Pricing Desk Search Results

How To: The Social Engineer's Guide to Buying an Expensive Laptop

Laptops are almost a necessity in today's society. It doesn't help that a laptop that can actually increase your work productivity will put at least a $1,500 dent in your wallet. I'm sure you have searched around to try to find factory direct deals, or (shiver) even looked at used laptops, but that isn't the way to go. You need something that actually has a warranty, and good performance, but at the same time, doesn't require you to sell a kidney. This can cause quite a dilemma, as it can tak...

News: The Green House - Vertical Gardening Exterior Walls

This is one concept that I would love to see sweep the urban world. One thing that strikes me every time I visit a major city is how far away they are from anything that is truly alive. Not only is the air dirty, but everyone must buy their produce from the grocery store. If those trucks were to stop coming for any reason, most people, if not everyone, would die of starvation. While this house is covered with ornamental plants, I would love to see this same concept applied to edible plants an...

News: Netflix DVD Rentals Becomes Qwikster… Now What Are Your Alternatives?

It's been a long journey for Netflix users. At first, it was a rough ride as Netflix struggled to find its place in the homes and hearts of movie watchers everywhere. Once monthly subscriptions bumped off the pay-per-rental charges, Netflix soared to great heights, known for their flat-fee unlimited rentals without due dates, late fees, or shipping and handling fees. And it was smooth sailing when streaming services were incorporated into monthly plans, with customers being able to rent DVDs ...

Yuppie Frozen Pizza Taste Test: What's Your Favorite?

I'm a desert island pizza person, meaning, I pretty much never get sick of pizza. When it comes to other favorite cuisines, I operate in cycles - indulge often, grow tired of them, take a break and re-visit in time. But when it comes to pizza, I could eat it every night of the week. I typically practice enough self-control to override this desire, but luckily for me, I made a special concession this past week while creating this article.

News: HP TouchPad Tablet Discontinued – Get One Now for Just $100

In a recent announcement, Hewlett-Packard announced that they're considering spinning off their PC hardware business, but even more recent was the decision to completely off webOS devices. Though they aren't eradicating the once popular Palm platform altogether, they are liquidating all of their HP branded smartphones and tablets in a fire sale, including the Pixi, Pre and Veer phones and TouchPad tablet, which is less than two months old.

News: Name your price for 5 games

Name your price for 5 indie games! This event will run for a week and the money raised will go towards two charities. The Humble Indie bundle is a collection of five indie games where you can set your price! Want to buy the whole package (worth $80 retail) for $10, $5, $1, or even a penny? sure, go ahead, you can pay as much or as little as you want. Some have payed over a hundred for the bundle, but the average is around $7-$8 dollars.The games:

News: Video Games vs. Real Life

Alex Lewis imagines what the world would look like infiltrated by video game characters in his digital montage series “Video Games vs. Real Life”. (P.S. If you like what you see, check out Lewis' t-shirt designs at Threadless).

News: DIY Desk Thumper

Nik Ramage creates low tech, absurd mechanical objects that perform mundane every-day tasks (from blowing out candles to walking down the street to drumming your fingers out of boredom). Click through to Ramage's site to see more of his work. Five of his pieces below:

How To: Install a built-up crown molding

Installing molding in your home, is a great way to add character and elegance for an inexpensive price. Whether it's base or crown molding, it's a great option for your home and a good way to help bring up the value of it as well. In this video tutorial, discover what it takes to install built-up crown molding in your home. It's a project that will require two or more people and can easily take a day or two depending on experience. So good luck and enjoy! Install a built-up crown molding.

News: RentInStyle

Rent In Style Los Angeles provides Exotic, Luxury, and Classic Car Rentals services in California. We are the reputed rental provider of Standard & Luxury cars at very competitive prices.


Rent that lens before you buy it! Try it out! Need a fisheye for one particular project? Don't buy--rent from They have awesome customer service and reasonable prices. If you're a NAPP member, you qualify for a discount. Check out NAPP's member discounts for details.

News: Hollister and A&F

Holister and Abercrombie & Fitch Use Sweatshops! So you thought you knew Hollister and Abercromie and Fitch? Wrong! The next time you decide to buy clothing from these companies, check out this link. Look at the price tag of their shirts and compare it to what the manufacturers were paid. Big difference huh?

News: The Joneses

The Joneses - They're not just living the American Dream, they're selling it. I like the subtle type pointers to the items they are wearing and their prices, great hint at what the movie is about without revealing it all.

How To: Pimp my ride even with dents and scratches

This was a cool video to watch because you get to see how a car is repaired after minor scratches and dents without having to get a new paint job on the whole car. It's not a how to do it yourself video but shows you can pimp your ride at a resonable price. It also gives out helpful facts on selling or trading in your car after repairs Pimp my ride even with dents and scratches.