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News: Wake Up! Anti Sleep Pilot for iPhone Helps Curb Tiredness Behind the Wheel

Always falling asleep behind the wheel? The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that there are over 56,000 sleep-related accidents each year, resulting in 40,000 injuries and 1,550 deaths annually in the United States. Don't want to be a statistic? Then you may want to try out ASP Technology's mobile application which aims to keep you awake when you're fatigued on the road.

How To: Assemble a Survival Kit

I am writing this quick post in response to the recent earthquakes and tsunamis that are affecting Japan. As soon as the news broke, and we began to hear of tsunami warning for our area, I immediately realized how under prepared I was for a natural disaster. The thing that drove this point home even deeper was the number of people asking me for advice on what they could do to prepare for the possibility that we are hit by one of the resultant tsunamis. Many thoughts raced through my mind, and...

News: Meet the World's Most Eco-Friendly Kitchen

Well suited for loft living, Studio Gorm's Flow Kitchen offers an extremely eco-friendly and efficient solution to all your daily actions in the kitchen. The Netherlands based design studio focuses on three major areas: Waste, Water and Energy. My favorite element? A cutting board that sits above a compost bin. Slide it forward, and sweep your scraps right into the (eco-friendly) trash.

News: A Way Out of the Overload

A Way Out of the Overload How do we simplify? There's a welter of information, advice, techniques, schools and every imaginable video tape available on the market to answer that question for you. In making a selection from this movable feast you'd want to take into account the background and credentials of the person offering you a way out of the overload. That's assuming you didn't just throw up your hands in exasperation and walk away from the task entirely.

How To: Change Your Bicycle's Tire, Inspect for Damage, and Detect Hidden Problems

Many things cause a bike tire to deflate. Glass, sharp rocks, tacks, and nails can pierce the tire and puncture the tube within. A tube can be pinched between the rim and tire causing the tube to split when inflated. If a tire has a hole in it, the tube, which is filled with air pressure, will bulge out of the opening and pop. As well, the valve holding the air pressure in the tube can be damaged or faulty.

How To: Colon cleanse

In this video, Kameron Gross, an expert in colon hydrotherapy, teaches not only the benefits and effects of a colon cleanse, but also how to perform a colon cleanse. Kameron shows how to setup a chart for a colon cleanse, the food breakdown for a colon cleanse, different supplement options for colon cleanses, how to insert a water tube, and how to pump the colon. Colonic irrigation is a great way to cleanse your system and maintain health, so watch these great videos from Expert Village and s...

How To: Pass A Soccer Ball With The Inside Of Your Foot

Passng Technique: The instep pass is the most common way and the most efficient to pass a ball in soccer. It requires the use of your inside foot. Passing a ball is similar to shooting. It requires you to have your plant foot a foot away from the ball. Bend your standing leg, and follow through the ball with the inside of your foot making sure you lean forward and with a locked ankle. In this article I will guide you to help improve your passing by talking about the different things you need ...

How To: Repack a Motorcycle Muffler

Periodically, motorcycle and ATV exhaust system can be rebuilt to maintain the proper performance and sound level expected from the exhaust system. My experience was with a dirt bike that had an aftermarket high performance exhaust installed.I bought my 99 XR400 second hand and was happy that it already had some nice mods. Namely the High Rev kit, performance header pipes with an E-Series muffler, and the suspension had been redone with higher spring rates. It has great response and the suspe...

How To: Play The Card Game "Judgment"

Definition Judgment is a game where you have to predict the number of hands you'll make and try to make those number of hands that you predict. It is a game usually for 3 or more players. Even 2 players can play but then the game won't be that interesting. 5 players can play the game using one deck of 52 cards. Jokers have no role here.

News: Child Molesters and Sexy Fighters: A Study of Video Game Commercials

The Kinect for Xbox 360 and PlayStation Move might be fun to play with, but people do not look very cool while they're doing it. Air guitar is not particularly flattering (even if done on stage), and neither is air-anything else, as pleasurable as it might be. This is why I find it strange that a group of admen somewhere in the world think these kinds of commercials would appeal to anyone.

News: Is Google+ More of a Threat to Twitter than Facebook?

