Practising Yoga Search Results

How To: Do a yoga sun salutation with a warrior pose

Surya namaskara is a very common sequence in any yoga class. Surya namaskara is better known as a sun salutation. This instructional yoga-how to video demonstrates a sun salutation sequence that you can practice at home with a Virabhadrasana II or warrior two movement. Watch and follow along with the inhale and exhales that correlate to the various sun salutation movements. Proper breathing is an essential part of any yoga routine.

How To: Complete a short energizing yoga routine with Tara Stiles

People who have never done yoga before often mistakingly think that yoga is simply stretching, and that there's only one kind of yoga. But yoga is so much more than making your body all Gumby-like. There are many different disciplines of yoga, each designed with a different goal in mind (vinyasa, or power yoga, is about working up a sweat through fast yoga flow, while hatha yoga is about meditation).

How To: Do a yoga handstand correctly

In this Fitness video tutorial you will learn how to do a yoga handstand correctly. Bend forward and place both your hands on the ground. The fingers should be pointing forward and the palms should be flat on the ground. The shoulders should be naturally in to the body. They must not be stretched. Keep both the legs bent at the knees. Now lift one leg and practice kicking slowly with the other leg and pulling the navel in towards the spine. And eventually the full body will lift up and go bac...

How To: Do power yoga also known as Ashtanga yoga

Watch this video to learn to do power yoga. In Ashtanga yoga, also known as power yoga, the yoga postures flow with an emphasis on strength and agility. In this video clip learn step by step yoga moves that will help you unite your body, mind and breath. And remember each pose can be modified to suit the practitioner's level of skill.

How To: Do yoga sun salutations

A yoga sun salutation is a series of flowing yoga poses often used to warm up for a yoga routine. Learn how to do yoga sun salutations with tips from a yoga instructor in this free yoga lesson video series.

How To: Chill out using yoga with Tara Stiles

Chill out with Tara Stiles especially your upper back and shoulder tension. This is a four part yoga based routine specifically designed to chill you out. Use these instructions to help develop a healthy, relaxed, lifestyle and a better you. Take long, deep breaths and enjoy!

How To: Do the side plank yoga pose

Yoga is a great way to strengthen your body and increase flexibility. This how to video teaches a yoga pose for arm balance, Vasisthasana or the side plank yoga pose. Yoga instructor Christine Navarro demonstrates the Vasisthasana or the side plank yoga pose and provides instruction on getting into the posture. Strength building exercises are also provided.

How To: Do the forearm balance yoga pose

Yoga is a great way to strengthen your body and increase flexibility. This how to video teaches a yoga pose for arm balance, Pinchu Mayurasana or Forearm Balance yoga pose. Yoga instructor Christine Navarro demonstrates the Pinchu Mayurasana or Forearm Balance yoga pose and provides instruction on how to get into the postures.

How To: Do kapalabhati breathing or breath of fire for yoga

Dina Prioste shows us how to do breath of fire with yoga in this video. Start off by sitting in a comfortable seated position on top of a blanket or pillow, with Kleenex close by. Begin by taking a deep breath and exhale, do this three times. Now, take a deep inhale in and do 15 exhalations. Do this 5 times, increasing your exhalations to 20 on the last round. Come back to your regular breathing when you are done and mucus will have been cleared from your head. You can increase your exhalatio...

How To: Do a yoga crane pose for arm and core strength

In this video, Dina Prioste shows us how to do a yoga crane pose for arm and core strength. First, start off with your knees bent and your arms out in front of you. Now bend your elbows and place your back legs into your arms. Now, balance on your arms and push your legs into the air while still pushing them into the arms. You may want to practice this with a blanket in front of you just in case you fall forward. Remember as you try doing this to wedge your knees into the armpit as far as you...

How To: Improve yoga step-throughs with pendulum exercises

Pendulum exercises will help you to perform step-throughs in yoga practice. When you are in tabletop position, on the floor, extend your right leg back. Bend you knee and bring your leg in to your chest. Tuck your head down and attempt to bring your knee to your nose. Then, extend it back again. Flex your foot, when you extend your leg back, and point your toe, when you bring your leg in to your chest. Repeat this ten times, before you switch to the other leg.

How To: Do a yoga upward facing two foot staff pose

In this video, we learn how to do a yoga upward facing two foot staff pose with Dina Prioste. You will need two large blocks and make sure your body is warmed up. Now, line your head up with the blocks and take the palms of your hands onto the floor pointing towards your feet. Your shoulders should stay in line with your hips. Now, lift your hips up and keep your elbows in, don't let them go wide. Practice keeping them in as you deep breathe. Release back down, then get into the same position...

How To: Do a yoga revolved side angle pose

In this tutorial, we learn how to do a yoga revolved side angle pose with Dina Prioste. First, come to a low lung with your right leg forward. Put your hips down so your left thigh gets closer to the floor. Deep inhale and exhale while twisting to the right. You can stay upright or lean down with your elbow on your knee. Keep breathing deeply and find your center while concentrating and relaxing. You can come to a full lunge if you are confident in your strength, or stay in the pose you are i...

How To: Deepen your yoga pigeon pose

In this tutorial, Dina Prioste shows us how to do a stretchy pigeon yoga pose. Make sure you properly warm up your body before attempting to do this pose. First, start off in a pigeon pose with your front foot as far forward as you can place it. Keep your back toes tucked under and lean forward with your elbows and forearms to the front on the ground. Inhale while sending the back heel back. Do this three times, and exhale while you go back in. Do this on both sides, then place the foot on th...

How To: Become more flexible with yoga

Flexibility is generally defined as the range of motion of the joints. It is the ability to bend and stretch easily without too much effort. Flexibility depends upon various factors like the state of the joints, muscles, length and looseness of muscles, shape of bones, age etc. Some medical conditions like arthritis can affect flexibility.

How To: Do yoga arm binds in standing yoga poses

Yoga arm binds are part of what make seasoned yogis look like walking pretzels. Arm binds add difficulty to any yoga pose, testing your flexibility and balance. For this reason, many people find it hard to hold a standing pose with an arm bind, let alone get to an arm bind position.

How To: Do a downward-facing dog pose yoga exercise

In this free video yoga lesson, you'll learn an exercise to do a downward-facing dog pose yoga exercise. With yoga, as with any physical fitness system, a basic mastery of proper technique is essential for both maximizing the effectiveness of your workouts and avoiding accidental injury. For more information, and to get started using this yoga exercise yourself, watch this handy home-fitness how-to.

How To: Control anger through anger fasts in yoga meditation

Rasas Book Lecture Extract 7 of 22 : By fasting from anger for some time, we learn to control anger in our lives. It teaches us to better manage our expectations, because anger comes when our expectations are not fulfilled. Part of a Yoga class on Rasa Sadhana, the Tantric practice of emotional fasting. See also