Polar Sledge Search Results

News: Schrödinger's App — with Binky, Everything & Nothing Is Real

Social media is kind of depressing. On one hand, we love knowing what's happening in the lives of others. On the other hand, everyone seems happier, better looking, and more successful than you. We're putting on a facade by posting statuses and writing comments that present the person we want others to think we are, rather than truly expressing ourselves. Yes, social media has facilitated movements and miraculous events, but let's be real. For the most part, none of it matters.

How To: Play a live chess blitz game

These are seven videos of different live blitz games to show you some proper moves for fast play. In the first game, as a homage to Krakkaskak, the Polar Bear system, 1.f4, is tried, ending up in unfamiliar territory, but winning on time in an easily one rook ending.

How To: Enable Active Noise Cancellation on Your AirPod Pros

Apple unveiled the latest generation of its flagship earbuds, AirPods Pro, on Monday, Oct. 28. Aside from the increased price tag, new in-ear design, and wider charging case, the biggest change by far is in Active Noise Cancellation. Finally, we can listen to AirPods on a plane, walking by a busy road, anywhere with a lot of noise pollution. But how does it work?

Razer Phone vs. iPhone X: Comparing the Phones with the Best Specs on Each Platform

This year, two new OEMs are trying to enter the crowded smartphone space. The first was Essential, and now Razer has entered the market with the Razer Phone. Utilizing the team they acquired from Nextbit in January, Razer has created a powerhouse of a device designed for gamers. Coincidentally, Razer announced their new device a day before Apple's biggest revision to the iPhone was released.

Ingredients 101: How to Salt Your Food Like the Pros

In order to make your food taste good, your favorite restaurant is most likely using way more salt than you think they are (among other pro secrets). Which is why when you ask just about any professional cook what the biggest problem with most home-cooked meals are, they almost always answer that they're "undersalted" or "underseasoned." (In cooking lingo, to "season" food means to salt it.)

Scrabble Bingo of the Day: TRAVOISE

Scrabble Bingo of the Day: TRAVOISE [n] Today's word is in honor of Joel Sherman, whose record-breaking game last weekend netted him seven bingo plays, one of which was TRAVOISE. A travoise is a type of sled, but no… it's not like a toboggan or snow sleigh. Though it can be, it's not used primarily on snow, but on any soft ground, like forest floors and gentle soils.

How To: Fold polar animal origami with Michael LaFosse

Michael LaFosse, origami artist, created this series of video folding lessons to teach you how to craft a variety of polar animals, using just square pieces of paper. Wildlife from both North and South Poles are represented, and you can even learn how to fold their glacial habitat. The individual videos are separated into various degrees of origami skill. Just beginning? Try folding an iceberg or a cute penguin first. If you're ready to challenge yourself a little, the intermediate lessons in...

News: Polar Bears Play Bloody Game of Soccer With Snowball Spycam

Blizzard Cam, a 40 mph mobile spycam on skis, spies on a group of adorable polar bears (um, minus the blood stained faces) as they devour a pile of remains. Operated remotely, Snowball Cam is released from the Blizzard if scientists detect the bears may attack the device. The decoy can roll across most terrains (even up hill), and easily distracts the bears into a game of soccer. From a BBC TV program on polar bears.

News: All Aboard the VIA Rail Train to Churchill, Manitoba

This is a snapshot of the 1700 kilometre journey up most of the length of the Province of Manitoba by VIA Rail train from Winnipeg to Churchill - an arctic city on Hudson Bay. Filmed by Bea Broda, the trip takes place at the height of summer. While most travelers that are curious to experience polar bear sightings visit during the autumn season, there are also many to be seen in the summer months.

News: Mathematical Quilting

I got hooked on origami sometime after Math Craft admin Cory Poole posted instructions for creating modular origami, but I had to take a break to finish a quilt I've been working on for a while now. It's my first quilt, and very simple in its construction (straight up squares, that's about it), but it got me thinking about the simple geometry and how far you could take the design to reflect complex geometries. Below are a few cool examples I found online.