Much of the press around the launch of Google+ has pitted it squarely against Facebook. This was highlighted painfully for Facebook with their (misguidedly dubbed) "awesome" announcements yesterday. Their launch of a new design, video calling, and group chat might have been exciting, had not Google announced its Hangout feature for Google+ a week earlier (and by the way, introduced their own 1-on-1 video calling inside of Gmail way back in 2008). Hangouts took video calling a step further and...

News: Why Is Better than the iTunes Music Store

When Apple‘s iTunes was introduced back in 2001, it rekindled my interest and purchasing of music. I was so excited by the program that I immediately started converting all my rather large collection of CDs into MP3 tracks. I then sold off my CDs and remaining vinyl albums, and used the money for additional iTunes purchases. iTunes made managing and listening music a wholly different experience. But in the last few years, iTunes has taken a back seat to streaming music services, which I find ...

News: The aresnal of street art and grafitti (pt.1)

The very basic building block of street art is the tag. Although most people find them ugly, i just think that every artist needs to start somewhere, for street artists, its the tag. Firstly the tag is basicly writing your name, or whatever name you use for your art on a wall in a simple style. (although some tags can be quite complicated) The first step of a good tag is the marker that you will use to write it with. Tags can be sharp and clean, drippy and messy, thick, thin, simple or very e...

News: 10 Ways to Lose Weight Using an iPhone

Sounds like a false promise à la infomercial or typical spammy web headline—how can a 4.8 ounce gadget aid in weight loss? But, in truth, "who" better to act as a dedicated personal trainer and nutritionalist than the iPhone? The smartphone is completely and utterly tethered to the daily life of the average middle to upper class American. It's reliable and exact. All it needs is a charged battery, the right app, and of course, as with every diet and fitness regime, a user with unwavering self...

News: The Workings of The Tongue

I have looked into this several times because I find it interesting to think about how the tongue works when making a recipe. I say "looked into" it because I wouldn't really describe it as research. How the flavors are going to be perceived can affect how you might want to layer the flavors in your dish. This information mostly comes from an artical in How Stuff Works website. There are several parts of the tongue that you need tobe familiar with when you study it.

News: Seido and The Shadow

Not long ago in Rome during a Master’s Tennis Tournament something remarkable happened. In a tightly contested game, American Andy Roddick challenged a linesman’s call on a ball hit by his opponent. The remarkable thing about this incident was that Roddick argued against his own interest. He insisted that the opponent’s ball had landed inside the line and that he, Roddick, should NOT be awarded the point. Spectators applauded as if they’d witnessed a miracle. Imagine! Sportsmanship in a profe...

News: Gassho and Kokoro

At the beginning of every class, or almost every class, we do a series of exercises. The Japanese word for this sort of calisthenic exercise isundo. These exercises derive from the Goju style of karate created by Miyagi Sensei in Okinawa in the early part of the 20th Century. In devising these exercises Miyagi no doubt borrowed liberally from the Chinese, whose influence on the southernmost island of the Japanese archipelago was immense.

News: Dairy Stuffing How-To

For a shorter and very basic video, watch this one. Watch the video to see how I get calfs or read the step by step directions below the video for more information. Place 5 dairies on your farm and put one bull in each.

How To: Keep your battery in good condition

If there's one thing in life you should know, it's how to take care of your car. Getting around town is one of this hardest things to do unless you have a car. Automobiles transport us to work, to school, to shopping centers and they even take us to our impossible in-laws, but they can't and they won't if they aren't maintained properly. So, if you think you need a little help to keep your vehicle in tiptop shape, who better to teach than the team at NASCAR? These NASCAR racing experts will h...

How To: Rebuild your car engine

If there's one thing in life you should know, it's how to take care of your car. Getting around town is one of this hardest things to do unless you have a car. Automobiles transport us to work, to school, to shopping centers and they even take us to our impossible in-laws, but they can't and they won't if they aren't maintained properly. So, if you think you need a little help to keep your vehicle in tiptop shape, who better to teach than the team at NASCAR? These NASCAR racing experts will h...

How To: Prevent connecting rod failure in your car

If there's one thing in life you should know, it's how to take care of your car. Getting around town is one of this hardest things to do unless you have a car. Automobiles transport us to work, to school, to shopping centers and they even take us to our impossible in-laws, but they can't and they won't if they aren't maintained properly. So, if you think you need a little help to keep your vehicle in tiptop shape, who better to teach than the team at NASCAR? These NASCAR racing experts will h...