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News: Ex-Magic Leapers Confirm the Demo Video We All Thought Was Faked... Was Faked

When the "Just another day in the office at Magic Leap" video was released last year, it was called a mind-blowing, stunning, and breathtaking take on mixed reality gaming. It was a great presentation of what the technology could be, but not for a second did I think it was anything other than a concept video, and I'm not the only one who thought that. This was a goal to reach for mixed reality, not the reality.

Mac for Hackers: How to Organize Your Tools by Pentest Stages

With all of the bare-bones setup out of the way in our Mac for Hackers series, your Apple machine should be ready to run a significant amount of pentesting tools. We can pull tools from GitHub and compile them, we can pull dependencies or tools from Homebrew, we have both Python and Ruby. Everything is ready to go and now it's time to start building a toolbox on our local host.

How To: Get Rid of Dry Skin with Fruit Facial

Today's pollution, hectic lifestyle, inadequate sleep and no time for pampering can leave your skin lackluster resulting in drying skin and making dry skin drier ultimately causing the early appearance of wrinkles and aging. A good fruit facial helps relax your skin from deep inside and the proper messaging gives it a rosy glow by increasing blood circulation imparting your face with a luminous glow. These are even better because they are natural and chemical free unlike the artificial facial...

How To: The Shortcut You (Don't) Knead for DIY Donuts

Many "quick and easy" donut recipes involve a donut pan and an oven, but those are basically just mini cakes shaped like donuts. Chances are, if you're in the mood for a donut, you aren't looking for a cake "donut" recipe—you want the real thing—a donut shop donut, fresh out of the fryer and topped with sugar or glazed to perfection.

Hack Like a Pro: Snort IDS for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 2 (Setting Up the Basic Configuration)

Welcome back, my tenderfoot hackers! As you should know from before, Snort is the most widely deployed intrusion detection system (IDS) in the world, and every hacker and IT security professional should be familiar with it. Hackers need to understand it for evasion, and IT security professionals to prevent intrusions. So a basic understanding of this ubiquitous IDS is crucial.

Sorting (Part 3.0): Insertion Sort

Note: a bug was found in the Insertion Sort implementations. The bug was corrected in each language. Please refer to the pastebin links for the most up-to-date versions of the sample code. Any screenshots may be behind. More about the bug can be found here.

How To: Build an Evasive Shell in Python, Part 1: Introduction & Concepts

Hello, everyone. Stealth is a large part of any successful hack; if we don't get noticed, we're much less likely to be caught. In these next few articles, we'll be building a shell based on keeping us hidden from a firewall. There are many ways to stay hidden from a firewall, but we'll only be incorporating a couple into our shell. This article will outline and explain these evasion concepts and techniques.