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Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 49

Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained: But everything is on the tightrope. Find Leonardo's new shop in Venice and pay him a visit. He and Ezio move to a rooftop to test out Leo's rad flying machine. As the cut scene ends, you get to play with the flight controls a bit. You don't really have to do anything—in fact, we crashed into the first building we came to (...the controls are inverted...). After you've landed or crashed, the mission is over. For more info, watch the whole gameplay.

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 47

Birds of a Feather: As you move on from mission to mission, things get harder. Trigger this mission in the center of town. A couple of conspirators meet up and begin walking away from you. You need to trail them, but obviously you don't want to rouse their suspicion. Stay close enough that they never leave your line of sight, but try not to run or do anything else high profile. If a nearby guard bumps into you and gives you crap, turn the other cheek. If you get into a fight, you stand a good...

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 46

Everything Must Go: It's the truth. It's time to say goodbye to everything. See Antonio again and be ready for a quick time event during the cut scene after you accept the mission. The first order of business is to kill five archers surrounding the building in which Emilio is camping. Take to the rooftops and locate the guards. Once you've gotten near them, you can't let them get too far away from you. Kill all of 'em, being as stealthy or as brazen as you like. Personally, we like brazen.

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 42

Cleaning House: This mission just might be the best one of all. Talk to Antonio, the head of the thieves guild and you'll at first get a cut scene and a memory sync, without having to do anything. Talk to him again, however, and you'll get a mission to identify and kill some traitors. The nearest traitor is in an area just north of you, so head toward the green area on your map.

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 38

Tutti a Bordo: This mission is a whopper, so be careful. You get transported to Forli, a new city. To the far, far northeast corner you'll find Leonardo, who's ready to board a ship with you. But before you can join, you get interrupted with this mission to save a woman who got herself into trouble.

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 27

Wolves in Sheep's Clothing: So, yes, that means there are more than one wolf in sheep's clothing. Hit the map marker and this mission will immediately kick off. You need to check the nearby street in front of a large, regal building to find a certain somebody. The area is marked green on your map, so don't waste time anywhere else. Just turn on eagle vision and, once you've spotted the target, a cut scene will take over.

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 24

Fox Hunt: When you trigger this mission, you're asked to find a particular man among the crowd in the village square that's marked in green on your map. Use your eagle vision and only the guy you're looking for will glow gold (guards glow red, everyone else is darkened out). When you find the man, approach him for a quick, puzzling cut scene.

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 23

Practice What You Preach: Just make sure you know what you're doing. Return to Leonardo in Florence and he'll use your collected codices to give you some new skills. After the cut scene, look for the marker on your map that points you to a courtyard behind Leonardo's pad. There are three new stealth kills you've learned, and you need to practice each.

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 22

A Change of Plans: Nothing works entirely as it's supposed to. Talk to Mario just outside his home and follow him indoors. He'll part ways soon, leaving you to read a letter that you've got (just press the button indicated by the on-screen pop-up). After reading the letter, you can find Mario in his back room. Talk to him again for another cut scene.

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 21

What Goes Around: Comes around. Maybe. See for yourself. You can talk to Claudia in her room on the second floor of the mansion for a bit of dialog, but no mission. Next, go to the south end of town and exit the gate to find a stable of horses just outside. Hop aboard one of the horses and ride it southeast toward the map marker. Time to go to Tuscany.

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 17

Arivederci: Or is that Arrivederci? This mission won't take long. As long as your notoriety is at zero (and it has to be), this mission is a piece of cake. You have to escort Ezio's mother and sister across town to the city's exit. The city is temporarily packed with guards, but they'll pay you no mind, even if you run. Just avoid bumping into guards and you'll be a-okay.

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 14

Ace Up My Sleeve: It's not a playing card though. Talk to Paola again and she'll give you the hookup with a cool weapon. Problem is, it doesn't work yet. You need to bring it to Leonardo da Vinci, who's just across town. Make your way to him and knock on his door for a lengthy cut scene.

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 13

Fitting In: Find your way to the, uh, video arcade and you'll get a cut scene introducing you to the next mission. You'll be introduced to a number of new, basic gameplay mechanics, so nothing's too difficult. At first, you'll learn to blend. Simply walk into the center of a group of women and you should see a white webbing on the ground that lets you know you've blended.

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 11

Family Heirloom: Find the precious family peice passed down generation to generation. Go back to Giovanni's room and use eagle vision to locate the hidden door. Okay, it's not really very hidden. Open the door and step into the secret room. Open up the chest inside to get a snazzy new outfit, plus a useful sword.

