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How To: Tips On How To Find The Best Affiliate Marketing Programs

One of the most effective ways to sift out weak programs is to do market research. Take some time to study the market you are interested in by reading reports, reviews, and market studies. This should help you to determine whether or not the particular affiliate products or services you will be campaigning for is actually worth your time. A successful affiliate marketing program will be targeted at a broad population while offering products or services that are highly in demand or exclusive. ...

News: Weston Price Foundation

The Weston Price Foundation is the gold standard for truly good nutrition. Weston Price was a dentist practicing in the 1930s who over the course of many summers visited fourteen different native groups and correlated the health of their teeth to what they were eating. He consistently found that as long as the people ate their traditional whole foods diet, their teeth (and the rest of their bodies) were healthy. When they started eating Westernized foods their dental and overall health deteri...

News: Condom + Yarn = African Soccer

African children have been fashioning soccer balls from condoms since condoms became widely distributed by large health education campaigns promoting AIDS awareness. But it is the anticipation of the hype related to the 2010 South African World Cup that inspired this elegant short to be produced.

News: Eeek!! FREAKS!

Via Motionographer: "Ben West wrote, directed and did the animation for this warming mockumentary promoting the 2008 Australian Directors Guild Conference. Ben’s witty script, combined with a bit of Christopher Guest meets Chris Cunningham is a refreshing change of pace from the über epic conference promos of late.

News: Recut Movie Trailers - Horror Versions

It's often said an editor can do anything with the footage he or she is given.  The following collection of trailers proves this point.   We are all familiar with these films, some are comedies, some are family dramas, and some are animated children's movies but what unites them all here today is them being RE-CUT into full blown HORROR MOVIES.

How To: Open and manage an eBay Store

New to eBay? Don't worry, setting up an account and buying and selling doesn't take that much effort at all. Everyone who has an Internet connection has at one point come across eBay, to find the perfect gift for their loved ones, to find the cheapest deals on plasma televisions and computers, or to get rid of their dusty, old record album collection in their web store.

How To: Hack Your Nook Color into a Full (But Cheap) Android Tablet

Thanks to online music services like eMusic and iTunes, compact discs are becoming a far distant memory, turning local music shops around the country into desolate wastelands. The once mighty movie rental store Blockbuster is now bankrupt because of online streaming services like Hulu and Netflix. And Borders and Barnes & Noble are closing stores left and right thanks to eBooks available on eReaders, like the Amazon Kindle. Everything is moving to the digital world, and everything is finding ...

How To: Download Any Online Flash Video (FLV)

Have you ever browsed the web, watched a video, then wanted to download it? Well, there's a fabulous program that does just that, simply and easily. It's called VideoCacheView by NirSoft. The program basically extracts the FLV video directly from your browser's temporary folders. It's very user-friendly, and great for downloading virtually any online video.

How To: Make Money Writing Online with Google AdSense

Google AdSense is a beautiful thing. They pay you for posting content online, whether it be through a third-party website like WonderHowTo or on your own website. WonderHowTo seems to be a good place to start from if you plan to make money with AdSense, but it's not the only place that you can submit content to and receive all of the revenue generated by the AdSense ad units. You may want to get a wider audience and more traffic, and for that you must look beyond the horizon of just one site.

How To: Nab Free eBooks Using Google

eBooks are an amazing thing, especially with Amazon's Kindle. What's irrtating about eBooks as that you have an infinite selection of books at your fingertips, but they all cost so much! Well, as always, Null Byte has a trick up our sleeves for nabbing free ebooks from Google.

How To: Will Installing OS X Mountain Lion Break My Apps?

Mountain Lion is here, and at such a reasonable price point, there doesn't seem to be many reasons why you wouldn't upgrade. That is, unless your apps aren't compatible. Just like a major OS upgrade, developers are having to adjust to Mountain Lion, and not every transition has been smooth. Before you jump into that Mountain Lion upgrade, take a moment to check that all of your apps are ready for the move.

How To: Ask your Inactive Friends to Delete FarmVille

We all have friends and family who have added the FarmVille application at one point, played it for a while, then for whatever reason decided they didn't want to play it anymore. They may have hidden the feed posts and blocked the game requests, but we still see them on our gift lists and certain features still try to get them involved with posts that go ignored (like pregnant pigs or truffles).

News: Heart Beet Gardening!

Be Still My Beating Heart, it's Heart Beet Gardening! So we all know that eating organic can be a challenge sometime to our pocket books. With tomatoes being $3 a pound some places, I often get asked how can I eat organic without breaking my bank account. One solution, grow your own! Not sure how to do that? Heart Beet Gardening is here to show you how!

News: Alice Waters and Her Edible Schoolyard!

Oh Alice Waters and her magical Edible Schoolyard! Back in 1994, Alice Waters and King Middle School principal Neil Smith, worked with the community to refurbish their 1930's cafeteria kitchen into a wonderland of food education. The kitchen along with a one acre garden was the begining of what turned into the Edible Schoolyard project. 

News: Li Ning racquet

Yonex has been monopolizing the badminton racquet market and still does. New competitors have come and go over the years without much success. Introducing Li Ning, a brand that shows great potential to challenge Yonex.