Prepared Cactus Potting Search Results

How to Walkthrough Darksiders: The Black Throne

In the Xbox 360 game Darksiders, you're nearing the end of the game when you get to the Black Throne, which consists of three guardians and Straga. Proceed across the bridge as it constructs itself then enter the main room of the Black Throne. Here you will find Azrael who will tell you about Straga and how he gains great power from the Well of Souls. You will need to defeat the three Guardians that protect the Well of Souls and use their power to destroy the three statues that imprison Azrae...

How to Walkthrough Darksiders: The Destroyer

This is the end of the Xbox 360 game Darksiders. It's the last level, the last quest, your last mission… the Destroyer. You'll need to summon Ruin to stand a chance against the Destroyer. Hold the Focus button to target lock onto the creature so you can keep in in view as you move around. The idea is for you to ride in close enough to the dragon and slash it with your Armageddon Blade. Watch out when you see the Destroyer's front claws glow red as this means he's coming to slash at you. Eithe...

How to Walkthrough Darksiders: The Ashlands

Defeating the Ashland level of Darksiders on the Xbox 360 means getting past Tower A, Tower B, Tower C, Tower D, The Caverns, The Ash Field, Fracture Cannon, The Arena, Abyssal Gladiator, Leviathan's Drift, Stygian and lastly… the Soul Bridge. Before you lies an ash field. This ash is to thin for you to Dash in and makes moving around in it difficult. On top of that, a giant sand worm or Ash Titan, roams around freely. This massive creature will home in War as soon as he touches the ash groun...

How to Walkthrough Darksiders: Iron Canopy

In the Xbox 360 game Darksiders, you'll eventually have to play the Iron Canopy level, which consists of The Seesaw, Webbed Floor, Two Lifts 1 Bomb, Loom Wardens, Broodmother, Silitha and Return Silitha's Heart. War will be ambushed and captured as he enters the Iron Canopy. When he comes to, you'll find him hanging from a spider web. Tap the Action button to break free. Make your way around to the left to discover a Soul Chest in hidden nook behind your starting location. Now cross the webbe...

How to Walkthrough Darksiders: The Hollows

There's plenty of action on this level of the Xbox 360 game Darksiders. In the Hollows, there's Gas Mains, Tremor Gauntlet, Three Platform Room, Turntables, Pump Room, Griever, and Chronomancer. You enter way looks to have once been a train station. As you approach the Redemption lying on the ground you'll be ambushed by the Griever. Quickly pick up Redemption and begin to alternate between rapid fire shots and charge shots. You need to aim for the blue glowing belly of the monster. Dash arou...

How to Walkthrough Bayonetta: Ch. 13 - The Cardinal Virtue...

Your job is to defeat Sapientia in this fight on the Xbox 360 game Bayonetta. In Chapter 13 - The Cardinal Virtue of Prudence, attack the red sphere over Sapientia's head. This fight starts with Bayonetta on the ocean, on a surfboard-like object. Sapientia will use two attacks. The first attack starts with his fin sticking out of the water, like a shark. He will then jump into the air and dive at you. Just keep moving in a straight line to avoid this attack. For the second attack the camera w...

How to Walkthrough Bayonetta: Ch. 6 - The Gates of Paradise

You'll need to complete 9 verses in this section of the Xbox 360 game Bayonetta. In Chapter 6 - The Gates of Paradise, there are plenty of battles to be had. As soon as you start this level, look behind you and you'll find a headstone with one-third of a Golden LP (Odette) inside. Also is this starting area is a book, "Entering Vigrid." Break down the gate here to start your first fight. After the fight you'll get the final thrird of a Golden LP (Odette) and a book, "The Angel's Banquet Hall ...

How to Walkthrough Bayonetta: Ch. 3 - Burning Ground

Battle in verses 1-12, killing Fairness and Angels, in the Xbox 360 game Bayonetta. In Chapter 3 - Burning Ground, you have to make sure you know what you're doing. In verse 4, the creature is called Fairness. A soon as it appears it will shoot a fireball at you, be sure to dodge it. Fairness has several attacks it uses. It can shoot fireballs, which move faster than other fireballs you've encountered. It has a charge attack that you can dodge or you can jump over it. It also has a sonic atta...

How to Walkthrough Bayonetta: Ch. 1 - The Angel's Metropolis

There's a lot of fighting to endure in the Xbox 360 game Bayonetta. In Chapter 1 - The Angel's Metropolis, it's your first real battle. Central Station Platform - Go to the far side of the platform and go through the security gates. The door on the far side of this hall is locked, but on one wall in the hallway you'll see a strange sphere. Walk up to it and start doing combos to open a door.

How to Walkthrough Bayonetta: Prologue - The Vestible

See the whole backstory behind the Xbox 360 game Bayonetta. In the Prologue - The Vestibule, you see how to start playing. The first part of the game is an extended cut scene where you will learn the back story of Bayonetta. During some scenes you can control Bayonetta and fight the enemies you, but you don't have to. You don't have a health meter at this point in the game and can't die.

Walkthrough The Saboteur: Act 1, M6: Liberty or Death

It's a jailbreak in The Saboteur for the Xbox 360. You need to free your fellow resistance fighters and escape the Nazis in the sixth mission in Act 1: Liberty or Death. Speak with Luc in the slaughterhouse HQ. He needs you to free some fellow resistance fighters. Jump into a car and follow the GPS to the makeshift prison the Nazis are holding Crochet in. You'll find that it is out in the open in the middle of a city square. Stealth kill a nearby Nazi and take his uniform. Find Crochet using ...

