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How To: Get rid of moss and mildew on your home

Moss and mildew inside your home are breeding grounds for colds and flu..not too mention that horrible damp smell. If you are having a problem with growth in your house, check out this tutorial. In this clip, Ruth S. Foster and her friend Jim, show you exactly how to clean up and eliminate any of that unwanted buildup. In addition to a lesson on how to clean it, learn how to prevent it from happening again in the future.

How To: Replace a shower drain cover

To replace your old rusty drain cover. First, some masking tape over drain cover, to prevent screws from falling into drain. Sweep debris away, as so not to clog up the hole. Remove old shower drain cover to measure, take it to the store, to get the exact size. It's best to take along the screw too, just in case there isn't a screw thats of the same length. Chip away debris from old drain cover, as to make new drain cover fit in easily. If you follow this video, you'll able to replace your ol...

How To: Prevent a banana from ripening too quickly

This video gives tips on how to keep a banana from ripening too quickly. Bananas are popular because they're inexpensive, they're tasty and they are relatively easy to get locally. The banana in the demonstration has a few brown spots but is reasonably fresh. A fresh banana will still be sweet. If a banana ripens too quickly it gives a fermented taste. Then you have to throw it away, which is like throwing money away. How do you keep a banana from ripening too quickly? Put it in the fridge. D...

How To: Use the reverse roll drill to cure a hook shot in golf

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to use the hand rollover to cure a hook shot in golf. A reason why people hit hook shots is because when they come to impact, they roll their hands too early and too much. Therefore closing the club face and causing the ball to go left. To correct this, when you're coming to impact, rotate into a position where the back of the left hand is facing the target. This will square the club face. This video will benefit those viewers who enjoy playing golf a...

How To: Use proper alignment to cure push shots in golf

This is a video demonstrating how to cure a push shot in golf. To do this proper alignment is necessary. The push shot often happens by aiming too far to the left or right. To prevent the push shot, take a golf club and put it directly behind the golf ball, aiming the club where you want the ball to go. Then, take another club and align it next to that club, parallel. Now remove the club that was behind the ball, and move it parallel to the second club on the other side of the club. This crea...

How To: Authorize or de-authorize a computer on iTunes

In this video from wadeputtii we learn how to authorize or de-authorize a computer on iTunes. Go to iTunes, sign into your account. Now click on Share and you will see Authorize Computer or Deauthorize Computer. If you want to authorize, click on that and enter your apple user email address and password. Then click authorize. If you have a new computer or you want to prevent someone else from using your account on your computer and you want to deauthorize your old computer, go to Share and De...

How To: Stay healthy by drinking coffee

In this video tutorial, viewers learn that drinking coffee will help them stay healthy. Coffee contains antioxidants called polyphenol which helps prevent tiptur diabetes, Parkinson's disease, memory decline and advanced prostate cancer. An average American consumes about 3 cups a day. It's better to take 6-8 sips ever hour until the afternoon and it will keep you alert. Don't consume it all at once in the morning. If concerned about caffeine, drink decaf coffee instead. You will still get so...

How To: Turn a used TV into an oscilloscope

Leeann of Hierchiss explains how to turn a TV into an oscilloscope. Turn the TV on and make sure it works. First, unplug the power. Take the back off the television. Cut the four picture wires that attach to the circuit board. Strip the ends of the wires. Tape the remaining wires off to prevent short circuiting. Clamp the red and yellow wires and attach to a 1/4 inch jack which feeds into a tape player. Repeat the same process for the green and blue wires. Plug in the TV to make sure the conn...

How To: Get rid of acne, pimples, and other skin problems

Ultra Wellness explains tips and tricks to help you get rid of acne, pimples, and other skin problems. Discusses the increasing age for acne, dermatologists, diet, and how each part can work together to help prevent acne from appearing and how to help get rid of acne. Specifically, diet being one of the most important parts of acne treatment as it was quoted "beauty from the inside out". You can learn a few things from this video about your diet and keeping yourself free and clear of acne.

How To: Get clear skin with a daily cleansing routine

After struggling for years with acne, this skincare system that is displayed got rid of the hostess's acne problem effectively. In the morning, she uses Sea Breeze Actives deep clean astringent which has 1% salicylic acid in it, making sure that you use one cotton ball for each individual part of your face. Afterwards, she uses a skin lotion that has salicylic acid in it. These products will prevent your face from getting too oily during the day. At night, she uses the Proactiv cleanser, whic...

How To: Repair Windows XP with a boot disk

Puzzled on how to use your boot disk to repair your Windows XP system? This informative video from shows you step by step exactly what to expect to see on your computer screen. Fixing that slow or broken Windows XP computer system is not impossible! Make the processes easy and painless with the help of this video, which covers reformatting, reinstallation, and the first steps on preventing future problems with your Windows XP platform. Why waste money on computer repair...

How To: Install a simple garden retaining wall

Patti the Garden Girl shows her viewers how to install a retaining wall in her urban garden. Garden Soxx is a product that will allow you to make a retaining wall in your garden that will prevent and fix any erosion problem you may have in your yard. After making a small shelf on the eroding section of dirt, place the round Garden Soxx inside the hole, forming a wall against erosion. Create a second layer of the Garden Soxx that overlaps with the first for maximum protection again any soil er...

How To: Master Asian beauty secrets

The alluring beauty of Asian women is celebrated around the world. And they often look years younger than their true age. Ever wondered what the secret was to the gorgeous skin of Asian women? We’ve uncovered a few.

How To: Brush your dog's teeth to preserve canine health

Learn how to care for your pet with help from VetVid. See how to brush your dog's teeth. Brushing your dog's teeth may actually prevent some serious canine health problems. In this video tutorial, learn the proper technique for brushing your dog's teeth, how often you should brush your dog's teeth, and what are some other home care options to keep your dog's teeth healthy.

How To: Take care of your dog's teeth

Learn how to care for your pet with help from VetVid. See how to take care of your dog's teeth. In this video tutorial, they explain the importance of properly caring for your dog's teeth. See what you can do to prevent canine dental disease and how to maintain your dog's teeth through good dental hygiene.

How To: Deal with acne scars

Suffering from acne scars that are as noticeable as the pimples that caused them? You can find an effective acne scar treatment, from laser resurfacing to collagen injections. Here, the skin care and scar removal you may discuss with your dermatologist.

How To: Take care of a newborn baby

After pregnancy, having a newborn to take care of can be overwhelming. As a new mom, some aspects of baby care will be intuitive to you, but others--like breastfeeding - may feel strange. These video tips for new moms can help!

How To: Boost your fertility naturally

If you're experiencing infertility, or having trouble getting pregnant, your doctor may prescribe infertility solutions like Clomid. You should know that there are also natural fertility boosters that can increase sperm count and improve your chances of conceiving.

How To: Eat right for a healthy pregnancy

Choosing a healthy pregnancy diet goes beyond just avoiding mercury and alcohol! It's critical to ensure that you get satisfactory pregnant nutrition - but the truth is that you're eating for baby at every meal. Watch this video for pregnancy diet tips!