Primary Focus Search Results

How To: Adjust folder option in Windows Vista

From Windows 95 through Windows XP, setting file and folder permissions was accessed in the same way. With the introduction of Windows Vista, many things have moved, including this feature. While it works in largely the same way, the steps you take to access these features has changed. This short video will take you step by step through changing file and folder permissions in Vista, with a focus on setting hidden files to show in Explorer.

How To: Officiate unsportsmanlike foul in basketball

This DVD was created to assist in focusing the spirit and intent of the rules as well as an aid to the training of all involved in FIBA basketball including: coaches, players and referees. In this video learn how to officiate when an unsportsmanlike foul is committed (aka technical foul).

How To: Offciate goal tending and basket interference

This DVD was created to assist in focusing the spirit and intent of the rules as well as an aid to the training of all involved in FIBA basketball including: coaches, players and referees. In this video learn how to officiate when players are goal tending or causing basket interference when they play basketball.

How To: Focus video image using blur

You can use a Gaussian Blur in a number of ways, but Israel Hyman's purpose in this video podcast is simply to expose you to some new possibilities. It’s a brief Izzy Video because he's just throwing out some ideas. In the future, he’ll show how to create the effect.

How To: Warm up you singing voice

This exercise is an M hum vocal warm up. Squeeze your cheeks together, focus on an open throat and relaxed jaw with an open mouth. Sing through your basic warm up exercises. A great way to develop your vocal tone and warm up.

How To: Bake different breads

This video shows unrivaled faith in Chef Paul by unplugging his bread machine and allowing the master teacher to reveal the best way to make bread. Chef Paul rewards such resolve by crafting Lean Italian Bread, Braided Rich-Egg Bread and Sausage and Cheese Bread. Tom’s only complaint? The lack of preservatives will force him to make bread again real soon. "Cooking Key" Focus: Yeast «

How To: Build a flagstone patio and walkway

Many people tend to focus on decorating and tidying up their house, often forgetting to care for their patio. This makes little sense to us because the doorway and patio is the first thing all your guests will see as they enter your house. So spruce your patio up by building a patio and walkway out of flagstone.

How To: I Tried 5 Different Pomodoro Apps Over 5 Days — Here's Which Helped Me Get the Most Done

Procrastination is an ugly beast. At first, it seems so innocent to spend five minutes checking Reddit or Twitter. You'll get started on work right after. Next thing you know, it's 1 a.m. and that paper is due in seven hours. Before you start another YouTube video, know you don't have to be like Spongebob. You can be like me, taking control of your productivity with the right app.

How To: Get Great Bokeh for Videos and Photos Using Christmas Lights

So what is Bokeh? Well, the word comes from the Japanese term "boke" (bo-keh) which means fuzziness. Bokeh describes the character of the blur in an image, but is often used specifically to refer to points of light rendered as fuzzy circles. These "circles of confusion" come from points of light not being perfectly focused. You know when you're taking a picture of your friend at night, and the lights in the background go fuzzy? That's it! Having a beautifully blurred background can help focus...

How To: Defeat the Ape King in Ninja Saga on Facebook

If you didn't know already, December 5th, which is today, is the Day of the Ninja. It's an unofficial holiday where people across the world dress like a ninja, engage in ninja-related activities and spread information about ninjutsu online. But for web-gamers, the Day of the Ninja is the best time of year to get some Ninja Saga action in.

How To: Do the ab twist to tone the obliques

The truth is, it's not about how many repititions of an exercise you do; it's about how well you hold the form and what kind of exercise you do. Heck, you could probably do 1,000 sit ups a day and still have some extra flab on your belly. That's because sit ups only tone the upper portion of your core, making the rest liable to grow chub.

How To: Clean an LCD screen without harming it

There are a variety of substances that you can use to clean your LCD screen. The one thing you don't want to use is anything that has alcohol in it. Alcohol will damage your LCD. Any LCD cleaning liquid will work to safely clean your LCD. It is also good to use a microfiber cloth also so that they don't put any scratches in the screen. You should never use napkins, paper towels, or Kleenex. The primary ingredient in most LCD cleaners is water. The key is that they remove the impurities and ch...

How To: Share Wi-Fi Adapters Across a Network with Airserv-Ng

If you want to carry a variety of network adapters without looking suspicious, a perfect solution is accessing them through Airserv-ng. Tucked away in the Aircrack-ng suite, this tool allows a hacker to plug any number of network adapters into a Raspberry Pi and access them over a Wi-Fi or Ethernet connection.

Tasker 101: How to Create an Exit Task

When you create a profile in Tasker, it will run a task as soon as all of the conditions in your profile are met. But what happens when the profile's conditions stop being met? By default, nothing will happen, but if you create an exit task, the automation tool will run that instead.