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 4

Nightcap: A good drink is just what the doctor ordered. Walk to the glowing view point at the top of the tower and synchronize to fill out part of your map. Afterward, you're left to take a leap of faith off the top of the tower. Leap into the hay stack below and a quick cut scene briefly interrupts your play. For more info, watch the whole gameplay.

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 3

Sibling Rivalry: Brothers are always a pain in the butt, but so are sisters. Immediately, Federico challenges you to a race to the top of the church. You can simply run up the face of the building, moving toward hand holds along the way, and easily get to the top before Federico does. Run to the finish line, marked by a white wisp, and as long as you're there first the brief mission is over. For more info, watch the whole gameplay.

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 1

Boys Will Be Boys: This is the very first problem for you to solve in the video game. You're dropped into your first mission, which requires you beat up a lot of dudes. Be sure to lock onto an enemy, which allows you to throw up your guard and block incoming attacks. You've got access to a counter move that's incredibly useful if you can get the timing down. Just hold up your guard and press the attack button as an enemy swings on you to put him down instantly. For more info, watch the whole ...

How To: Build a sumo robot

Systm is the Do It Yourself show designed for the common geek who wants to quickly and easily learn how to dive into the latest and hottest tech projects. We will help you avoid pitfalls and get your project up and running fast. Search Systm on WonderHowTo for more DIY episodes from this Revision3 show.

How To: Find the Version Number for Any App on Your iPhone or iPad — Even Stock Apple Apps

From time to time, you may need to locate the version and build number for a particular app on your iPhone or iPad, but it's not at all obvious where you can find the information. Well, there's more than one place to look on iOS 15 and iPadOS 15, but none are perfect solutions. Knowing each method will ensure you can always find any app's real version number.

How To: Hide Apps on Your Samsung Galaxy's Home Screen, App Tray, and Search

You don't have to see every app installed on your phone if you don't want to. Samsung One UI makes it easy to hide apps from your Samsung Galaxy's home screen, app tray, and search tool, whether you want to declutter, simplify things, or keep other people from seeing some of the apps you use.

How To: Find & Remove Files from Deleted Apps on Your iPhone to Free Up More Storage

Since iOS 11, your iPhone has been capable of offloading hardly used apps to free up storage space for more useful data. But offloading only gets rid of the app's binary, meaning its documents and data are stored on your device in case you reinstall the app. That can take up a lot of space itself, so it's good to periodically review files for offloaded apps and purge the content you no longer need.

How To: Can't Find an App on Your iPhone's Home Screen? Its Icon Is Likely Hiding from You

You know that you have the Gmail app on your iPhone. After all, you get Gmail notifications, you see it in the app switcher, it's in the Settings app, and there's an "Open" button in the App Store instead of "Get" or a download icon. But you cannot find the app on your Home Screen. If this situation sounds like something you're dealing with on iOS 14 or iOS 15, there's an easy answer.

How To: There's a New App Library on Your iPhone's Home Screen — Here's Everything You Need to Know About It in iOS 14

Are you tired of endless rows and columns of apps on your home screen? Before iOS 14, your only option was to hide apps in folders, uninstall them, or use some sort of elaborate workaround. You could hide a few stock apps easily enough, but that's it. Now, in the latest version of iOS, you can hide apps for real, and even hide entire home screen pages, and still access the apps in one convenient drawer.

YSK: You Can Manage App Downloads & Updates Right from Your iPhone's Home Screen

Everyone knows that app updates on iOS are found in the App Store. What you might not have known, however, is that you don't need to manually open the App Store app to manage your updates and downloads. In fact, that work can be started or completed directly from the first place you interact with on your iPhone — the home screen.

How To: Make Any App Work with OnePlus' Parallel Apps Feature

OnePlus offers a variety of features that you don't get with some other Android phones. Parallel Apps is one of those standout extras you didn't know you might enjoy until you've tried it. It allows you to clone compatible apps installed on your device, which means you can use the same app with two different accounts, for example.

How To: Everything You Should Do Before Posting Protest Photos & Videos on Social Media

As protests surge in the wake of George Floyd's murder by a Minneapolis police officer, powerful photographs and videos from the demonstrations have gripped the world, putting our nation's very real and very justifiable widespread civil unrest out into the digital world. Unfortunately, these pictures could put you or others in danger if precautions aren't taken before uploading them online.

How To: Back Up & Restore Your Home Screen Layout & Icons on Any Samsung Galaxy

In the past, if you upgraded to a new Galaxy or if you had to factory reset your existing one to fix an issue, you had to restore your home screen layout manually. Your wallpaper, widgets, icon placement, and launcher settings were all dependent on you to be put back in their place. Thankfully, this isn't an issue anymore.