Positions Search Results

How To: Make a tackle in football

In this free instructional video series, learn how to make a tackle in football. Understand how the game works, with an introduction to the basic rules and objectives, as well as a rundown of the offensive and defensive positions on the field. Lessons also include skills and techniques for beginner offensive and defensive players: how to carry the ball, throw a pass, block effectively, punt, and make a solid hand off.

How To: Kick a field goal in football

In this instructional video series, learn how to kick a field goal. Understand how the game works, with an introduction to the basic rules and objectives, as well as a rundown of the offensive and defensive positions on the field. Lessons also include skills and techniques for beginner offensive and defensive players: how to carry the ball, throw a pass, block effectively, punt, and make a solid hand off.

How To: Play offensive guard in football

In this instructional video series, learn how to play offensive guard. Understand how the game works, with an introduction to the basic rules and objectives, as well as a rundown of the offensive and defensive positions on the field. Lessons also include skills and techniques for beginner offensive and defensive players: how to carry the ball, throw a pass, block effectively, punt, and make a solid hand off.

How To: Do Surya Namaskar yoga poses

In this series our expert, Hitesh Shashikant Shah, gives tips and advice on Surya Namaskar Yoga exercises and leads you through the mantras, poses, and positions including safety tips and advice on how to relax after untangling yourself.

How To: Play guts frisbee

In this video series, watch as professional Guts Frisbee player Ryan Scott teaches how to play Guts Frisbee. Learn the history of Guts Frisbee, the rules of the game, defense strategies, how to play different positions for guts frisbee, and learn different grips and throws like: the fish hook, the steaker, the California power throw, the back hand, the forehand, the flipper and the thumper.

How To: Do a backbend for yoga

In this online Yoga video series, learn advanced Yoga poses from certified yoga instructor Leta Koontz. Leta will demonstrate and teach advanced yoga backbending poses and positions to prepare you for the foot to head pose.

How To: Run the 6-2 defense in football

In this instructional video series, learn how to play a 6-2 defense. Understand how the game works, with an introduction to the basic rules and objectives, as well as a rundown of the offensive and defensive positions on the field. Lessons also include skills and techniques for beginner offensive and defensive players: how to carry the ball, throw a pass, block effectively, punt, and make a solid hand off.

How To: Do self defense using a baton or baseball bat

In this video series, our expert Tres Tew will show you how to use a baton or bat for self defense. He will teach you about open and closed positions, how to draw the bat quickly and strike or block, and how to defang the cobra. Tres will also teach you how to defend against a charge, a cross slash, a shoulder grab, a front choke, cross grab, and wrist grab using a baton or bat.

How To: Understand American football

In this video series, watch as sports enthusiast and football fan Kenny Saylors teaches how to watch and understand the sport of American football. Learn what the different players and positions are, the different penalties, how long the game lasts, and how the field is set up.

How To: Develop youth soccer drills and skills

Tim Boucher is head soccer coach at LaSalle Academy in South Bend, Indiana and in this youth soccer video series, learn some fundamental soccer skills and moves. Our coach will lead you through some of the basic soccer drills you need to practice to get good at the game. Learn how to dribble, how to pass, how to shoot, how to trap the ball, how to juggle, and how to properly throw the ball in. Also learn some techniques for playing various soccer positions, including goalie. These sports vide...

How To: Do restorative yoga poses

In this video series, Cindy Mastry will teach you many positions of Restorative Yoga. This yoga is designed for people who are going through physical therapy, out of shape, or who cannot benefit from more intense forms of yoga for whatever reason.

How To: Become a contortionist

Professional gymnast Hayley Holmes demonstrates how to become a contortionist with several stretching exercises, handstands, splits and basic moves borrowed from yoga and ballet. She tells you how and why she became interested in contortion ism and suggests career options should you become interested as well. And best of all, she twists into some truly amazing positions right before your eyes.

Build a Home Arcade Machine: Part 1

Remember the arcades? Were you saddened when they closed up one by one, leaving no outlet to actually go out and socialize while you played video games? With all the home consoles and internet connectivity, gaming has evolved, but the social factor has been eliminated. Sure we can play against others, but they may be miles and miles away. Remember back in the day when you could go down to the corner store to play your favorite game and show off your skills in front of a crowd? Well, all is no...

How To: Use the clutch hold technique while breastfeeding

There are various positions you can use when you breastfeed. All of these positions provide different benefits for your baby. Posture, comfort, and ability to eat properly are all some of the things that are associated with different positions. In this tutorial, learn how to use the clutch hold position for breastfeeding and improve the feeding experience for both you and your little bundle of joy. Use the clutch hold technique while breastfeeding.

How To: Do the cat and cow poses in yoga

Dummies.com brings you Yoga for Dummies. Learn how to do cat and cow poses in yoga. Relieve back pain by posing in the Cat and Cow asanas. Two of the ten core yoga poses, these positions stretch your back and increase flexibility. Exercise your body and relax your mind with yoga. Do the cat and cow poses in yoga.

How To: Understand the game of pro football

H.O.W. TV's Pam Melton and Doug Whaley of the Pittsburgh Steelers organization take you through the basics of football. From the layout of the field to the job of the players, this is a football video manual for new fans. Understand the classic American game of football.

How To: Learn the basics of lacrosse for beginners

Are you thinking about trying out for your school's lacrosse team? Or just interested in taking up the very physical sport? Then this lacrosse video is the place to start on your journey. Check out the video to learn the basics of lacrosse, a game which combines elements from socker, hockey, and basketball.

How To: Increase the Number of Push Ups You Can Do

Consistently used in many forms of physical training, the push up has been considered one of the best physical tests of muscular fitness and endurance. Namely known for its use in the military as well as other physically demanding activities such as boxing and the martial arts, the push up is necessary for any physical examination in which many struggle with.

How To: Cross over turn on rollerblades

In this video, a skater demonstrates and explains how to make a cross over turn on roller blades.The cross over is similar to a turn, but it is done much faster and it increases your speed while turning because you can push off. The skater demonstrates the turn around a cone. He skates normally towards it on the right side. When he has reached the cone, he lifts his right foot and crosses it over the left foot in front while starting to turn. He then lifts his left foot and positions it norma...

How To: Play movable pentatonic licks

This lesson will use the same lick at three different positions on the guitar with each one using a different scale. The first lick will use the Gm Pentatonic Scale. The next lick uses the Cm Pentatonic Scale. The next lick uses the Dm Pentatonic Scale. All of these licks can be used and are moveable to different keys! Play movable pentatonic licks.

News: Men and Yoga...??

My fiance, whom weight lifts and such, refuses to do Yoga. I don't know why, he says it's just not for him, even though i told him of the benefits of it whilst weight lifting - he still denied it.

News: Advanced Cracking Techniques, Part 2: Intelligent Bruteforcing

Following the first part in this series on advanced cracking techniques, we are going to go over how we can intelligently crack passwords using the old-fashioned bruteforce method. These unique cracking techniques aren't widely used, because most crackers are Script Kiddies who have no idea what the concepts are behind cracking passwords, thus, word won't get around too quickly.