Private Jet Search Results

How To: Build a jet band in Second Life

Mike Lively of Northern Kentucky University demonstrates how to build a jet band using Jeff Heaton's jet pack code. What is a jet band? Well, it's like a jet pack but smaller and allows you to go higher than 200 meters when flying in Second Life. Part one shows you how to create the code for the jet band. In part 2, the code is modified to remove the altitude reading below 70 meters.

How To: Fold a JKF-18 Hornet jet paper plane

This aircraft origami masterpiece is a JKF-18 Hornet, which is modeled after the McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet] supersonic fighter jet used by the United States Navy and Marine Corps, along with the Royal Australian Air Force and Spanish Air Force. It's a fantastic plane—but this origami version of it is better!

How To: Fold an origami jet

Love jets and easy craft projects? Make a paper jet with origami, the traditional Japanese folk art of paper folding. This free origami video lesson presents complete instructions on how to make your own paper planes from folded paper. For more information, and to get started making paper jet fighters yourself, take a look!

How To: Keep yourself from getting jet lag

Anyone who has flown across multiple timezones is familiar with the negative effects of jet lag, especially when traveling for business on a tight schedule. This video features four easy tips for avoiding the effects of jet lag. These include hydrating properly, going outside, exercising, and forcing yourself into the rhythm of whatever place you are in rather than napping in order to remain on your normal schedule.

How To: Play "Bennie and the Jets" by Elton John

In this video, we learn how to play "Bennie and the Jets" by Elton John. Start out with A, E, C. Next, go to the G and then to the A. After this, go to B, A, A, sharp, and D. After this, you will have started to do the intro to the song. You will be playing with your right hand during this. Next, you will trip again and go to A, A sharp, B, A sharp, G, E, then finally to the G in the new measure. Continue to play until you reach the end of the song. You will go through all the different keys ...

How To: Build a jet pack movie prop

Remember the Rocketeer? The rocket jet pack that he wore? Jet packs are the coolest sci-fi props that haven't been perfected in "real life" yet. Almost, but not quite. For now, film rocket belts or rocket packs will do. Like in the Bond flick "Thunderball" and in the Star Wars movies "Attack of the Clones" and "Return of the Jedi". It's even in "Fahrenheit 451" and "Minority Report". But your homemade DIY jet pack might be the best of all. Watch this video tutorial to learn how to build a jet...

How To: Use the fire blitz play in Madden NFL 08

To be the best at the Madden NFL video game, you have to be willing to get advice, but not just any old advice... professional advice. To beat everyone, you have to be ruthless and know all of the strategies and gameplay tricks. To master Madden 08, check out this quick, football game, video tip from Madden Nation (EA Sports and ESPN) with video game pro Jet Steele (or just Jet).

How To: Start up a gas jet turbine go kart

A reasonably in depth Talk & Walk around and eventual start up and run of my DIY Jet Turbine Go Kart. Please excuse my mistake when I stupidly say that Jet engines don't 'Squeeze' the air - of course they 'squeeze' the air !! The compressor wheel within the turbocharger see's to that! - What was I thinking of ?? Oh, AND the fact I refer to the OIL pump as a FUEL pump as well - what a chump. Also, the tacho didn't seem to want to work correctly, It wouldn't read over 5000RPM for some reason - ...

How To: Jet ski safely

Check out this tutorial jet ski video that provides several safety tips on riding your personal water craft with caution. Personal Water Craft (PWC), also called Jet Skis and Wave Runners, are the fastest growing watercraft on the waterways. Along with their popularity has come increasing numbers of injuries and deaths. Commander Tom Martin of the U.S. Coast guard says riders need to follow the rules of the road, as well as wear life jackets and have other safety equipment on board. John Birk...

How To: Sew a perfect jet pocket on a jacket or dress

A welted pocket (also called a jetted pocket or piped pocket) is a pocket where it appears just to be a thin slit in the fabric of the garment. Ideal for when you are making something you want to have pockets, but don't want to necessarily draw much attention to them - such as tailored suit jackets or streamlined dresses. All you need to learn this technique are some basic sewing notions (scissors, pins, etc) and either bias tape or the ability to cut your own bias tape from your fashion fabric.

How To: Fly a BAE Hawk RC airplane

In this video, we learn how to fly a BAE Hawk RC airplane. Remember that this is an electric jet so the acceleration is not very quit compared to other airplanes. Treat this as a jet that needs a place to run to get speed before they can take off. Set up the airplane with a battery and make sure the wheels and everything else are in working order. Then, use your controller to make sure everything is set on the plane. You don't want anything to be reversed for when you are flying. When finishe...

How To: Use the Firefox 3.5+ private browsing feature

In this ClearTechInfo video the instructor shows how to use the Firefox 3.5+ private browsing feature. To use this feature you need a Firefox version 3.5 or more. Now to start a private browsing session go to tools and click on Private Browsing button. This will trigger a new private browsing session that will now store any browser history, search history or any temporary internet files for that session. But this will still allow you to download and keep files and also add bookmarks. This vid...

How To: Shave your private parts for men

If you're looking for some manscaping tips, this how-to video is for you. Learn the tips and tricks to go smooth down there and impress the ladies. Be careful, follow the steps and you too can trim the grass and make the tree look larger. So if you want to shave your private parts, look no further.

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