Primary Factor Search Results

How To: Reduce a fraction by finding common factors in math

The aim of the video is to show how to reduce a fraction by factoring out prime numbers that are common to both the numerator and the denominator. The example shown in the video is 27/21. The number 27 can be achieved by multiplying 3 by 9 and the number 21 is the result of 3 multiplied by 7. The common factor, therefore in both the numerator and the denominator is 3. 3 on the top divided by 3 on the bottom is 1 and so this can be removed without affecting the value of the fraction, leaving 9...

How To: Factor out when doing rational expressions in algebra

This video shows the method to simplify rational expressions. The example used in the video is multiple of 4 and x square plus multiple of 4 and x plus 1 or (4x^2 + 4x + 1)/(2x^3 + 11x^2 + 5x). As the first and last term is a perfect square we get the simplified numerator as (2x + 1)(2x + 1). Next, the denominator is simplified. Taking the common factor out we get x(2x^2 + 11x + 5). Now we factorize 2x^2 + 11x + 5. We get (2x + 1)(x + 5 ). Now, writing the terms in numerator and denominator w...

How To: Write a logarithm as a sum or difference of logarithms

This video shows the method to write a logarithm as a sum or difference of logarithms. The square root of the term given is taken out as half according to the rule. Then the numerator and denominator is divided into product of factors. This is broken into the difference of numerator and denominator according to the rule. Finally, the product of factors is expressed as the sum of factors. Now we see the domain of the term. As the term is a square root of the term it should be greater than zero...

How To: Graph a quadratic function in factored form

This video deals with solving quadratic functions. It does not involve the use of the quadratic equation; rather, only factored equations are used. The speaker starts out with a factored quadratic equation. The speaker goes on to do the mathematical steps necessary to find both the x and y intercepts of the quadratic function at hand. The author then continues on with the example to find the function's minimum. Next all of the points that have been solved for are plotted and the function is s...

How To: Solve quadratic equations by factoring

This is a great educational video on how to solve quadratic equations by factoring. Let us take an example and try to learn the method. Here is a quadratic equation: (r+7) (r-9) = 0. Consider zero-factor property. For real a and b, if a.b = 0, then a = 0 or b = 0 or both are equal to zero. So r+7 = 0 or r-9 = 0 > r = -7 or r = 9. Hence, r = -7, 9. Similarly to solve a quadratic equation (13r+7) (6r-18) = 0, we will get 13r = -7 or r = -7 over 13. Also 6r = 18 or r = 3. So r= -7over 13, 3. Thi...

How To: Compare methods of solving quadratic equations

In this video the instructor shows the different methods of solving quadratic equations. There are many methods to solve quadratic equations each with its pros and cons, each method suitable for a particular situation. The first method to solve quadratic equation is factoring. The advantage of using this method is that it is quick and easy. But the problem is not all equations can be factored very easily. This method requires a lot of practice and intuition. Use this method when the discrimin...

How To: Factor the GCF and difference of squares

In this video the instructor shows how to factor the GCF and difference of squares. When you are asked to factorize a number or monomial or a polynomial, the way to do is break it down into individual terms. When asked to factorize a binomial, try to pull out any common terms and factorize the simplified equation. When you are asked to factorize the difference of squares use the general formula which states that the factors of (a*a - b*b) is (a-b) * (a+b). Now substitute the given values in t...

How To: Simplify square roots

This is a video tutorial on how to simplify square roots. To simplify square roots, one must have the knowledge of splitting numbers into prime factors. For example,12 can be split into 4*3 and further more into 2*2*3. Here we see that all the factors are prime numbers. So the square root of 12 can be written as 2*square root of 3(as shown in the video). The method used in the video is applicable for simplifying any square roots as any number can be split into prime factors. Follow the video ...

How To: Factor a trinomial with a negative in front

This video shows the method to factor a trinomial with a negative sign in the front. The first step is to make the first term positive. This is done by taking the negative sign out. Then we see the middle term of the trinomial. The coefficient of the middle term is a positive one in the example shown. We have to group the coefficient of the first and third term in a way so that the difference is positive one. The appropriate combination is chosen so that this becomes true. In this way the tri...

How To: Multiply or divide rational expressions

318770 Multiply or divide rational expressions. Here Ms Robichaudd guides you nicely that how to multiply or divide rational expressions. She starts with divide and simplify. In first step she shows you how she multiplied and flip. And then to simplify it more she took out the common factor from the bracket to cancel the same numbers from numerator and denominator. In next step she multiplied across and got the final answer. And then she gives other example, Multiply and Simplify. Here again ...

