Practice Everyday Search Results

How To: Coach Young Basketball Players to Shoot Free Throws

One of the most important and overlooked aspect of basketball is free throws. There's no reason a free throw can't be made every time, and this video will teach coaches and young children playing ball the best practices for getting ready for making the free throw. Shooting a free throw means repetition, it means practicing, because no matter where the team plays, the free throw line and the rim are always going to be familiar, so shooting a free throw shouldn't be a problem.

How To: Stop yourself with an ice axe in mountaineering

Ali Alami with Fit Climb demonstrates how to stop yourself using an ice axe when mountaineering. Arresting yourself is important if you or a partner on a rope team trip or fall when climbing. To practice hold your ice axe across your chest and slide down a hill on your backside. To arrest yourself roll to whatever side the pick is positioned on, digging the pick into the mountain and rolling your body completely on top of it. Keep your feet above the snow until you are almost at a stop and th...

How To: Tie your shoe laces for athletes

Chris from Hack College shows us the fastest way to tie our shoelaces. He starts with the regular twist-around knot on a shore. The key is to take two loops - one that crosses on the inside and one that crosses on the outside. Then put the loops through each other so that they switch positions and pull the loops to tighten the knot. A better description is to make two arches (loops) - one towards him and the other away from him. Then switch them in the middle and pull. Since practise will mak...

How To: Do ballet barre routines

Learn an effective ballet routine to practice your ballet. Easy dance routines are those done at the barre in each of the five positions, and they can include plies, grande plies, tondues and releves. In this video, learn how to choreograph a simple dance routine with help from an expert: Nene Ortega is a ballroom dance instructor at The Goddess Store in Hollywood, Florida. Learn more ballet from this expert by searching WonderHowTo! You're only practice time away from ruling the dance floor!

How To: Do ballet exercises at home

Increase your flexibility, elongate muscles and strengthen your feet with a thera-band and these at home exercises. Continue practicing ballet at home between lessons with the following instruction from a pro. Mikael Monson is an instructor specializing in ballet and pointe at the Virtuosity Performing Arts Studio/Vancouver Elite Gymnastics Academy in Camas, Washington. Learn more ballet from this expert by searching WonderHowTo! You're only practice time away from ruling the dance floor!

How To: Do the MC Hammer dance at a party

It's Hammer time! Learn how to pull of the MC Hammer Dance at a dance party! This dance consists of three steps and with a little practice is super easy to pull off. Learn how to do the MC Hammer dance at a party with help from one expert.

How To: Develop a child's beginner scissor skills

Shelley Lovett has some tips for helping a young child learn how to use scissors. The first thing you need to do is make sure you have paper and child size scissors available for the child to use. A full sheet cut in half is usually more manageable for a young child to work with. Have the child take the paper and just make cuts into the paper however they feel comfortable. Using colored paper can make it more interesting for them. After that very beginning practice stage has been accomplished...

How To: Do a parkour rail balance

This is how you can learn how to easily accomplish a parkour rail balance. When you first start out, use a rail that is close to the ground; you will probably fall several times while practicing. As you get more used to it you can use rails that are higher. Start out by walking across the rail slowly; keep your feet forward or curved, whichever you prefer. Eventually you will get faster and be able to jump from rail to rail. Just keep practicing and you will get the hang of it quickly.

How To: Use a saw for making jewelry

This video tutorial is about basic sawing techniques. Before practicing it you need to wear safety goggles for protecting your eyes. First of all, make a practice sheet. Draw three lines in a metal piece. One line is straight, one is curve and another is zigzag. Lubricate the saw blade and start sawing. Hold the saw straight and move forward. Blow the dusts away. For making curve don't move the saw, rotate the metal piece to cut it. Hold the metal piece tightly when you sawing it. Addie kid h...

How To: Draw objects using the "imaginary box" technique

Learn how you can draw an "imaginary box" and then replace the box with 3-D everyday objects. You can learn to do just that by watching this video. There are hundreds and hundreds of objects that you will be able to draw after learning how to draw this imaginary box and build off of it. You can draw a floor lamp, a refrigerator, a house and so much more just by using this neat artist' tip. The lines of the box help you to center your picture and make it look more realistic and the shading is ...

How To: Multiply algebraic fractions

This video offers some insight into a few more difficult concepts of mathematics by teaching you how to multiply algebraic fractions. Given polynomials in fraction form, you should first try to factor all your polynomials into their simplest form in the hopes that some factors will be able to cancel each other out. After performing these steps, you can then combine your factored polynomials together in order to get your final product. The various examples provided in this video will offer goo...

How To: Origami a parrot

This parrot is folded in just a few minutes. Origami! Fun pastime & skilled craft. Watch this origami how to video to learn how to fold an origami parrot. With origami, practice makes perfect. So practice those origami folds and you will have a beautiful parrot. On there are diagrams for folding this origami-parrot.

How To: Origami a flamingo

Origami Flamingo by Joost Langeveld. Origami! Fun pastime & skilled craft. Watch this an origami flamingo. the With origami, practice makes perfect. So practice those origami folds and you will have a beautiful flamingo.

How To: Origami a petunia

Fold a petunia flower, an easy model to fold. Origami! Fun pastime & skilled craft. Watch this origami how to video to learn how to fold the petunia flower. With origami, practice makes perfect. So practice those origami folds and you will have a beautiful flower.

