Prisoner Search Results

News: BBC Censors Video Showing Syrian Rebels Tricking Prisoner

The BBC has sensationally censored a news story and a video showing Syrian rebels forcing a prisoner to become a suicide bomber, a war crime under the Geneva Conventions, presumably because it reflected badly on establishment media efforts to portray the FSA as glorious freedom fighters. » BBC Censors Video Showing Syrian Rebels Tricking Prisoner to Become Suicide Bomber Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!.

How To: Slipping out of zip ties

You're a prisoner of some dangerous people, and they tell you to hold out your wrists so they can bind them together using zip ties. What you do next could mean the difference between life and death. This tutorial from the folks at ITS Tactical will teach you how to strategically get your wrists tied in a way that's easy to escape from.

How To: Escape from zip ties using shims

The odds are that you'll never find yourself being held prisoner with your hands bound together with zip ties. But if you ever are, you'll be very grateful for the info you learned from this video. In this tutorial from the folks at ITS Tactical, you'll learn how to escape from zip ties using shims. You can use all sorts of things for shimming, from professional equipment to your own fingernails.

How To: Escape from zip ties

Zip ties are stronger than they look, and escaping from them is tricky. In this tutorial from the folks at ITS Tactical, you'll learn how to quickly escape from zip ties. If you should ever find yourself kidnapped by terrorists, held for ransom or kept prisoner in a serial killer's basement, you'll be very glad you watched this video!

How To: Walkthrough the video game LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 on the Xbox 360

LEGO and Harry Potter unite in this extensive video game called LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4. Each year corresponds to the years in J. K. Rowling's wizardry series, so this is like four games in one! This 80-part series will take you through the complete gameplay of LEGO Harry Potter for the Xbox 360, but it's also available for the Nintendo Wii, PlayStation 3, Nintendo DS, PSP and Windows. For more information on this walkthrough, visit Mahalo.

How To: Walkthrough Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. 2 on the Xbox 360

Dive (or more appropriately, soar) into another Tom Clancy video game on the Xbox 360— This walkthrough series for Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. 2 covers the whole entire gameplay for the newly released sequel. Gun down countless MiGs, bomb enemy tanks and shoot down nuclear missiles before they destroy their targets! This video game is all about speed, battle and adrenaline. Try out this air combative flight simulator yourself, and see if you're not on the edge of your seat. Watch the full walkthrou...

News: Why LEGO's New Monster Fighters Screams Steampunk DIY

For those who don't know, LEGO recently came out with a new line called Monster Fighters. This set is about fighting monsters, sure, but it's about fighting classic monsters in a Steampunk universe. Just look at this promotional picture from the LEGO site: That LEGO dude (properly called a minifig) is wearing a vest, pocket watch, bowler hat, and a mean smirk. Not to mention that he has a robotic leg. You won't find the word "steampunk" anywhere in this marketing campaign, but I call Steampun...

How To: The Best Times to Make Important Decisions

Decisions are rarely easy to make, and there are countless ways to mull your options over. You can sleep on it, pluck flower petals, make a list of pros and cons, or even follow the advice of a psychic. Yet to make the best decision possible, you might want to consider holding off until a certain time of the day—or even until you feel specific emotions. The state you find yourself in has significant impact on each decision you make.

News: I Ditched My iPhone for Windows & Went Right Back After 100 Days

I've been an iPhone user in the iOS ecosystem for years now after a brief stint in the Android realm. But, I'm also enthusiastic about varying forms of technology in general; I realize that iOS is far from perfect and that healthy market competition is beneficial for all. So, naturally being curious about other platforms, I decided to take Windows Phone for an extended trial run.

How To: 16 Harry Potter Spells for Siri That Turn Your iPhone into a Magical Elder Wand

Your days as an ordinary Muggle are over — as long as you have an iPhone. With just a word or two, you can use your iPhone and newfound Muggle-born powers to cast spells or utilize charms just like Harry Potter and team. Only your "wand" is from Apple, not Ollivanders in Diagon Alley.

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