Printed Sheet Search Results

How To: Use a Misconfigured SUID Bit to Escalate Privileges & Get Root

Gaining access to a system is always exciting, but where do you go from there? Root or bust. Sure, a compromised host is a great way to run a botnet, or do some other boring, nefarious thing—but as hackers, we want root. We also want to take the easiest path possible, search out low-hanging fruit, and exploit them. SUID programs are the lowest of the low-hanging fruit.

Hack Like a Pro: Snort IDS for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 3 (Sending Intrusion Alerts to MySQL)

Welcome back, my hacker novitiates! If you have been following this new Snort series, you know that Snort is the world's most widely used intrusion detection/protection system. Now a part of the world's largest network equipment company, Cisco, it is likely to be found everywhere in one form or another. This makes a compelling argument for learning how to use it, as it will likely be a necessity in any security-related position.

How To: Make Amazing Dessert Art Using Bubble Wrap

The internet was blowing up recently over this mind-blowing, mouth-watering video of a woman making a cake decoration out of… wait for it… chocolate bubble wrap. Yes, that's right: she turned the ubiquitous packing material into the mold for an absolutely gorgeous cake embellishment that, deservedly, went viral. You can watch the video below.

How To: The Ultimate Potato Cheat Sheet: Which Potato Goes Best with What?

I've been a fan of potatoes ever since I can remember... but mainly because they weren't a big part of my daily diet (which usually consisted of rice). And because my experience with potatoes was so limited, I only knew of two varieties growing up: big, brown Russets and sinewy sweet potatoes. As for cooking with potatoes—well, I'm embarrassed to admit that the only time I cooked potatoes when I was a kid was with the instant kind.

How To: Security-Oriented C Tutorial 0x08 - A Trip Down Memory Lane

Before I continue with a topic on strings, we first require some fundamental understanding of how memory works, i.e. what it is, how data looks in memory, etc. as this is crucial when we are analyzing vulnerabilities and exploitation. I highly suggest that your mind is clear and focused when reading the following article because it may prove to be confusing. Also, if you do not understand something, please verify all of your doubts, otherwise you may not completely understand when we touch on...

How To: Make Restaurant-Grade Sushi Rice

Contrary to popular belief, sushi is not the raw fish that one gets at Japanese restaurants, but the rice that comes with it. It's hard to tell whether this popular misconception led to or came about because of the primary flavors that we think of in sushi are the fish. We often say a sushi restaurant has great fish, but almost never that it has great rice.

How To: 10 Paper Towel Hacks for Your Kitchen & Beyond

The paper towel is a wondrous invention. It allows cooks to wipe up really gross stuff without having to constantly do laundry and drain fried foods so they're crunchy and crispy instead of oily and heavy. But did you know that your humble paper towel has several other uses besides the obvious ones? Read on to find out these essential hacks.

How To: Make a paper hat and boat

This is a great tutorial on how to make a paper hat and boat. To make a Paper Hat follow these steps: Take one large newspaper sheet that consists of two pages on each side. Fold in half lengthwise (the way it comes in the newspaper). Fold in half again (bringing the top of the paper to the bottom). Fold corners (on folded side) to middle. This will make a pointed top to paper. Fold one piece of bottom of paper up to the bottom of the pointed fold. Fold bottom again until it overlaps a little...

How To: Hack WPA WiFi Passwords by Cracking the WPS PIN

A flaw in WPS, or WiFi Protected Setup, known about for over a year by TNS, was finally exploited with proof of concept code. Both TNS, the discoverers of the exploit and Stefan at .braindump have created their respective "reaver" and "wpscrack" programs to exploit the WPS vulnerability. From this exploit, the WPA password can be recovered almost instantly in plain-text once the attack on the access point WPS is initiated, which normally takes 2-10 hours (depending on which program you use).

How To: Make 6-Sided Kirigami Snowflakes

We've all made them. I remember making hundreds of paper snowflakes when I was in elementary school. You take a piece of paper and fold it in half, then fold it in half again. You now have a piece that is one fourth the size of the original. Now you fold it in half diagonally. You then cut slices out of the edges of the paper, and unfold to find that you have created a snowflake. The resulting snowflake has four lines of symmetry and looks something like this: If you fold it in half diagonall...

How To: Develop applications for the Apple iPhone

This is a lengthy, detailed series on iPhone development, for which you'll need an Intel-based Mac computer, running Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) or higher. Then, before you actually get started developing for the iPhone, you'll need to register as a developer with Apple. Then, you'll need to download Xcode and the iPhone SDK. Once you have all this, you can start developing iPhone applications!

How To: It's Easy to Falsify Photo Geotags on Your iPhone to Keep Real Locations Secret

Without realizing it, you may be giving away the GPS coordinates of your home, workplace, school, and other important or secret locations. Unless you've blocked the feature on your iPhone, location data is stored in almost every photo and video you take, and anyone you share the content with can find out where you are or were. But there are a few things you can do to safeguard the information.