Produced Exposure Search Results

News: San Francisco Sunset from Treasure Island

This is the last one I'll post up for this contest. I've already eliminated myself by posting up twice...and now thrice... I'm sorry I can't resist. I'm seeing such amazing pictures and they are reminding me of other pictures I've taken... so thanks everyone. About the picture: This is across the bay from San Francisco on Treasure island which is the island in the middle of the bay bridge. You can see all of downtown San Francisco as well half of the bay bridge to the right and golden gate br...

News: To Explore New Worlds...

One of the things I enjoy the most about making tutorial videos is watching the reactions. In YouTube's backoffice, they give me great tools like Insight, Demographics, Discovery and Hot Spots. I can tell when people's attention drops off when watching. I can see what age groups and gender my audience is made up of. And... I can see where most people came from to get to see my videos.

How To: Shoot Professional Movies with Your iPhone

Yesterday we showed you 10 different ways to make the most of your iPhone's front facing camera, but today's app takes shooting video with your iPhone to a professional level. Highly recommended by our resident filmmaker, Mike Goedecke (see his RED ONE camera tutorials here), FiLMiC Pro is a professional app for shooting industry standard video on the iPhone.

News: Zoetrope + Bicycle Wheel = Cyclotrope

Kudos to student Tim Wheatley, who came up with this incredibly nifty DIY animation using a bicycle wheel, cardboard cut-outs, and wire to create a magical reinvention of the classic zoetrope, Earth's earliest form of animation (it first surfaced in China around 180 AD!). Simply give it a spin, and the animation comes to life. Inspired to make your own? First, learn the basic principles of the zoetrope here or here. Next, take a little advice from Tim to add the "cyclo" element:

News: Make a Spoon Disappear

If you're willing to shell out for a mind-blowing party trick, here's another great one to add to your repertoire. Unfortunately this isn't a dirt cheap junk drawer DIY—you'll need a $40-$60 gallium kit (which doesn't include the spoon mold). What is gallium, you may ask? An amazing, man-made metal which melts at the low temperature of 86 degrees Fahrenheit. Plunk your trick spoon into a cup of hot water, and amaze. According to the Department of Energy, it's safe to handle as long as you don...

News: Welcome to Photography Contests World!

Welcome to Photography Contests World! The purpose of this world is two-fold. First, it will serve as a directory with featured listings of all types of current photography contests. If you have ever tried to search for a photography contest to enter, then you are aware of how many contests are scattered all over the internet. Photography Contests World will strive to bring you information on as many contests possible in one central location, beginning with mostly USA and international contes...

Connundrum: Sunscreen Addiction

Is Daily Sunscreen Application Dangerous? Since birth, I've been lathered in the sunscreen anytime I venture into the sun. It's what comes with being the freckled spawn of two parents with (benign) skin cancer. Always a fan of the outdoors, my skin has seen lots of sun. You can tell, too. From the lifeguarding, surfing and soccer tournaments, I've definitely notched dozens of sunburns. To protect my skin daily, every morning I apply a moisturizer that includes an SPF 15 sunscreen. 

How To: Increase Website Traffic Using White Hat SEO Techniques and Free SEO Tools

Put simply, SEO = more organic traffic. And more traffic is always good for a web page / website (unless of course, you are an underground drug-dealer selling drugs worldwide via a spooky website whose URLs are as search engine unfriendly as possible, so that no one accidentally discovers your page and informs the police, sending to heaven both an exciting career opportunity and the likely Al Capone's successor).

News: Jupiter and Venus Rising Before the Sun

Right now, Jupiter and Venus are rising in the early morning hours just before dawn. I went outside on the morning of the 4th of July and saw Jupiter and Venus right next to each other with the Pleiades (The Seven Sisters) just above them and knew that the next morning I was going to have to get up early and set up my tripod to try and capture what I saw. I used my Panasonic GH2 with the stock zoom lens set to about 40 to 50 mm equivalent and with the aperture open to about f/5. I set my ISO ...

News: Convert a Truck Into a Camera

We've featured unusual pinhole cameras before, but nothing at this grandiose scale. Presenting the world's largest mobile pinhole camera, the Cameratruck, creation of photographer Shaun Irving. The Cameratruck can take pictures approximately 3,000 times the size of a 35mm!

