Prevent Severe Search Results

Secure Your Computer, Part 3: Encrypt Your HDD/SSD to Prevent Data Theft

Welcome to Part 3 in my series on protecting your computer from prying eyes (Part 1, Part 2). In today's segment, we will be going over drive encryption using the TrueCrypt program on Windows OS. Drive encryption is a technique that masks your data with a cryptographic function. The encryption header stores the password that you have entered for the archive, which allows the data to be reversed and read from. Encrypted data is safe from anyone who wants to read it, other than people with the ...

Cocktail Couture: Robotic Booze Generating Dress

Meet DareDroid: sexy nurse, geek couture and mobile bartender, engineered into an all-in-one technologically advanced garment. Created by fashion designer Anouk Wipprecht, hacker Marius Kintel, and sculptor Jane Tingley, the team calls themselves the Modern Nomads (MoNo), and their series of garments fall into Wipprecht's invented family of "Pseudomorphs". Pseudomorphs are tech-couture pieces that transform into fluid displays—which is exactly what DareDroid does.

How To: Get Rid of All that Space Junk

How about a laser? One that is strong enough to nudge debris out of earth orbit. That's what NASA contractor James Mason wants to do, and his lab simulations suggest that the idea is possible. Mason wants to use a 5kW ground-based laser and a ground-based 1.5 meter telescope to spot potentially hazardous space waste and shove it off, by about 200 meters per day of lasering. It's kind-of like air traffic control for near earth orbit.

How To: Make Homemade Nourishing Creams

Homemade nourishing creams are easy and very simple to make. The ingredients are harmless and natural. It costs a fraction of what you would pay in the market. You also know exactly what goes into the product you make. Since homemade nourishing creams do not contains any preservatives, it's better to produce in small quantities and store it in the fridge to avoid waste.

News: Gigantic Carpet of 750,000 Begonias (Assembled in Just 4 Hours!)

Every summer the city of Brussels assembles an enormous carpet of begonias, under the advisement of one hundred experienced gardeners. The project is planned far in advance, with illustrations and scale models based on a chosen theme (previously chosen have been the arms and shield of a town or commemoration of important events). This year's theme features Saint Michael striking down the dragon, the official protective image of the city, founded over 1,000 years ago.

How To: Ask your Inactive Friends to Delete FarmVille

We all have friends and family who have added the FarmVille application at one point, played it for a while, then for whatever reason decided they didn't want to play it anymore. They may have hidden the feed posts and blocked the game requests, but we still see them on our gift lists and certain features still try to get them involved with posts that go ignored (like pregnant pigs or truffles).

HowTo: Save Wet Electronics

It's one of the most popular queries on the web, meaning the wet electronic disaster is likely a common mishap. There are many answers out there, but if you're lucky enough to have never googled it, pay attention now. You never know when you may drop your cell phone or iPod in the sink...

How To: Make Chocolate Covered Pretzels

In the mood for a treat but can’t decide between salty or sweet? Why choose when you can have the best of both worlds? Chocolate covered pretzels are a mouth-watering snack perfect for satisfying even the most wicked cravings. They are a huge hit at parties and get-togethers, and your guests will be impressed you made them yourself (not to mention that store-bought versions can cost a pretty penny!)

Connundrum: Sunscreen Addiction

Is Daily Sunscreen Application Dangerous? Since birth, I've been lathered in the sunscreen anytime I venture into the sun. It's what comes with being the freckled spawn of two parents with (benign) skin cancer. Always a fan of the outdoors, my skin has seen lots of sun. You can tell, too. From the lifeguarding, surfing and soccer tournaments, I've definitely notched dozens of sunburns. To protect my skin daily, every morning I apply a moisturizer that includes an SPF 15 sunscreen. 

News: 10 Google Privacy Settings You Should Know About

Google has caught a lot of flack for various privacy infringements over time. Google Buzz was the latest uproar, when lack of proper prior testing allowed the tool to expose a slew of information users did not necessarily want shared, resulting in massive complaints. A Harvard student even went so far as to file a lawsuit (read more).

How To: Engage in a Guerrilla Marketing War

Warfare strategies have become an inspiration to different marketing professionals, many of them drawing influence from Sun Tzu’s Art of War. This ancient Chinese text provided treaties on how to effectively manage resources, tactical positioning, and timing attacks. It also states that “..if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss”, a basic concept in which you have to always watch your competitor to anticipate his next move.

How To: Bake Cape Cod lemon butter scrod

Scrod sounds good, right? This fish will satisfy your seafood craving. But wait… is scrod even a fish? No. If you're not from the New England-area, you probably would never know this, but scrod is not a fish at all. It's often misconceived as being a type of fish. However, scrod is a New England term that refers to any white fish that has been split and boned before sale, typically cod or haddock.

How To: Upgrade your suitcase with customized, printed designs

If your bags have seen too many highways and byways, treat them to a first-class upgrade with this idea from Rust-Oleum and ReadyMade: Give world-weary luggage a new lease on life with Rust-Oleum paint and hit the road, stat. Spray paint a stenciled image on your suitcase to update and personalize your look! You will need an image, rustoleum spray paint, a utility knife, masking tape, spray adehsive, rubber gloves and a mask. Cut out your bold simple design and use as a stencil. Use a spray p...