Walkthrough The Saboteur: Act 1, M2: Bottle Shock

Champagne is great, rare champagne is even better in The Saboteur for the Xbox 360. Prove yourself and find the bottle in the second mission in Act 1: Bottle Shock. Luc needs antibiotics for his wounds. Luckily, Santos can provide them if you do him a favor. You'll need to steal back a bottle of champagne for him. Leave the new HQ and hop in a car. Now follow the GPS to the location of the champagne bottle. A pair of Gestapo agents will be guarding the front gate of the courtyard the bottle s...

Walkthrough Left 4 Dead 2: C5, The Parish - Bridge

This is the end of L4D2. Your last campaign. Your last chapter. See the best part: Campaign 5: The Parish - Bridge. Stock up on items and heal up. Climb the ladder and you should find some more medkits and weapons to take. Open the door and head outside. Use the radio on the ground to hear your situation explained to you. You will have to lower the drawbridge and get to the rescue chopper on the other end. If you complete the bridge sequence in under 3 minutes, you will unlock the "Bridge Ove...

Walkthrough Left 4 Dead 2: C5, The Parish - Cemetery

What's the worst place to be when the world is infested with zombies? The cemetery. Fresh graves. Lots of dead. Make your way through L4D2 by checking these tips out on Campaign 5: The Parish - Cemetery. Restock on weapons and health and head outside. You'll find yourself under a ruined overpass. Make your way through this area until you reach the end of the overpass near the truck. Continue to your right, through the gate. You should see a staircase leading up into a building. Take this and ...

Walkthrough Left 4 Dead 2: C3, Swamp Fever - Swamp

Don't get "bogged" down in L4D2! Check out this gameplay for all the hints on playing Campaign 3: Swamp Fever - Swamp. Stock up and get out the door. You'll have to wade in the water for a bit. Follow the path of leaves forward, watching out for zombies around you. For the achievement "Dead in the Water", you have to kill 10 mudmen while they are still in water. They look different from the normal infected in that they are naked, bald, and move VERY fast in water. If you have a hard time seei...

Walkthrough Left 4 Dead 2: C2, Dark Carnival - Barns

Need a little help with your L4D2 gameplay? Watch for some tips and tricks for Campaign 2: Dark Carnival - Barns. Grab supplies and go out the door. Make your way to the left, past the booths. You will see a bumper cars attraction to your right. Go inside here and back out to the alleyway. In order to get the gong show achievement you will need adrenaline and a melee weapon. If you have neither, you should be able to find a guitar and some adrenaline in the tent across from the bumper cars. N...

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Final Mission

In Boca Al Lupo: The end is almost here. This is the last mission you will need to complete. Talk to Mario and he'll send you on your final mission, to assassinate Rodrigo Boriga in the Vatican in Rome. The mission is more linear than any other you've done up to this point, and it requires much stealthiness. But at first, it requires you break into the Vatican. Climb the wall to the west and use the beams sticking out from the wall to jump to a hanging platform to the south.

How To: Travel with a cat on an airplane

Super Fly Life brings this traveling video tutorial to teach you how to travel with a cat on an airplane. Traveling and need to fly with your pet kitty? Learn these five travel tips, from cat carriers to travel accessories to supplies, go with style and grace.

How To: Wash and detail your car

Anyone can take their vehicle to the car wash, but if you want to save a few bucks, and give your ride need a little TLC, try these tips. You Will Need: a hose, a spray bottle of tire cleaner, a brush with soft bristles, a wash mitt, or a rag, a bucket, a bottle of liquid car-wash soap, a sponge, a chamois, glass cleaner, paper towels, a stepladder & wax.

How To: Distribute a film and avoid the pitfalls of contracts

FreshDV had the opportunity recently to speak with Jerome Courshon on the marketing and distribution of movies and films. Jerome offers a full course in the “Secrets of Distribution” . If you are a filmmaker of any kind you owe it to your crew, your cast and yourself to watch this segment. From contracts, residuals, and pitfalls to avoid Jerome covers the 101 basics of film distribution and helps prepare you for what you need to know once the ink dries on the DVDs. In Jerome’s words:

How To: Enumerate MySQL Databases with Metasploit

It's been said time and time again: reconnaissance is perhaps the most critical phase of an attack. It's especially important when preparing an attack against a database since one wrong move can destroy every last bit of data, which usually isn't the desired outcome. Metasploit contains a variety of modules that can be used to enumerate MySQL databases, making it easy to gather valuable information.

How To: Survive and Thrive in the Victorian Era

I don't know how many of you had this experience in your youth, but when I was a kid, I used to actively think about what would happen if I suddenly woke up in a fantasy land, or were to pass through a portal into another space and time. I knew it wouldn't really happen, but when you're a kid, these can be important issues to you. So I slept with my glasses on every night, just in case. Photo from George Pal's The Time Machine.

How To: Repot Canna lilies

Learn how and why you should repot Canna lilies before the winter with this gardening tutorial. This is a quick and easy process of digging up the lily, potting it and bringing inside the home or greenhouse, and it has many benefits. Find out how to keep your Canna lilies healthy over the winter with this how to video.

How To: Make quick Indian-style chickpea vegan curry

Love curry? Why not try cooking curry at home instead of spending dough at the local Indian restaurant? But forget about the curry powder. It's a total misnomer when dealing with authentic Indian curries, so put it down. In fact, throw it away. You'll never need it again! Curry is not one powdered spice, but a blend of many aromatic herbs and spices.