How To: Factor & simplify different algebraic expressions

Math Made Easy offers some great SAT Test Prep. It helps you master the factoring and simplification of any kind of algebraic equation or expression. An expert math instructor provides easy to follow real-time chalkboard examples to help you work your way through step-by-step. It discusses when and when not to use the FOIL method. It demonstrates some of the most common factoring problems that you are likely to see on the SAT. With Math Made Easy, you don't have to let those trinomials scare ...

How To: Reduce fractions in math problems

In this math tutorial, you will learn how to reduce fractions using the prime factoring method. The narrator, a math teacher, of the video begins by defining what prime numbers are. This is important to know. When reducing fractions you need to reduce both the numerator and the denominator down to numbers that cannot be reduced by any other numbers but 1 and itself (prime numbers). The method the video teaches is to find the prime factors of both numerator and the denominator to simplify the ...

How To: Use the Complex Trinomial factoring method

A video from free math tutoring that teaches you a method of factorization of a complex polynomial. The tutor shown in the video demonstrates how to factorize common functions of a variable by the factor method. This video isn't for advanced learners of mathematics. It is for beginner to intermediate level viewers.

How To: Make a tie dye t-shirt dress with ELLEgirl

Joyyan King, Fashion editor and Marsha Welcher shows you how to create a tie dye t-shirt for yourself. A white cotton t-shirt dress is chosen and taken to the work table. Cotton holds the dye well hence it is ideal to go for a cotton dress for tie and dye. Lay out the dress over a table covered with news paper then pinch the center of the dress and twist it to screw it around, the tighter it is twisted the more better the designs would be. After twisting tight it would look like a flower, the...

How To: Identify symptoms of recent HIV contraction

It's sometimes possible to recognize when you've recently contracted HIV from signs and symptoms such as fever, rash, or swollen lymph nodes. This video will teach you how to recognize signs and symptoms of primary HIV infection that are experienced by between 40 and 90% of individuals after they are first infected with HIV. Primary HIV infection occurs during the first few weeks or months after a person first becomes infected with HIV. Symptoms include rash and/or fevers, possibly in combina...

How To: Make a stencil with a manila folder

This video gives instructions on how to make a stencil from a manila folder and a number of additional supplies. Supplies required aside from the manila folder include an X-acto knife, a pencil, an eraser, and a cutting board, the cutting board and manila folder are recommended. First step to producing the stencil is to draw an image to serve as the stencil pattern. After making the design, cuts must be placed in the design known as 'Bridges', bridges are links in the design which holds the p...

How To: Color in hair, manga style

Using a popular movie character as a basis, and drawing in manga style, our video host shows us visually how to properly color in whatever hair you may be attempting to draw. Using first the primary color along each strand, we are then show that a lighter or darker version of the primary color should be utilized, right alongside the initial color. And then, to complete each strand and give the hair a varied and popping appearance, you should always outline each strand in a nice simple black. ...

How To: Find chords in the five primary "guitar" keys

Because of its portability, the acoustic guitar can be wonderful songwriting device. However, having a pocket symphony in your head–or pocket, as it were–does you little good if your hands aren't on board. Fortunately, YouTube user Sawlon is here to help you train your head and hands with his series of free video guitar lessons. In this installment, you'll learn how to find chords in the five "guitar" keys on acoustic guitar. Remember, the more you practice and the more theory you know, the b...

How To: Find the factors of a number in basic mathematics

From Ramanujan to calculus co-creator Gottfried Leibniz, many of the world's best and brightest mathematical minds have belonged to autodidacts. And, thanks to the Internet, it's easier than ever to follow in their footsteps. With this installment from Internet pedagogical superstar Salman Khan's series of free math tutorials, you'll learn how to calculate the constituent factors of a number.

How To: Complete quadratic equations by factoring

Scouring the web for instructions on how to factor quadratic equations in algebra? Look no further. This free video algebra lesson will teach you how. From Ramanujan to calculus co-creator Gottfried Leibniz, many of the world's best and brightest mathematical minds have belonged to autodidacts. And, thanks to the Internet, it's easier than ever to follow in their footsteps (or just finish your homework or study for that next big test).

How To: Find the greatest common factor of two numbers

Looking for a guide on how to calculate the greatest common divisor for two numbers? From Ramanujan to calculus co-creator Gottfried Leibniz, many of the world's best and brightest mathematical minds have belonged to autodidacts. And, thanks to the Internet, it's easier than ever to follow in their footsteps (or just finish your homework or study for that next big test). With this installment from Internet pedagogical superstar Salman Khan's series of free math tutorials, you'll learn how to ...

