more exciting things, li...

How To: Travel with a cat on an airplane

Super Fly Life brings this traveling video tutorial to teach you how to travel with a cat on an airplane. Traveling and need to fly with your pet kitty? Learn these five travel tips, from cat carriers to travel accessories to supplies, go with style and grace.