Practising Yoga Search Results

How To: Practice the Shoulder Stand yoga posture

The Shoulder Stand Posture stretches the shoulders and neck. Learn how to do the Shoulder Stand Posture in this yoga video. To do the Shoulder Stand pose you will lie on back, extend legs toward sky, lift back off floor, and breathe properly. With this how to video you will be able to incorporate the Shoulder Stand pose into your yoga routine.

How To: Practice the Heron yoga pose

The Heron Pose stretches the thighs and ankles and improves posture. Learn how to do the Heron Pose in this video clip about yoga positions and moves. To do the heron pose you should work hamstrings & abs, extend leg & spine, straighten leg, don't compromise spine, and breathe properly. With this how to video you will be able to incorporate the Heron pose into your yoga routine.

How To: Practice yoga for PMS with Self Magazine

Yoga not only helps with body strength and flexibility but it can also help easy pre-menstral syndrome. In this fitness how to video SELF Magazine features yoga positions for PMS. Watch and learn how to decrease the bloating and cramps with seated twists, wind pose, cat pose, bow pose, reclining angle, crocodile pose, bridge, thunderbolt, half shoulder stand, rag doll, modified cobra pose and finally child's pose.

How To: Practice the Lion yoga pose

The Lion yoga pose certainly looks funny and you may get a few chuckles if you do this in front of people, but it has amazing benefits for you entire face. Consisting of you sticking your tongue out while exhaling with a hissing sound, the Lion pose helps strengthen your jaw muscles and is a great way to relieve stress. Your face, mouth, and throat will also feel totally rejuvenated afterwards.

How To: Practice the side crane yoga pose properly

Parsva bakasana is more commonly known as crane pose. This posture requires good upper body strength. There is a way to get into the pose by placing the elbow into the sides of the ribs. The lower arms bones (ulna and radius) act as supporting beams and the yoga pose side crane needs less arm strength. Watch this how to video tutorial to learn the basics of moving into side crane.

How To: Practice three warrior yoga poses

This yoga how-to video demonstrates how to do warrior poses one, two and three. These warrior poses are all variations of each other. If you learn the basics of one warrior pose they apply to all three. Watch and learn how to do all three warrior poses.

How To: Practice an advance yoga handstand

Learn a challenging way to do a headstand. This how to video demonstrates how move into a yoga headstand pose from a wide legged forward bend. If you have never done a hand stand this might not be the pose for your. Always make sure that you can keep your arms and shoulders open while keeping your core stable in this headstand pose.

How To: Practice the yoga lotus pose

This video breaks down what it takes to get a deep, comfortable lotus yoga pose. Most people give up on ever doing a proper lotus, but the with right poses, done with patience and consistency, you will get there. Good luck!

How To: Practice a yoga back bend routine with Deborah York

A healthy back is the key to a healthy body. Yoga backbends stimulates the spine and spinal nerves, relaxes the lower back and strengthens the legs. Deborah York guides the more experienced yoga viewer in a healthy backbend routine, which stretches and tones the abdominal region, stimulates the spine nervous system and helps to release tension in the lower back. Watch this video yoga tutorial and learn how to do a back bend routine to keep yourself healthy.

How To: Practice the yoga crow and crane poses

By themselves, crow (kakasana) and crane (bakasana) aren't all that exciting. They're good for wrist strengthening and concentration, but the best thing about these poses is that they teach you where your center of mass is. That's what this video is all about!

How To: Practice a pregnancy yoga sequence

You don't have to stop your daily yoga routine during pregnancy. Our nine month pregnant host demonstrates how to do a few sitting and standing yoga poses. This yoga routine for pregnant moms will help you and your baby stay healthy throughout the nine months.

How To: Practice a yoga trikonasana sun salutation sequence

Surya namaskara is a very common sequence in any yoga class. Surya namaskara is better known as a sun salutation. This instructional yoga-how to video demonstrates a sun salutation sequence that you can practice at home with a triangle, or trikonasana, movement. Watch and follow along with the inhale and exhales that correlate to the various sun salutation movements. Proper breathing is an essential part of any yoga routine.

How To: Practice yoga poses for insomnia

Having trouble sleeping at night? Did you know that a little yoga could help you sleep better? Practice a supported downward facing dog pose and legs up against the wall to help cure insomnia. Watch this yoga how-to video to learn a yoga sequence that can improve insomnia.

How To: Practice the cactus to upward facing bow yoga pose

Learn arm awareness in yoga without being in compromising and difficult poses. In this yoga how-to video Kira Ryder plays with using the cactus arm action to assist in creating the shoulder blade support in urdhva dhanurasana, upward facing bow pose, sometimes called wheel. Watch and learn how to work the cactus action movement to feel your arms while practicing yoga.

How To: Practice the yin yoga butterfly pose

Learn a few yin yoga poses from a professional. Watch this Yoga How-to video to learn how to do the butterfly pose. This popular pose is also known as the baddha konasana. Open up your hip muscles and lengthen your back with yin yoga by practicing the butterfly pose.

How To: Practice yoga to ease stiff shoulders

Learn how to relax your stiff shoulders with this yoga tutorial. Yoga is a great way to relax and get in shape. These poses relieve shoulder pain and make them more flexible. Watch this how to video and you'll be gaining strength with yoga in no time.

How To: Practice the half camel yoga pose with neck work

In this yoga how-to video Kira Ryder plays moving towards half camel (ustrasana). She emphasizes the movement toward the half camel yoga pose slowly and with awareness on the whole spine and neck. Allowing the neck to be an expression of the posture helps us be in truth. So watch and learn how to use the half camel yoga pose for neck tension.

How To: Practice a restorative forward fold for yoga

In yoga how-to video we look at how to use a bolster (a prop) to allow the posture (asana) to be held for an extended period of time. Restorative yoga is designed to assist the sympathetic nervous system to relax and allow the parasympathetic nervous system to take over. Watch the video to learn the proper technique for doing a restorative forward fold in yoga.

How To: Practice a vinyasa sequence for yin yoga

Learn a yoga sequence from a professional. Watch this Yin Yoga How-to video to learn how to do a vinyasa sequence. Star with the child pose and round up to downward facing dog. Lengthen your legs and move into a twisting lunge by opening your heart area. Follow along with this yoga vinyasa sequence to stretch and elongate your body.