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News: Möbius Pasta + Jell-O Jigglin' at 6200 FPS

Food is the meeting place of left and right brainers: Culinary arts call for creativity, but is also deeply rooted in the What, Why and How of basic science—baking powder vs. baking soda, the rising of dough, the falling of a cake, etc. Below, two plays on left brain principles—the Möbius strip and the law of gravity—both executed with right brain flair.

Abstinence: The Video Game

There is an abstinence game being created by the University of Central Florida with $400k+ of taxpayer money. The game is directed at middle school girls to help them handle and cope with sexual advances.

HowTo: Screw the President (Well, Sorta)

Whether you're an Obama lover or Obama hater, here's your chance to, ahem, screw him, somewhat literally. The president starred in the recent Sex Culture Festival in the southern city of Guangzhou, China. The screen-printed blow up doll is shown photographed next to his fellow adult toy compatriots.

How To: Make Amy Sedaris' Crafts for Poor People

The multi-talented Amy Sedaris (creator and star of TV show Strangers With Candy) has a new gut-busting venture, now available in bookstores near you. Simple Times: Crafts For Poor People is a tongue-in-cheek DIY guide to projects like seashell toilet seat covers and ringworm pompons. In a recent interview with NPR, a couple statements rubbed some DIYers the wrong way (ahem, ugly people are doing crafts; pretty people are having sex). Or perhaps this didn't sit well:

How To: Back up your hard drive

You store everything on your computer's hard drive… precious family photos, your favorite music and video files, valuable financial information, and let's not forget about all that porn (just kidding). You can't back up your data when it crashes, so don’t wait another day to protect your hard-earned hard drive data.

News: Publishers to Profit from Explicit Drawing Inside Used Wii Video Game?

The used video game market represents a huge portion of retail game sales. It's the only avenue in which most people can afford to buy AAA games. But game publishers aren't exactly big fans of used game sales, since they only benefit from gamers buying new ones. GameStop and Best Buy are huge corporate interests, so EA and the rest of the big publishers out there have not been able to push them around on the issue of used game sales... so far.

News: Video Games Deemed Art AND Protected Free Speech!

It's been a great year for video games, kind of. Sure, the AAA release lineup has been a trainwreck and hacking has been a bigger problem than ever. But two things have happened involving the federal government that have made video games more legitimate in the United States than ever before. The Supreme Court ruling establishing that video games were the equivalent of movies and books, not porn, was the more significant decision. But in May, the National Endowment for the Arts made another si...

News: Hetero, Gay or Bi? Bed Your Soulmate in Dragon Age 2

When you grab a video game off the shelves, finding love is probably not your end goal. Most games focus on letting the player shoot guys, order other guys to shoot guys, or build houses. Mass Effect 2 comes closer than most titles to offering virtual romance, but the relationships are shallow and strictly heterosexual. I found whoring my way around the Normandy much more satisfying as a gameplay option than developing an emotional connection to another character.

News: The Witcher Quick Look

Besides Killing Floor, I played a bit of The Witcher over the weekend. If you're curious about the game now is the perfect time. It's on sale on Steam, and the sequel is being released early next year. Though the game is three years old, it's still one of the best western rpgs on the PC. Here are some quick impressions on the game:

News: Watch this Baby (Cake) Get Mutilated

While some parents prefer to preserve an element of surprise upon delivery of their baby, most choose to learn the sex from their doctor as soon as they can. More recently, some are even opting for a more "festive" route: announcement in the form of a "gender party", where the boy-or-girl status is revealed in cake form for the first time—not only to the guests, but also to the parents.

News: No, It's Not an App. It's a Japanese Soft Drink.

Shiny, pretty touchscreen vending machines have finally gone mainstream in Japan. My only question is... what's taken so long? The vending machine business can be quite lucrative (location, location, location), so all the more reason to make the interface as aesthetically appealing and user friendly as the iPhone AND as smart as a robot (read below). Features (translation via YouTube):

News: HypnoMindFreak

This will not be cheap. The mark attends a show by Criss Angel, or David Blaine, Derren Brown, the Amazing Kreskin, whoever. He's brought onstage to be hypnotized. Seconds later, the audience and all the mark's buddies are laughing their heads off and applauding wildly, the house is coming down.

News: Living TV

Remove the real TV and replace it with one that looks exactly like the real one. The buttons have to be broken. Turn on something really embarrassing like porn or something (you can also video tape them doing something really embarrassing. Just say it is for the show) and turn it up really loud. Turn the TV off. Get glue and glue the plug to the outlet. Be watching them from another room or outside. Have someone’s parents or boss come over for dinner. And when they get into the living room tu...

News: Enrique Iglesias - "Tonight (I'm Lovin' You)" review

Leave it to to channel lust into a dance hit all about f-ing. The Spanish singer just has this impossible-to-pinpoint, irresistible charm that excuses his chauvinistic qualities and makes him radio gold.But at least he knows he's a pig, and this is the second song where he implores a lady at a club to forgive his forwardness. His rumored girlfriend Anna Kournikova better watch out, with all these groupies at the clubs Iglesias is going after.

News: The GOP Race

It seems the Republicans aren't happy about Obama. But then again, they never will be. As the time for re-election draws near, the Republican Party is scrambling to chose their candidate who will beat Obama. So far, Mitt Romney (we'll discuss the candidates soon) has somewhat dominated the scene, with spurts of awesomeness from Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich. Ron Paul stays steady, currently holding the second most number of delegates (yes, we'll go over terms also).

News: Sing Along to Your Favorite Songs with the musiXmatch Mobile Lyrics App

You may not do it in public, and you might not admit to it among your friends, but you do it. We all do it... sing. We sing when we're alone in our cars, at home when no one's listening, and when we've had a little too much to drink and don't care anymore, all inhibitions aside. We love to croon and belt out lyrics to our favorite songs because it makes us feel good, no matter how good or how awful we are, or how well we know the words. Well... now you can at least be proud of one of those th...

Shortcut: 5 Secret Body Tricks

Body hacks. So simple, so ingenious. They're the shortcuts in life. We love them, the internet loves them. Back in 2008, somebody named Alicia Goh wrote a friendster blog post that has been passed along far and wide. Her tricks of the body include quick solutions for an itchy throat, a stuffy nose, a dire need to pee, and more. My favorites:

News: F#*K Jeff Tremaine!

For those who were creeped out by the Knoxville mannequin, well now i've outdone myself! Just like Jackass has taken their game to a whole new level with 3D, i've taken mine to a new level...the Jeff Tremaine sex doll! Though I can't take full credit for this doozy, because Mr. Julien Nitzberg(genius behind The Wild Whites of West Virginia) came up with the idea. He suggested I make one, and he would hand deliver it to Mr. Knoxville himself(for reasons only to be kept secret).

News: Hot Monkey Love

Chris Pontius is blindfolded & handcuffed and is led to either a glory hole or to sit astraddle a chair where he is further restrained.A small young female chimpanzee or small young female orangutan is brought into the room. A second small young female chimpanzee or small young female orangutan can be optional. (No boy monkeys please, we don't want make this skit even more disturbed AND ALSO GAY!)The monkey/monkies is then trained to then perform an act of fellatio on Pontius and possibly als...