News: Solar Scope Dialed in for the Eclipse

It's taken me several weeks to figure out the Meade Coronado SolarMax II 60 Double Stack telescope that I bought to produce a timelapse video of the solar eclipse but I'm pretty happy with the images I can produce now. Here's hoping for clear skies tomorrow!

News: Before eating organic became cool

This is an interesting article about a Hmong family who grew their own produce, not because it was cool, but out of necessity. It's brought up a lot of memories for me, as my own family also grew and continues to grow a lot of their own produce. My mom's got a total green thumb - whenever I go home I know I can look forward to dinners with snow peas, green onions, squashes and melons from the back yard.

News: Enter the Trippy Vortex of Optical Distortion

New York based studio softlab's latest installation "(n)arcissus" is an eye-bending site specific installation currently on display at the Frankfurter Kunstverein art center in Frankfurt, Germany. The piece, made with over 1,000 mylar and vinyl laser cut panels, hangs in a stairwell, measuring 9 meters tall from the lobby ceiling.

How To: Use Your Shutter, ISO and Aperture

Learn the Basics of Shooting in "Manual" Mode on your DSLR In this first installment of Photography Basics, we will be exploring and explaining the basics of shooting with a DSLR in various shooting modes. This first webisode is intended to familiarize the user with the basic understanding and functions of ISO, Aperture and Shutter in order to produce more professional looking images.

How To: Promote a Web Comic

There’s a lot going on in your head when creating a comic book and it doesn’t stop after it’s done. There are other things that you have to do once your comic book goes online. You have to market it, introduce it to the right market, and find a way how to get it published.

News: Pee, the Latest Fuel Alternative?

The newest fuel alternative on the horizon? Pee. U.S. researchers have been experimenting with using urine as a method of producing hydrogen. Not only could this virtually free and readily available resource possibly power automobiles, but it could also aid in the clean up of municipal wastewater.

How To: Play A Simple Blues Lead Guitar Lick

There is a lot of mystery and voodoo surrounding blues guitar these days. With the common opinion claiming that in order to play the blues you have to really feel the music and respond with your playing. While this is certainly the case when improvising, I would argue that a good knowledge and understanding of the basic principles of blues guitar can provide even the beginner guitarist with a great sounding set of licks to impress friends and family.

How To: Create Encore menus with After Effects CS4

Using After Effects CS4 and Encore CS4 together to create motion menus can produce a more engaging experience when outputting to disc or flash from Encore CS4. This Adobe CS4 tutorial shows you how to create a seamlessly looping motion menu in After Effects CS4 for use in Encore CS4 and is a great example of the new dynamic link properties of Creative Suite CS4. Create Encore menus with After Effects CS4.

How To: Make a Canon Shutter Release Cable

This article will show you how to make a shutter release cable for a Canon camera. It took me about half an hour once all of my materials were gathered. I came in at a total of about eight dollars. It has three switches and buttons. The black button on mine triggers the auto focus. The red button triggers the shutter. Finally, the switch triggers the bulb mode, or long exposure. This can be used to take astronomical photos that show the movement of the stars in the picture. The release cable ...

Earth's Shadow: Time-Lapse Video of the Total Lunar Eclipse of 12/10/11

I woke up at 4:00 am this morning in order to take some video of the last total lunar eclipse visible from North America till 2014. The eclipse was beautiful. It was amazing to watch the shadow of our planet creep slowly across our nearest neighbor. Once the shadow was blocking out most of the light from the sun, the moon was significantly dimmer and the color had changed to a reddish orange. This color is caused by the same effect that makes our sunrises and sunsets so colorful. The light fr...

News: The Green House - Vertical Gardening Exterior Walls

This is one concept that I would love to see sweep the urban world. One thing that strikes me every time I visit a major city is how far away they are from anything that is truly alive. Not only is the air dirty, but everyone must buy their produce from the grocery store. If those trucks were to stop coming for any reason, most people, if not everyone, would die of starvation. While this house is covered with ornamental plants, I would love to see this same concept applied to edible plants an...