How To: Assemble a 6 color 2 station screen printing press
How to assemble and adjust a six color, two station table top screen printing press.
How to assemble and adjust a six color, two station table top screen printing press.
How to set up and adjust a 4 color table top press for screen printing.
Learn how to create a preset for printing panoramas in Lightroom. Along the way you’ll pick up some tips about good features to use for this in the Print module as well as tweaking the Page Setup options to get the right sized print.
At the end of the day it’s all about what we get OUT of InDesign that matters. Whether you’re printing proofs to your printer or exporting to PDF, you have specific settings for your environment. In this video you’ll learn to take advantage of InDesign’s Presets to streamline your daily output.
Spent the weekend with Sprint's new phone, the HTC Evo G4. Specification wise, it's better than Verizon's Incredible and T-Mobile's HD2. Apple will be announcing the new version of their phone this week. If it's comparable to leaked phone shown over at Gizmodo, then to say which phone is better is debatable. The iphone might have a better battery life but the Evo has an unlimited data plan, unlike AT&T's new tier pricing structure.
With the advent of 3D printers, advancements in the technology allow some truly amazing possibilities. Just a handful of examples include printable architecture, Anish Kapoor's sculptures; even Boeing uses some printed parts in the manufacturing of their airplanes.
Ever wonder how screen printed t-shirts are made professionally? This awesome tutorial takes you through the process, starting with the design on the transparency screen, to printing, to the press bed, then to dry. Make sure to listen for advice on how to keep your ink on your t-shirt by heat setting the t-shirt after you're done screen printing.
In this tutorial, learn how to use a Japanese paper printer called a Print Gocco. This device is used to print beautiful, uniform projects so that you can make many designs, quickly. This is great to use for wedding invitations or programs. This video will show you exactly what to do once you receive this fun printing press in the mail - all the way from Japan!
Watch this one minute printmaking demonstration to make a wood block for woodcut printing. First, transfer a laser inkjet print to a wood block. Then carve a relief image into the wood block. Next, ink and print on a Mini Halfwood Press using a chase device. With the right set up, woodcut printing is a fine art worth learning.
When you press the Print Screen button on your keyboard in any version of Windows, be it 95, 2000, ME, XP or Vista, Windows will take a picture of your display output and put it into your clipboard. Once in your clipboard, it can be pasted into most any image editing program (e.g., Paint). For more information on taking screenshots with Print Screen, watch this helpful Windows tutorial!
How to take screen captures on a PC with the Print Screen key
The folks at Spudnik Press show how to make a simple piece of art with a printing press. First, you paint your picture on a hard plastic surface, keeping in mind that in the print everything will be backwards. Second, you take a wet piece of paper and place it on top of your picture. Then you lay blankets over them and turn the wheel of the press. Roll the blankets back and a-da! You have a print copy of your drawing! This video was created by Fresh Cut Media for www.getfreshcut.com.
Start screenprinting your own T-shirts at home! If you have the screen printing equipment, then you have practically all the things you need except the knowhow. So check out this video tutorial to learn how to start screen printing at home with Etsy.
Silkscreening customized t-shirts can be really easy with self weeding or self cutting transfer paper. No need for a sticky mess, just heat press and peel. Learn how to print a t-shirt using self weeding or self cutting transfer paper by watching this video silkscreening tutorial.
In order to secure a PDF with a password when opened in Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro, press the secure button and go into password security settings. Here you can change on what versions of this software the file will run on, the next option asks which portion of the document is to be encrypted when a password is placed. Further below here is where you actually choose the password, this ensures that only people who know the password will be able to see the contents of the document. Below this is the d...
Check out this free Windows utility that allows you to print files directly from the file system by dragging and dropping them onto an icon conveniently placed on your desktop.
In this tutorial, we learn how to convert a word file into a PDF file. First, open up your file and then minimize this screen. After this, open up Google and type in "Cutepdf". When you find this, go to the website and download then install this software. This will convert your files into a PDF like you are sending it to a printer. Now, open your word file back up and go down to the print option. Press print, and choose the CutePDF writer, then click "ok". Now, you will save your PDF file, th...
In this video the instructor shows how to user printer options in Microsoft Word 2007. To do this go to the Microsoft button and click it. Form the drop down menu select the print option. Now you are presented with the three options of Print, Quick Print and Print Preview. Print is used to directly send documents to the printer by selecting the necessary settings. Quick Print is used to quickly send the documents to the printer using the default settings. Print preview is a useful way of seei...
Cyanotype, often referred to as sun prints, uses chemicals and UV light to make blue prints. Learn more about cyanotype in this free photography video about how to make cyanotype prints.
Need to print something but you're on the go and only have your smartphone or iPad with you? No worries! This tutorial shows you how to use a little app called Dropbox to print to your home printer anywhere, anytime, with any mobile device. Print THAT!