How To: Origami a sunflower

Origami! Fun pastime & skilled craft. Watch this origami how to video to learn how to fold the origami sunflower. This is a pretty difficult flower to fold. With origami, practice makes perfect. So practice those origami folds and you will have a beautiful sunflower.

How To: Practice nadi shodan or alternate nostril breathing

This yoga how-to video is intended for level one and two yoga student who are proficient in breathing practices. Follow along with this yoga breathing lesson and learn how to do nadi shodan. Nadi shodan is more commonly known as alternate nostril breathing. This style of yoga breathing is used to relax the body and calm the mind. Try doing alternate nostril breathing at home.

How To: Do aerobics for beginners

Aerobics are targeted by total physical fitness: strength, flexibility and cardiovascular fitness. Aerobics can be taken in classes and are usually done with music. To practice aerobics you should follow an instructor, stay in motion, use arms to lower or raise intensity, and strengthen heart rate. With this how to video soon you will be able to practice aerobics.

How To: Do Kundalini yoga

Kundalini yoga poses are combined with specific breathing exercises that decrease tension in the lower body. Learn how to do Kundalini yoga in this Kundalini video lesson. Take Action: practice in morning, wear white, chant, do warming exercises, open chakras and do cool down exercises. Cindy Mastry, the instructor of this how-to video, has practiced yoga since the age of eight, and also has a background in Jazz and Ballet. Active in the fitness industry for nearly twenty years, she teaches a...

How To: Do yoga exercises for flexibility

Stiff? Learn how to get flexible quickly and safely using unconventional yoga poses. Flexibility is not hard if you know which poses to practice and how to practice. Many yoga teachers will tell you to take it easy, be safe, and take your time. Yoga can work miracles, but you have to work too.

How To: Self rescue from a crevasse while climbing

This is just a short climbing tutorial that demos what happens just after you go into the crevasse. Ditching the pack is easy if you have pre-hooked the pack to harness. The nest step is securing yourself with a prussik and getting it ready to use as a stirrup. But as we see, practice practice practice. Check out this instructional climbing video that offers some self rescue tips from a crevasse while climbing. These are good safety tips and procedures to learn.

How To: Do yoga sun salutation A movements

In this fitness how to video Lucas Rockwood, demonstrates Sun Salutation A from the Ashtanga-Vinyasa & Power Yoga traditions. The breath is meant to synchronize with the movement so that entire practice is like one long breathing exercises. Inhales are expansive, strong breathes while exhales are relaxing and opening.

How To: Practice sun salutation sequences with triangle poses

Surya namaskara is a very common sequence in any yoga class. Surya namaskara is better known as a sun salutation. This instructional yoga-how to video demonstrates a sun salutation sequence that you can practice at home with a triangle, or trikonasana, movement. Watch and follow along with the inhale and exhales that correlate to the various sun salutation movements. Proper breathing is an essential part of any yoga routine.

How To: Practice a yoga trikonasana sun salutation sequence

Surya namaskara is a very common sequence in any yoga class. Surya namaskara is better known as a sun salutation. This instructional yoga-how to video demonstrates a sun salutation sequence that you can practice at home with a triangle, or trikonasana, movement. Watch and follow along with the inhale and exhales that correlate to the various sun salutation movements. Proper breathing is an essential part of any yoga routine.

How To: Tie the bowline knot

Check out this instructional knot tying video that demonstrates how to tie the Bowline knot. The bowline is an exceptionally versatile knot. It is quick to tie (once you practice), doesn't slip and doesn't jam. Just follow the simple instructions outlined in this boating tutorial and learn how to tie a Bowline knot. Knot tying is a breeze with this video. Start practicing and reel in the big fish!

How To: Establish an effective drum practice routine

A band leader, classical percussionist, clinician and author, Steve Houghton is also the associate professor of percussion and jazz at Indiana University-Bloomington, and is on faculty at the Henry Mancini Institute. In this installment from his video tutorial series on the fundamentals of using a drumset, Steve demonstrates tips and techniques for establishing an effective drum practice routine on the drums.

How To: Practice kinesiology and muscle tests

This video tutorial teaches you about kinesiology also known as muscle testing so that you can test your DNA activation level or whether or not certain foods will be healthy for your body. A kinesiology muscle test will allow you to find out answers to questions about your body that your conscious mind is not aware of but your body does. Watch this instructional video and learn how to practice kinesiology and perform a basic muscle test.

How To: Practice three Pilates spine twist supine exercises

In this Pilates how-to video Diane Preusch, co-owner of Pilates Center of Bend in Bend, demonstrates Spine Twist Supine, a great warm up exercise that stretches your back while strengthening your abs. She will show you an beginners, intermediate, and advanced level version of the spine twist supine exercise. Watch and practice these pilates exercises at home.

How To: Practice yoga poses for insomnia

Having trouble sleeping at night? Did you know that a little yoga could help you sleep better? Practice a supported downward facing dog pose and legs up against the wall to help cure insomnia. Watch this yoga how-to video to learn a yoga sequence that can improve insomnia.

How To: Practice the cactus to upward facing bow yoga pose

Learn arm awareness in yoga without being in compromising and difficult poses. In this yoga how-to video Kira Ryder plays with using the cactus arm action to assist in creating the shoulder blade support in urdhva dhanurasana, upward facing bow pose, sometimes called wheel. Watch and learn how to work the cactus action movement to feel your arms while practicing yoga.