Preston Federline Search Results

News: Irish Vs. Scottish

This prank simply has Preson Lacy and Jason 'Wee man' Acuna in public dressed as Braveheart (blue face paint, kilt, fake sword, etc.) and a leprechaun (Orange wig, green clothing, gold coins, the works), respectively. Preston could fake a scottish accent and wee man could skate around until they meet each other. Wee man takes one look at Preston and runs with gold coins falling out of his pockets. The chase could also provide an opportunity to play any Dropkick Murpheys' song during the scene...

News: Baby Wee-Man Birth

Set up one of the guys or an actual girl as a pregnant female in a restaurant and have her go into labor. She will lay down in a predetermined place over an area where Wee-Man is hiding underneath. Create a scene, have Preston pretend to be a patron/doctor in that restaurant and he begins to deliver the baby there on the spot. He throws a table cloth over her legs and out comes baby Wee-Man complete with diaper and pacifier. Covered in after-birth, Wee-Man comes out and runs around the restau...

News: the trip course

however this is a race the loser has to kiss everyones bare ass and the winners get nothing. every time one of them swears or fall over they all get an electric shock off the dog collor so they will all be yelling at each other and swearing and so stands at, johnny bam steveo preston and dave, while chris ryan wee man and danger get to press the botton every time someone falls or swears. i have loads of random ideas . . .

News: poo poo tug of war

its like tug of war, except the team who falls in the huge pile of sh*t loses Bam Margera, Christian Moore (ME), Steve-O, Chris Pontius, Wee-Man, Ryan Dunn vs. Preston Lacy, Ehren McGhehey, Dave England, Johnny Knoxville, Rake Yohn, Rabb Himself

News: Catholic School Parade

i know it's a simple prank but i thought it wuld be funny to have Knoxville, Pontius, Dunn, O, England, Weeman, and Preston dress in their gayest or most revealing outfits and parade around in a catholic school with gay techno blasting through boombox and wave around the rainbow logo flag

News: port-a-john

So I had a couple ideas. 1. Take a port-a-potty and when somebody goes in lock them in, then roll it around a lil bit let them get nice and dirty, then put it on a truck, drive them to a mall put the port-a-potty in the middle of a crowd and unlock it.

News: badass mouse trap

its essentually a rube goldberg machine of the jackass cast. such as preston getting feathers (big chicken) and getting launched into a bucket of eggs(raw) that has a switch that launches wee man(bungie cord/surgical rubber cording) into a foam filled trash ben (huge one that you rent) he musty then climb out of it hop on a minimoto throwing a baseball at a button that drops england threw a trap door into a room of mousetraps. he has to run to the otherside of the room to hit a switch. i unde...

News: Paintball Blast

The title of this prank doesn't really tell everything about it. So here it is. Imagine Johnny Knoxville walking down the road among dozens of other pedestrains. Have police sirens blaring in the backround. Have a white van speeding hen come to a screeching halt. Have Bam margera, Steve-o, and Wee-Man jump out with paintball guns and start firing them at Johnny Knoxville. While all this is happening, Preston and Chris Pontius should be on the roof of a building bombing him with balloons fille...

News: the Ski jump

you must find a huge tree or bridge or build something clost to a water fall. so you get some one to put on some water skis and rope swing with them on from a high place to get tons of speed. the rope swing will be long enough to put the skis just abve the water that guy lets go, and skis to a jump that is off the water fall. (mind you this water fall is like 20 ft or so high) that guy falling after the jump lands on a blob and throws some one like jeff t into the air. water ski man would be ...

News: The death of a jackass (or so we'll think)!!!

Have one of the most beloved characters on jackass(steve-o,jhonny,bam) fake his death for the world to see, have them pretend to rob a bank and have a cop in there at the same time, so when they hold up the bank they get shot and since its a bank there will be cameras so thats how they got it on tape, remember this will all be fake but nobody will know. or you could fake a car crash and it would have the crew in there about to go film but only 1 would die and the rest would b just hurt.or som...

News: Tacks in the f'n shoes!

OK fellas; this may seem simple on the surface but it is anything but.....I'm from the school of thought that believes that all pranks should be mildly sadistic!Many years ago while serving in the Navy; I used to put a handfull of tacks in peoples flight-deck boots. Nothing was funnier than watching those jack ass squids ramming their respective feet into those boots in the morning and have them think that they were just bitten by a gaggle of god damned scorpions!!!So there you have it - simp...

News: Ultimate prank montage!!!

What we do is have a full day of pranks (24 Hours Mother Fucka!!!) in the time span of a few minutes. We do an assload of pranks. Weeman as an umpa loompa with party boy doing a wake up call for the cast. We dump fake snakes on bam. We do a Hair razor attack on tremaine. Stick Preston in a barrell and push him down a hill. Do a catapult prank on erin. Dump shit on dave england. "Drop" Steve-o from a huge building (give him a bungie or something). Also we have about 40 or more nut shots in suc...

News: Speedo Paintball

The purpose of this stunt is to have the Jackass guys dress up in nothing but speedos and shoot each other with paintballs in an all out paintball battle. Then, Preston Lacy comes over in a tank-like vehicle that assaults all of the guys in speedos with a barrage of paintballs.

News: search n destroy

first pick your mark...preston would be perfect for this first..get one of your paintball guns n attach a gps to the side of it...type in his location...and BLAMM hahaharepeat wit others such as dunn...knoxville...ect. ect.or create a lil "blind" you can camp in wit paintball gun... while said people come into a perticular buildin everyone frequentsthey be like what the fuck?!? hahaha -RaVeN

News: body pegs

one of the guys could cover their full body in pegs as it would be really painfull but really funny, i think preston should do this coz he gets really grumpy some times and has more skin to peg if you know what i mean ;)

News: All-for-One & One-for-All

This stunt involves the entire Jackass Crew wearing nothing but speedos and connected by ropes that are attached to them by the waist one-by-one like a linked chain. The length of the rope should be roughly 2-3ft long separating each person. A ledge or platform about 1ft in width can be either wood planks or some type of industrial metal, if all of their weight won’t be able to support the wood. This platform is sitting over a pool by a couple of feet. Inside of the pool is some kind of disgu...

News: Fuck-A-Thon

This prank is an all day type prank. basically your just going to fuck with the person all day. The day before you are going to fuck with that person set video camera up all over the house or hotel room.

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