This is a multi-part tutorial from Wikkid Things that shows you how to make a club flyer design in Photoshop. Whether you're new to Adobe's popular raster graphics editing software or a seasoned professional just looking to better acquaint yourself with the program and its various features and filters, you're sure to be well served by this video tutorial. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch this free video guide.
Relief printmaking involves specific printing techniques and tools to create wonderful and unique pieces of art. Learn how to start printing with this free instructional printmaking video series.
Screen printing is a great way to show your creative side while increasing your shirt collection. Learn how to silk screen images on your own from a printmaking expert in this free instructional video series.
Wood block prints are made with the relief printing process. Learn more about relief printing with wood and linoleum blocks in this free printing lesson from a printmaking instructor.
Motorola's Droid Bionic has several Android apps built into the device that allow you to speed up your workflow. For example, with the MotoPrint app you can print from the Verizon Wireless smartphone to a printer. With it, you can print everything from photos, PDF's, documents, or emails directly from your Bionic.
Screenshots are an indispensable tool when it comes to relaying information about what's currently showing on your monitor. Whether you need help troubleshooting an issue or you just want to save and share a protected image, screenshots are often your best bet.
In this video, we learn how to digitally print on uncommon surfaces. First, you will want to apply the gloss evenly with a sponge brush. Use clear so that when it's printed you will almost be able to see through it. This will come out really crystal clear and look amazing. Take the top sheet off and set it aside to dry. Grab the underneath part and then cover this with the gloss as well. Doing this step beforehand will help the pre-coat look even better for when you are printing. Once you are...
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to print the gridlines with a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. This task is very fast, easy and simple to do. By default, Microsoft Excel will not print a spreadsheet with the gridlines. Begin by clicking on the Page Layout tab. In the Sheet Options box, under gridlines, check Print. To remove the gridlines, do the reverse of this operation. To view the page with gridlines, click on the Office button, go to Print and select Print Preview. This video will ...
In this video from MacTipsOrg we learn how to print directly form your desktop on a Mac making printing very quick and easy. First, open your system preferences, and then click on print and fax. Now take the printer icon you see there and drag it to you desktop. Place it anywhere on your desktop. Whenever you need to print now, you can take your item, drag it, and drop the item right on the printer that is now on your desktop and it will print! This is a quick time saving technique to use for...
How to prepare a thermocouple for attachment to a printed circuit board (PCB) for profiling a reflow or wave soldering system. This is advanced PCB circuitry and you need to watch all videos in the series to understand all the steps of wiring a printed circuit board entails.
If you want to print web pages but don't want all sorts of aimless clutter then check out this video and learn how to edit those pages before you send them to the printer. With a little Firefox extension called Print Edit!, you can remove unwanted elements from the page and then just print what you need.
In this seven-part video tutorial, learn how to carve your own stamping printing block for your creative projects. These stamps can be used for anything from scrapbooking to art journaling and make for a wonderful addition to your project. For more information on how to construct these stamps, go here.
On this YouTube video the user Vvistacomphelp shows you how to print screen and crop pictures. The first thing that the user shows is where the Print Screen button is located at on most keyboards so that you can press it on yours. The second thing is go to the start menu in Windows Vista and type in "paint" in the search box on the bottom left then open Paint under Programs. The third thing that is shown is how to make an image appear inside of the paint program so you can crop it. After foll...
The Epson video describes how to print two-sided on one piece of paper. When document is ready, go to "File" and then "Print". Click the "Properties" button and select Page Layout tab and turn on the two-sided printing option. Click "OK" in print window. Wait for Epson printer to complete the first page. Take paper, flip over and put it back upside down in the paper feeder. There are instructions that will pop out on screen for this. Click resume and the second page will be printed on the bac...
To print your screen on Windows Vista, start by going to the start menu. Click on all programs then click on accessories. When accessories opens click paint and that will open a new window with the paint program. Minimize the programs so that your desktop is all you see. Press the prtsc button near the top right side of the keyboard. Once you have pushed prtsc, restore the paint program so that it is full screen again. Click edit and a drop down menu will open. Then click the paste button. Yo...
Learn how to print double-sided and reverse printing order in Microsoft Word. * Go to the Start menu and open Microsoft Word.
Watch this instructional screen printing video to do an emulsion, burn an image, and screen print. These tips are helpful for beginners who want to screen print from a photographic image. If you are taking a screen printing class, this video will remind you of a few key steps and processes for screen printing on your own.
Prints on canvas make excellent reproductions using the giclee printing method. Learn about the giclee printing process on canvas with this free giclee art reproduction video series.
Magic is something almost everybody wants to learn, so why not learn now? Magic tricks can be done by anybody, you just need a little confidence and a little sleight of hand to pull off the illusion.
Imagine that every time you print a document, it automatically includes a secret code that could be used to identify the printer -- and, potentially, the person who used it. Sounds like something from a spy movie, right?