How To: Use the BINOMDIST & NORMSDIST functions in Excel

New to Excel? Looking for a tip? How about a tip so mind-blowingly useful as to qualify as a magic trick? You're in luck. In this Excel tutorial from ExcelIsFun, the 274th installment in their series of digital spreadsheet magic tricks, you'll learn how to calculate various probabilities for a binomial distribution when there are additional complicating factors. This is accomplished with recourse to Excel's BINOMDIST, NORMSDIST, SUMIF, SUM, INDEX and MATCH functions. See also how to create th...

How To: Troubleshoot plant problems

There are a lot of things that can cause decline in plants. Some are caused by insects or diseases and some are caused by environmental conditions, known as abiotic factors. Consequently, it can be hard to diagnose which, or what combination, of the above factors are resposnible for the poor health of your plant. In this green video tutorial, you'll learn how to troubleshoot plant problems. To learn what it takes, take a look.

How To: Use & adjust shutter speed

Have a passion for photography but know nothing about the basics? This video might be a great place to start on the topic of shutter speed. Shutter speed is the amount of time that the film, or your digital sensor, is exposed to the light. Whether it be outdoors, at night, or low indoor light, the shutter speed allows your camera to take a photograph with the correct amount of exposure in reference to how much light is readily available in your setting.

How To: Subtract rational expressions

In this video, we learn how to subtract rational expressions. To start, you will need to find common denominators. To do this, factor out the denominators in the fractions on both sides of the equations. Now you need to build the lowest common denominator for these two fractions. To do this, take the first denominator and take whatever is missing from the second. After you do the math for this, you will build new fractions with the common denominator as the denominator. Leave the denominator ...

How To: Add rational expressions

In this tutorial, we learn how to add rational expressions. When you have two rational expressions, you will first need to factor every denominator. After this, find the lowest common denominator from all of them. After this, rewrite every fraction so it has the lowest common denominator for the denominator. Leave it in factored form for the denominators. Multiply the top and the bottom to find the answer for each of the fractions in the equation. When finished, make sure you find the most si...

How To: Simplify complex fractions with variables

In order to simplify complex variables, you must first consider the numerical values separate from the variable. In the case of 24x/48x, you would look at the numbers alone to see if they have any factors. These numbers have the number 6 in common. So, divide it by 6. This will give you 4/8. This still requires some simplification. Two is still a factor for both. So, divide it again by four. This will give you 1/2. Now, if the numerator was raised to the second power, in the original equation...

How To: Solve quadratic equations by factoring using grouping

Learn how to take a quadratic equation in standard form and change the trinomial into a binomial product. Using the zero product rule, the zeros of the graph can then be found. The grouping method is effective when the leading coefficient (the number factor of the squared term) is some number other than 1 (one). From Ramanujan to calculus co-creator Gottfried Leibniz, many of the world's best and brightest mathematical minds have belonged to autodidacts. And, thanks to the Internet, it's easi...

How To: Factor polynomials by grouping

A factoring problem that has to be solved by grouping is easy to identify, because you can always identify if there are any similar terms in a polynomial. Now, if you find any variable common in any terms pull them out as the common leaving the rest of the terms. After pulling out the common terms you can group the rest of the polynomial. Be careful while pulling out signs. Pulling out a positive number does not effect the signs of terms in the polynomial, where as pulling out a negative numb...

How To: Add and subtract radicals

Radicals are square roots which are not integers; the square roots of 2 or 3 are examples of radicals. The presenters show simple ways of how to add and subtract such radicals. They explain that by using the method of factoring, the addition or subtraction is made very easy. If the square root of 8, for instance, is in some addition sum, it can be factored into the square root of 4 times the square root 2. Since we know that the square root of 4 is 2 this can be simplified to be 2 times the s...

How To: Simplify square roots in math

In this video the instructor shows how to simplify radicals. A radical is nothing but another name for a square root. To find the square root of a simple number the first thing that you need to do is factor it. If you need to compute the square root of a number, you first need to find a number which multiplied by itself gives the original number under the root. For example, to find the square root of 9, you need to find a number which multiplied by itself gives 9. Here the answer is 3. When 3...

How To: Inspect a boiler in a home

This is a great instructional video on how to do inspect a boiler at home. A home inspection must include the boiler and heating system. What you need to look for are corrosion, pressure and blockages. When you buy or sell a house it is better to go in for a boiler inspection. The condition of a boiler depends on many factors. The age factor is also one of the reasons that cause the efficiency of the boiler decrease considerably. If there is some leakage in the pipes it might affect the press...

How To: Add rational expressions with different denominators

This video shows the method to add rational expressions with different denominators. The first step in this process involves finding the LCD. After this is done, the numerator and denominator are multiplied by a specific number so that the fractions are rewritten with common denominators. In the second step the numerators are added or subtracted according to the problem with LCD in the denominator. Simplify the numerator by adding or subtracting like terms. After this, we get a rational expre...