Preventative Measure Search Results

How To: Rock Harder on GarageBand with a DIY Pringles Can Drum Kit

Damn right, you don't just eat 'em. When you're done with your next Pringles can, you can turn it into a kaleidoscope, a pinhole camera, and even a solar hot dog cooker. But Instructables user TheSpodShed may have just created the most awesome way to upcycle empty Pringles cans—use them as a mini MIDI drum kit for your mobile device. This tiny drum kit will let you rock your face off without pissing off all your neighbors.

Zanti: Introduction

I've been doing tutorials on Rasberry Pi and I would like to thank everyone that have both read the tutorials and gave me feedback on how well I'm doing. But now I've decided to take a small break and start a mini series that I'm hoping to be at least five tutorials. This doesn't mean I'm gonna stop posting Raspberry Pi tutorials, but since I'm learning so much at the same time I've decided to share some of that knowledge. Hence this tutorial. Please sit back, relax and read on.

How To: Parallel Programming with OpenMP: A Quick Introduction

As many of you know, processor's clock frequency improvement got stuck in about 2003, causing the origin of multicore CPU (and other technologies). In this article I'll introduce you on how to run code simultaneously in various processors (I suppose that all of you have a multicore CPU). When you write code without any parallel directive, it only executes in one CPU at the same time (see it below). OpenMP make simple to work with various cores (if not with all of them) , without so much heada...

How To: 5 Apartment Improvements You Can Do in an Hour

Presented by When looking for a new apartment, it's hard not to notice the improvements (on large and small scale) needed prior to moving in. While your landlord may be taking care of new carpeting, cleaning the central air vents, and fresh paint on the walls, there may be some additional improvements on your list that you can take care of on your own. Here are five quick improvements you can check off your list before the big move.

How To: Make Blueberry Cheesecake

Cheesecake is pretty awesome. It's super versatile, allowing you to change crust bases and toppings quite dramatically and still end up with something that's elegant and delicious. Which is why it's a great dish to add to your dessert repertoire! There are a number of approaches to making a cheesecake base: classic, new york style and no-bake. Today we're going to go down the more classic route.

How To: Keep Your Smartphone Usage in Check for Android & iPhone

We're living through the technological revolution, and while devices like the iPhone 6 or Galaxy S5 have made life easier and more entertaining, it's possible that sometimes our smartphone usage can become uncomfortably excessive. In your own experience, think about how anxious and off you feel when you leave your phone at home—Cell Phone Separation Anxiety or Phantom Phone Vibrations shouldn't be a real thing that we deal with.

How To: Drink Less Wine Without Even Trying

An open bottle of wine can be dangerous. You intend to enjoy—nay, savor—a single glass, but then two episodes of Top Chef later, that sucker is empty. Now you have to go to work the next day with a wine hangover. What happened? Turns out there are some unconscious reasons you might be chugging more wine than you wanted. Never fear. Along with clenching your fists to make better food choices, there are some tricks you can use to moderate your wine intake. Researchers at Cornell University disc...