Privacy Protection Laws Search Results

News: After Error 53 Disaster, Apple Is Making It Much Easier to Fix Touch ID

Replacing your iPhone fingerprint sensor has been one of Apple's most cruel tortures. It's a slow and painful process made worse last year when Error 53 messages started appearing on the phones of users who had tried to repair their sensors outside of Apple. The error rendered the phones essentially useless. Since then, Apple has provided fixes but is now finally making it much easier to replace your iPhone fingerprint sensor with the releasing of "Horizon Machines" to official repair locations.

News: Despite Recent Updates, Pokémon GO Is Still Vulnerable to Hackers

Despite a round of updates to Pokémon GO that patched and eliminated location spoofing, the game still has a difficult time dealing with the most hardcore cheaters. Like weeds on a grassy lawn, third-party bot makers still remain the biggest thorn in Niantic's side and continue to thrive despite the developer's best efforts to root them out. While the latest updates have blocked users from running modded versions of the game, like Pokemon GO++, that feature built-in joysticks to move your pla...

How To: A Security Bug Just Made It Risky to Open Links on Your iPhone—Here's How to Protect Yourself

A new hack has reopened an 8-year-old iPhone security loophole that Apple thought it had fixed back with iPhone OS 2.2. This is not one of those times when a theoretical attack gets identified and blocked quickly by Apple. On the contrary, it's a hack that actually exists right now, and it can have some serious real-world repercussions, so this is something all iPhone users need to be aware of.

How To: Disable 'Press Home to Unlock' to Open Your iPhone Faster

With Touch ID enabled, your iPhone needs to scan your fingerprint before you can access your home screen or last app used. Before it unlocks, your iPhone might request that you press the Home button, adding an unnecessary step between you and your data. However, you can turn the feature off so that you don't need to click any buttons to unlock your device.

How To: Use the Bedtime Clock on Your iPhone to Make Sure You Always Get Enough Sleep

Since the days of flip clocks, alarms have always had one function—make a bunch of annoying racket early in the morning to ensure that you wake up in time. And this simple MO has stayed in place while technology advances at a breakneck pace, almost in spite of the fact that today's devices are capable of doing far more than beeping at 7 in the morning.

Android Basics: How to Set Up Google Now

Android's personal assistant is more than just a sassy backtalker—it's a full-on suite of all the information you could need at a given time. Google Now, as it's called, uses data from various sources to predict what you'll want to know before you even search for it, and it's an amazing experience once you've got everything set up.

How To: Lock Any App with a Fingerprint on Android Marshmallow

To serve as a framework for the "Nexus Imprint" feature in their new Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P smartphones, Google added native fingerprint scanner support to Android 6.0. Sure, Android devices have had fingerprint scanners in the past, but this is a unified, system-wide implementation that all devices can use—meaning that in the near future, we may finally start to see apps that let you log in to your account with your fingerprint instead of a password.

How To: Automatically Upload Videos to YouTube When Recording Police with Your iPhone

The shooting of Walter Scott (who was unarmed) has been dominating the news these past few weeks. Scott, who ran away from police officer Michael Slager after a routine traffic stop, was shot in the back and pronounced dead shortly thereafter. Unlike similar cases where a cop shoots an unarmed person, the police officer involved in this particular shooting is currently in jail, facing a potential murder charge.

How To: Apple's iOS 8.1 Update Gives iPhones Everything That iOS 8 Promised

While the adoption of Apple's newest mobile operating system, iOS 8, was smoother than its predecessor, there were still a lot of bugs and features that needed ironed out. There were lost cellular signals, missing Camera Rolls, a confusing iCloud Drive, and no functioning Apple Pay yet, among other things. Now it's just over a month later from its first release to the public and things are finally looking pretty good.